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strange resin secretions


My little pony.. my little pony
canine said:
Whatever you do, man, don't forget to try sticking your wang in it. Sounds like it could be really nice.


I found the same thing on a few of my buds that I just harvested. I didnt notice it when my plants were still alive.

Here are some pics.

I have never used carboload. I just used fish emulsion during veg and a cheap walmart fert during flower.

Strain is Nirvana Shiva.


Looks just like (hydrocarbon secrection) Sap to me.
Alot of plants & trees produce this because of bad weather conditions,
infections, insect attacks, or from handling damage.

There's really no harm in smoking it, after all, if you've smoked Marijuana before,
then you've already tried it in a less concentrated form without knowing.

Here's some articles on Sap (aka Resin);

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Active member


what strain is that? i had this happen to me a couple chops before, but only got some shitty pics. but they looked exactly like yours did. just little balls of secretions oozing out.

i didn't notice it either till curing. didn't seem to any Better than the rest of the bud. someone mention budrot to me...... that was whitelights harvested @day 63.


Active member
haha sweet i'm not alone....i just chopped about 4 days ago and when i got to the kodiak golds i seen mad sap oozing out of my buds...it's just like your pic but about 4-5 spots on each bud...none on the leaves or stems...just buds.....my buddy tasted it and it tasted really sweet....only thing i used was floranova and don't have any insects anywhere...none of the other strains have sap either.


- ezra -

Dam I cant believe somebody smoked a whole drop of that honeydew! Thats pretty funny. Probably tasted awesome.

No seriously, this is an insect secretion. 100% sure of it. If you look real close, you wont find anywhere its actually oozing from. Insects, I think blackfly or whitefly secreet it its called honeydew and its quite common.

If you dont believe me, just try and wound a leaf or branch, you wont get any globs of that amber goo trust me. I am sorry to those people who smoked it, but its true.
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Active member
i looked really closely and it was oozing out of false pods that look like seeds but they aren't....i dunno know about everyone else but there is no flies or insects around here. for 1 it's winter outside and for 2 i keep my room immaculate.

- ezra -

Check this out:

" Honeydew is a sweet, sticky liquid that is excreted by plant-sucking insects as they ingest large quantities of sap from the plant. Because the insect cannot completely utilize all the nutrients in this large volume of fluid (which is a dilute solution of carbohydrates, amino acids, minerals, and other substances), it assimilates what it needs and excretes the rest as "honeydew."

"A liquid mixture of sugars and other plant-derived chemicals excreted by some species of insects (especially aphids, scales, mealybugs, whiteflies and some caterpillars) that is high in sugar content. When these insects feed on plants, honeydew drips from them onto plant leaves or onto the ground."

So the honeydew drops are essentially globs of sap which the insect sort of regurgitates when its done digesting it. Its pretty grose really, I wouldnt smoke it. lol.

If you want to do an experiment to prove it for yourself, just wound a plants and observe how it heals. It will not produce small amber globs of sap. Simply will not. Anyone who has ever broken a branch or taken a cutting can attest to that. Cannabis has a much less viscous, watery sap which is clear not amber in colour and not sticky. It dries quickly and will not stay sticky for a long time like the honey-dew.


Active member
i believe that happens, but what about when there is no sap on stems, leaves, ground, only out of the buds and there isn't a insect in sight and never was? so your telling me that out of 30 plants the "insects" only decided to excrete on 1 plant? even though you can't find 1 insect in the whole room even using a 30x magnifier? there would have to be a decent amount of insects or some big insects to excrete sap on your buds...you'd obviously have to see them somewhere. and why only on 1 plant?


Active member


i had it on more than one plant, but never saw any aphids......i had a mite problem early on, but i bet there weren't any bugs after my new NoPestStrip was put into play.............

so you are saying there is no way it came FROM the plant? going to be kinda hard to prove that one.

i give up, really, i had forgotten about all about it. i'm more interested in my purple/pink pistils coming on :chin:
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- ezra -

Yea the "goo drops" often will occur only on the most susceptible plants. Its just whatever the insect prefers.

"what about when there is no sap on stems, leaves, ground, only out of the buds " - that quote was not from a cannabis specific text. yes the drops will be mosty on the buds as that appears to be the richest source of sap for the bugs.

"even though you can't find 1 insect in the whole room even using a 30x magnifier? there would have to be a decent amount of insects or some big insects to excrete sap on your buds...you'd obviously have to see them somewhere. ?" - I think you could easily miss a few millimetre wide insects. They may not be there anymore, but the were at the time the goo was formed.

Look, its nicer to think that your plants are producing ready to smoke hash oil, but the reality is these are insect excretions.


Active member
nope i don't miss any insects, after having mites in the past i clean the room after every grow and keep a constant lookout for any insects...u can see anything in a 30x magnifier...if u don't miss a mite your not gonna miss any insects your talking about. but oh well whatever it is it really doesn't matter.



New member
its not a bug so lets put that to rest . its a sap secreated at the end of the flower cycle . it just happens to be sweet in cannabis . ever heard of maple syrup ? if were an insect , then explain to me why no other strains i grow in the same space show these "secretions" . the only plant attacking insect that i know of that produces a sugery sustance is the aphid . they are plainly visible to the naked eye and usually nothing escapes my eye as i will comb over my grows costantly with my magnifing glass . the aphid dosent secreet a substance with all the same properties as sap . here are some more shots for you to gaze at . i am no greenhorn , just never had a strain ooze sap like a pine tree .
AWOL/COA your right on target . :D



BAMA..EXCELLENT MACRO SHOTS!!! your rite ..put the bug theories to rest cuz its common from what i found out in "final maturity". i have an exact thread i posted here couple months back:wink: what i posted was same big gobs of resin on my fan leaves and bud sites...also ALOT of my fan leaf stems split like a wound....was very bizzare to me too cuz i never really saw that before or noticed anyway...mine was a "SWEETTOOTH" GROW . ANYWAY long story short....the hairs were 75% red and looked ripe for the picking but i kept checking the tric's and they kept looking clear to me so i wouldnt harvest:wink: what end up happening was that the plant was very mature and very amber (stupid reason dont want to mention concerning microscope)
anyway the plant was dieing!!!! over mature.


New member
yes , its sap . it now that ive search mulitple times on several sites , i see it is common . well , maybe not that common . hereare the clones of the blackjack that they appear on . dont look like there dieing or infested with bugs to me . how bout you ?
these photos were taken right before harvest . enjoy ! :joint:


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