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strange resin secretions


Active member
All I can say is that I´m shocked, because of course EZRA IS RIGHT!

This is definitely honeydew, NO doubt about that.




Active member
And I guess the reason in this case are white flies.

They are not easy to detect, as they are mostly active during the dark period and can hide deep inside the buds.

According to my expeience they can be much harder to detect than spidermites.

But fortunately they don´t harm the plants as much.

Well, on the other hand, honeydew offers the perfect conditions to a certain species of mold called "black rust".

I have ten years of practical growing and breeding experience under my belt, and I definitely know what I´m talking about.



- ezra -

Thanks spicecowboy. I have to say I was a little shocked also at the amount and intensity of resistanse to the honeydew scenario.


i've had this stuff come out of a stalk way before flowering if that helps any. i tasted it and it was sweet and sticky, mine wasnt brown though, mostly clear.


I was talking to you I just couldnt get the smileys sign to point down!
I just switched over from fluros to 400 watt HPS 20 days into flowering and on day 1 I saw some of this sticky residue on a fan leaf. Now I need to start lookin for bugs?


Active member
High Verite!

High Verite!

Verite said:
Pests attack the weakest plant? Not in my experience. They attack the point of first contact. Never saw one group of pests systematically move from plant to plant until they found the weakest before establishing a colony. In my experience they get better food/chance of survival on a healthy plant then they would on a non healthy counterpart.

I had 4 plants in my soon to be chopped indoor grow.

One of them was way behind the others, - just did not want to grow and flower.

This plant was fully attacked by insects, the eggs were everywhere, unfortunately also on the budleaves.

A colony of white flies started to take over the growroom.

And they chose the weakest plant to lay their eggs on.

The rest of the girls were also attacked, but not nearly as much, and without all those eggs.

You could say those little bastards used the weakest girl to build up their headquater.

Immidiately after I detected this desaster, I took the plant with the eggs outside.

Since then no more eggs were seen, only a few white flies on the leaves, and a lot of them on the yellow stickers(let´s knock on wood..)

It´s the same with budrot,- it usually starts on the weakest and most neglected plants...


Verite said:
Pests attack the weakest plant? Not in my experience. They attack the point of first contact. Never saw one group of pests systematically move from plant to plant until they found the weakest before establishing a colony. In my experience they get better food/chance of survival on a healthy plant then they would on a non healthy counterpart.

Sorry to bring up an old post with an ot post but it was linked....

In my limited experience (with mites) they do rape the weakest plant/most susceptible strain first. Its not like they just get up and move the whole colony to the most susciptable plant, staying off the healthy/resist plants. All plants get colonized quickly and the weakest/less resistant will die first.

VV (feel free to ignore this)

Think of it like this... (im stoned) strains are like tires. Resistant plants have lots of tread, non resistant plants have worn down tread. Used on the same road conditions (mites) the one without alot of tread is going to pop (die) first.


My little pony.. my little pony
That might work outside but indoors it doesnt, the mites hit the first plant they come in contact with and move to those adjacent in geography. They dont travel from plant to plant and " select the weakest ".

I hate to wise any of you up to what youve gleaned from the discovery channel but plant mites dont have a predation instinct like youve suggested. Their opportunistic in nature. Their object isnt to kill the subject but rather feed and colonize.


hello there :joint:
ok well lets see i have a plant starting to show this odd secretion on a branch not leaf or bud...i'm still in vegg 800w of light about 40days, and NO bugs....

have not tasted it so cant say if its sweet or not, but it does smell strange...my Question is does any one think/know if this will effect the resin content during the flowering cycle....
peace :joint:


hello slickster :joint:
yes i would like to know a bit more about this myself....ummm only thing i can add right now is the FACT that i have no bugs and my plants are still in vegg 24 hours of light.....
hum :chin: :chin:

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