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strange resin secretions


Active member
word....i knew it wasn't from any bugs.....my plants were healthy as can be and not a bug or insect in site.....when u have a bunch of strains ready to harvest and only 1 plant is leaking sap it's pretty obvious it isn't from insects. them kodiak gold buds are so tight and dense it's probably squeezing sap out lol...they are just rock hard.


- ezra -

I have an Idea - why dont you prove it to yourself! Why dont YOU wound a bud and actually observe what happens! ???

- ezra -

If you have never wounded a plant before - this is what will happen. The wound will dry quickly and no gooey amber sap will be produced.

Yes I have heard of mayple syrup before. Some woody plants produce a thick amber sap, but Marijuana and other herbacious plants produce a clear watery sap. It dries fast and is never sticky or anything like the thick resinous sap of trees. Completely different plant physiology.
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Active member


bama - did you notice if your budz that leaked looked like they had a dark purplish tint to them?

regecide - out of curiousity, you said swt, overripe, at what day did you end up harvesting that it was overdone?


regecide - out of curiousity, you said swt, overripe, at what day did you end up harvesting that it was overdone?
i believe it was about 75 days flower (sweettooth a 6wk strain) the grow went all dark purple and started splitting and releasing all these gobs of resin...was actually quite a site to see cuz the plant was trying to die and i was trying to keep it alive cuz i didnt think it was done. (scope problem)

hey bama..on a side note. wait till you smoke some of that bud...that shit gonna rock you:wink:


Active member
- ezra - said:
If you have never wounded a plant before - this is what will happen. The wound will dry quickly and no gooey amber sap will be produced.

Yes I have heard of mayple syrup before. Some woody plants produce a thick amber sap, but Marijuana and other herbacious plants produce a clear watery sap. It dries fast and is never sticky or anything like the thick resinous sap of trees. Completely different plant physiology.

Why isn;t it possible, out of the thousands of strains , there isn't an exception to the clear watery sap the is common to most marijuana. I think ur a moron and u should stop running ur mouth acusing people of not being able to detect an insect in their own GROW ROOM!!! ur very annoying :moon: :moon: It's already been established it can't get us high
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Active member
I second the honey-dew lol.

Why isn;t it possible, out of the thousands of strains , there isn't an exception to the clear watery sap the is common to most marijuana.

That question is similar to: "Why isnt it possible, out of thousands of strains, there isn't an exception that apple trees produce Money?" Well, obviously, it's not physically possible. Out of what I experienced to be honey-dew, that looks EXACTLY like honey-dew. But whatever it is, I dont believe it is "sap". MJ plants do not have sap like that. And sap occurs INSIDE a plant, not dripping over the surface of a bud. Why dont you just lick it up and see it if produces more in the same area ( if its sap)? Or use your handy 30x and find out if there is an excess of trichomes in the "sap"?

It clearly, to me, is not sap. But, if you are ABSOLUTELY confident that your grow room cannot have honey-dew, that your plants are one in a million and produces maple syrup, and there are no microscopic insects lying around, then whatever floats your boat my friend!

Good luck on your grow.


This is hilarious.

I know bama and I'd put down $100 bill that says he doesn't have a pest in his grow room that he isn't aware of.

And talking in circles about syrup and sap and honey-dew and the definitions thereof just makes this ol' dog giggle.


Active member
on a somewhat different note... not all cannabis wounds secret clear sap. i had some mothers several years ago in sunshine professional mix. i was fertilizing with liquid fish fertilizer. when i took my clones, i was quite shocked to see an almost blood like leakage from the wounds. it was a dark red color. very freaky. i wonder if it had to do with some kind of chemical imbalance or deficiency.



My little pony.. my little pony
It would be convienient but its not a wound/sap issue. Its a strain trait, plain and simple. I have some strains that dont do it at all and I have some that do it consistantly. Never seen it yet on a sativa/mostly sativa, its always a predominant indica.


Active member
newbgrow said:
I second the honey-dew lol.

That question is similar to: "Why isnt it possible, out of thousands of strains, there isn't an exception that apple trees produce Money?" Well, obviously, it's not physically possible. Out of what I experienced to be honey-dew, that looks EXACTLY like honey-dew. But whatever it is, I dont believe it is "sap". MJ plants do not have sap like that. And sap occurs INSIDE a plant, not dripping over the surface of a bud. Why dont you just lick it up and see it if produces more in the same area ( if its sap)? Or use your handy 30x and find out if there is an excess of trichomes in the "sap"?

It clearly, to me, is not sap. But, if you are ABSOLUTELY confident that your grow room cannot have honey-dew, that your plants are one in a million and produces maple syrup, and there are no microscopic insects lying around, then whatever floats your boat my friend!

Good luck on your grow.

Actualy since all mj plants produce sap the possibility of the sap varying from strasin to strain is more than likely (it being more amber or sticky or any of the qualities of other sap) . I doubt any apple tree can grow money tho, unless there were a mill of slave senegalian midgets running an illegal money couterfeiting ring whithin the tree it self... Otherwise i don't see why u spoke...


Active member
wayzer- i'm with you on that ezra comment

newbgrow- have you ever seen a tree or plant that produces sap? if you have you'd know that sap leaks out. also if you did some research you'd see we aren't 1 in a million...there's already 5-6 people just on this thread that has the same thing....not to mention the other sites and threads that talk about it.

canine- if you knew me you'd know i don't have any insects either bro

bruceleeroy- when i've done cloning i've had blue, black, brown, and clear colors on my razor when i'm done....i've also seen plants heal and leak black, brown, and clear after being cut or topped.

verite- i believe it could be a strain issue too, i've had many of strains in the same room and never had any do this until this time....i made a bunch of seed from this strain so i'll see if the traits are possible passed on.


- ezra -

Yea your right - you have the "mayple syrup" cannabis strain. Interesting how none of the cannabis literature contains a reference to these somewhat common mayple syrup strains, while all of the gardening/pest control literature contains precise descriptions of thie same phenomenon.

I am all for being open-minded, but when there is a well documented answer to the question "what is this strange resinous secretion", there is no need to make far feched theories and hypothesis.


New member
but the most important question has been avoided and hasnt been answered droog . sence your so sure of yourself and all and like to mock people , answer why all the other strains in my grows over the years , in the same space , have never showed anything like this . also explain to me why others growers of this exact cross i have here , get the same clear to dark amber sap leakage . its sticky like sap ,it stretches and freezes like sap , it burns like sap and seems to be flamable like sap . it dries to a semi-solid . i find some deep within buds to where no bug is gonna go . not just in globuals , but covering the surface of the plant matter as it oozes and squishes . most visible drops hang from the bottom of a leaf . mine are to thick to drip off onto a leaf or whatever below . a bug wouldnt adhear his excrement from his mouth or ass under a leaf like that . it would just let it fall .
i dont think a bug would descriminate and say "hey , lets just piss on the blackjacks" . or lie dormant in my grow cell , that i sterilize with bleach , till the blackjacks got in there and said "oh shit , theres blackjacks . lets go gang fuck em ". :biglaugh:
oh , there must be this mysterious bug that flys around the globe and pisses sweet sap drops on peoples grows then disappears and is never seen . good one dude . :pointlaug
thats alright thoe . you have your opinion and i have mine . im of the opinion you dont know your ass from a hole in the ground . :moon:
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Ya no shit for the fucking 100th time ezra HE HAS NO PESTS. Seeing that the culprit to your theory has never been seen then we can deduce it is NOT from that. So it is something else. You aren't the god of growing, you don't know everything.


Lol I dunno, people around here just get aggrivating. They just keep repeating the same thing over and over even when giving information against it. Sometimes you have to yell so the deaf can hear :p I forgot to wake and bake lol I'll be back.

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