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Strain for fighting depression


From my personal experiance sativas vs indicas on depression, anxiety, insomonia, eating disorders... Indica's helpd the most... stoped me from obsessing to much... helped anxiety... insomonia caused from anxiety/ obbsessive complusive dissorder.. eating disorders... ect the burnt out/coach potato side effect is there... but is alot easier to manage then say side effects from prosak,valium,loraplazm....ect

Now sativas can be tricky... i found some that would actually make me worse.. panic attacks, paranoia, anxiety... but still helped with the eating, sleeping and so on at the end of day...

Edibles... rock for treating these disorders
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what you need are the kush's man.. bubba kush, granddaddy purple.
haha, what really helps the depression is the potent stuff. how bout some mac'and cheese with some cannabutter ? ... hehe
then again if you like to stay awake... super silver haze, is a good (not too potent) fast growing strain. quick flowering...


Active member


Jammaster you are a real fuckin idiot!!!!!!!!!!Depression IS a disease,its called clinical depression!Some of the things you say could really fuck peaple up man!I suffer from severe clinucal depression and will have to take meds for the rest of my life.Pot does help me a lot,not so much indicas,but nice up sativas.Dont say this shit to people you just make people second guess their disease.They start to think that maybe they can fix the depression on their own,this can lead to major problems including suicide!!


Jam Master Jaco said:
Eaglesvision, you seem pissed off that we questioned people's habits. You really want me to break down and say "yes..hahhaha....i put their panties in a bunch" but I'm not doing this for the attention. If I felt the need to gain a bunch of random ass internet people's attention I would sit down and ask myself why I wanted to do that. So let me do just that, "Why jam master, do you feel the need to disagree that depression cannot not be helped with weed". Well I feel the need to disagree since it does not work for me, and does not work for any of my friends. Their depression is caused by a lack of motivation to get a steady job so that they can support themselves. But the way they see it they are depressed because they don't smoke enough weed. That is my experience with it, it does not work. You can be depressed and keep smoking, and even enjoy the smoke, but as soon as you are sober Mr. Depression comes back full force. So now I sit on my butt in front of my computer and question how it would work for anyone else if it didn't work for the people I know in real life? Because I really think that it is NOT working for them, they just THINK it does once they get high. But then they get sober and get depressed.
There's a huge difference between being depressed and smoking weed and being depressed due to lack of weed. That would be more classified as a psychological addiction really...
Jam Master Jaco said:
But, if you want to rely on weed the rest of your life to keep you from depression or whatever. Sweet, have at it! But to deny the fact that you are only masking the problem and not solving it is just dumb. In my opinion.
I was on anti-depressants for years. I would always ask my doctor if I would ever be able to stop taking the medication (I lost a great deal of weight, lathargic, unmotivation). He said it was plausible I would be taking these for the rest of my life. :badday: Maybe you don't know but the majority of medications like these do not really improve the condition, only alleviate the effects temporarily.


Active member


I totally agree,some depression is worse than others and there are types of depression.I know people that have taken meds for a short period of time and are now happy.Some peaple suffer from S.A.D.D. which is seasonal affective disorder.I have aclinical form of depression and anxiety,it is totally heriditary because my dad committed suicide as well as my cousin due to this affliction.I think of suicide every day.I am really looking forward to spring because it makes me feel so much better.All I know is that when i am on my medication I am a totally different person,oh I have my days,but I feel so much better over all.If I DIDNT HAVE MY MEDS IM SURE THAT i WUOLD BE DEAD BY NOW
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Well i hope everything is going good green... i would say get a sativa like Flo - F-13, hawsnow, and just try it out and like he sayed try cuting them down at different weeks for different help...i have been on the Meds like 5-8 different kinds when i was a young..They helped me to a point and then i found my helping friend :canabis: who lets say sometimes holds my hand(sounds gay but true) when shit hits the fan.. i have lots of med problems and everyone out there saying that med MJ wont help are wrong,,Im not saying it helps everyone but sure saved my life... Eye problems gone.. with the indica, sativas help my mind works out stuff .. I just grow my first sativa (as i was getting mine from a kind buddy) and let me tell u i Vap in the morning and for lunch.. and its kush for bedtime...thanks for everyone posting there minds thats what ICmag is all about right...even if I think its wrong..

ICmag rules...peace to all...

and good luck to all fighting this battle...i know its not easy

hawsnow gets me going

Jam Master Jaco

chongsbuddy said:
They start to think that maybe they can fix the depression on their own

Oh no!!! I didn't realize self empowerment is such a terrible thing to teach people. :jerkit:


free your SELF
JMJ, I think I speak for everyone here when I say you have no clue what you're talking about.
You're presence in this thread is not needed. You're not helping in the slightest and all you're doing is causing aggravation.

This is a MJ site and we should all be helping eachother out here, we don't need people like you to come and tell us we're in the wrong and that we need to sort ourselves out. We get enough of that crap from close minded non tokers as it is.

You and Budfather are really crawling up alot of peoples arses recently aren't you? If you're not careful you'll be banned pretty soon. And to be honest I doubt many here would miss you at all :wave:


free your SELF
Back on the subject at hand, I'd recommend any of Mandalas strains for helping with anxiety and depression.
The descriptions always seem to be pretty much bang on from all the reports I've seen.


Major Chronic Depression DSM 296.3 checking in. Ummm it's funky brain chemistry plus environmental stresses....I got diagnosed mental problems (bipolar, depression) on both sides of my family.

NYCDiesel works for me, also Orange Crush, Flo and almost all the sativas except for the Hazes. The other day I forgot to take my meds (wellbutrin and lexapro) and didn't vape anything. I was a blubbering weeping fool with no reason to live. Winter is awful because of the lack of sunlight. I still sometimes have a problem with the "stigma" of both depression (if you've never had it, thank your lucky stars) and MM...I'm headed down to my local club for some sunshine, exercise (I bike/walk there) and a Volcano full of Diesel. What I don't get is that you can pay $200/month for Big Pharma meds, and that's ok, but a nice little plant that I can grow myself is not ok.

Hey Green Fiend, I'm growing sativas in a cabinet...I'll know in another 6 weeks if it works. The plants look good except I have to battle PM. I'm thinking there is too much humidity in the cab, and I'm considering cutting another vent hole.
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New member
Just my 2 cents and to keep this thread alive.

I'm in the grips of some pretty bad blues here and probably won't have pot all summer until I get back to school.

Pot for me has been the only thing that set me straight and made me feel ok and feel (get) other people. Without it I feel very distant, cold, isolated, joyless.

For me it works because it seems to wake up some more authentic part of me, I feel real, I feel real interests and emotions, like a sense of life restored, like a point of life long forgotten comes back. Like a cold isolation and need to escape and not exist and hide from the unpleasant moments bursts into a desire for life. It feels like life used to for me, as a child, like I just remembered the point of life, like a long forgotten and forbidden secret that few adults find. I get a sense of deja-vu often, I recall happier times, I remember a sense of real self.

The world becomes less abstract to me. It feels less like I'm living in some nightmare matrix where the best I can do is keep up a social facade and do the next rational thing. My mind takes on a new rationality, the rationality of life itself, laughter, joy, tears, self expression. It's like my whole mind morphs into what it should be like. It is like a new spirituality, new way of thinking, very outside the norms of constantly maintaining a false social front. Every time it's really been working for me I always say to myself, "if everyone smoked pot there would be no wars". People would see the error of it, and wrong of treating others that way. I think people in our society go numb, and worship social icons, and false spirituality rather than feel themselves.

On pot I see social behavior very differently, I think I must be semi-autistic or something normally. When stoned I can see every bit of expression in a person, I read right into them, I sense warm hearts or hidden hostilities. It disturbs me often when I see so many cynical people with selfish intents. I pick up so much more in voice tones. First time I realized it did this, I couldn't believe all I had missed before when relating to people.

I'm not sure if many people equate all that with pot. I'm not exaggerating any of this. I find it very powerful and very mood altering. It's not like drinking or like sedatives, or opiates which create a cheap feeling kind of pleasure. It runs deep for me, as if the very point of life is felt and understood beyond social statements about what it must be.

I think weed can purge souls of their poison. I was a poisoned once, growing up in a very cold, strange family in which no one expresses real feelings. I see people every day who pot would do wonders to. I just wish it was taken a bit more seriously than something used to get high. It's very deep for me, like it has this potential to heal a wounding, all these thing that have felt so wrong in my life for so long.

(you see, I have to dope myself to sleep every night, like I have for 2 years now, except when I have some Indica weed)
Haha I think I'm repeating, myself and my Ambien is kicking in some. Its the best time to write silly stories you won't remember in the morning and listen to abstract music. I'll spare you that. I hope others feel the same way about weed and what it does and are feeling what I'm getting at here. Adios! To bed.


My wife was bipolar.. she was on alot of meds... once on vacation I smoked a bowl with her and she got really paranoid and flushed my weed down the toilet. She wasnt a new smoker... She smoked alot when she was young. The problem was not the weed but the weed in combination with the meds she was on... just something to consider.
Flo, super silver haze, KALI'S MIST all are good for pickin one self up. Flo in particular has been good for my work ethics, it allows you to stay focused on your work and has a pretty clear "High". I never get bored of her, or KM come to think of it. My ex-wife suffered very badly of Clinical depression she strayed away from MJ as it made her more un-balanced, just something to think about my friend.
It can be very frustrating to watch someone you love dearly suffer from an illness, which the doctors can only prescribe pill's etc to deal with the problem, but can't erradicate.

Maybe a breeder out there has the answer, with a strain that can deal with this, specifically.......the trouble is to often when i'm on a sativa "binge" i tend to look at myself too much, and i don't mean in the mirror.
Just for your guide Thai can be somewhat "trippy" and that is, or can be paranoid inducing, not something you need if your feeling not so good.

I was only doing a search on Blue Thunder as i just got me seeds through,....it's mad what these threads spit out or the tangents they take.......but it's an issue that need's to be dealt with,..and a serious one, as i'm sure most of you would agree.
Peace out and i hope my 2 pence worth helps, but i'm far from an expert and i'm no MD un like quincy from the T.V.
Stay safe and with positive mind my friends.



yes depression is a disease that you can't just think away, it is caused by chemical imbalances. But often those chemical imbalances are caused by too much stress in your life, yes a good smoke can help reduce that stress, but so can adjusting your priorities in life, getting more excercise and sleeping better.


Active member

it makes me want to call people and write letters and draw pictures and DO shit.

BUT you can't cure depression with ganja.. you have to do things and work through issues and live life. some ganja can help ya a little bit but only if used in moderation imo. sit around smoking bowl after bowl of flo trying to cure depression is going to make you a lot more depressed.

take one hit and get up and do something.. then once you've accomplished something meaningful you can consider going back to hit it some more.