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Still Another Crappy Day in Paradise....Part Five.


Well-known member

Damn Dirtboy...like you wouldn't believe. Most of the island didn't get a drop...we took a shelacking. Where we are situated...a fifteen degree windshift South...turns us from Leeward to Windward.

That short strech of perfect weather has come to a halt with a resounding thud.

Yesterday, while we were getting ready to march, hauling water to the overflow patch, out in the toolies, the first drops fell. Thank Jeebus we decided to wait...It would have been truely fucked to do that march...hauling water in the rain.

Last night we got almost two inches. Then it came back again today...with another two inches. Did take the clones that I was waiting on...one Pink, one HP-13, a Valley OG, two Skunkdog, and a Chem D. It was nice to let them run a little longer than normal....and even nicer to grab them before the downpour pounded them into the mud.


The plants left behind took a smoking in the rain. It won't be helping the Jack Herer with the stem rot either. At least the big Jack plant is just starting to bud, this rain is too early to effect it in a major way...famous last words ...It's starting to get dark, so the inspection and repair will have to wait until tomorrow....


Once a clone is taken, the object is to replant ASAP. Also I stash empty holes, getting them ready, for the clones that should be ready too. Here is where the Bloody Widow was....now home to an Alien Dog plant...


Now we can even count the immature clones I haul between inside and outside and still be under my numbers. Though in a few days it will be time to fire up the EZ cloner and start the next wave....the cycle never stops. These clones are 25 days old rooted. I made two of each of the six strains we're keeping. So far they have been repotted three times at around eight day intervals. When they reach the lights it's time to go inground, a week or so from now. Hopefully the day after the next Green Harvest ends.


Rusty...You have the sequence down pat. Hawaii runs a couple of years behind the mainland. The State Senate is very pro MMJ. The House...not so much. End result...stalemate. No change. There is no legal way to purchace clones here...fried or not.

I don't rename strains. It just causes confusion. Granted, the strain name offers no placebo effect. But people sometimes ask for a strain by name....It makes it easier on me and them because they know what they are gonna get. Bashed and flamed? If your not...you are doing something wrong. Get used to it.

Dirtboy...again Thank You. That post put my mind at ease and gave the clones I took five more days of unworried growth. And that my friend is a gift.

Hawaiian...I too like the Alien Dog. Top notch smoke. Easy to grow...and very in demand. If I was to monocrop this would be one of the top contenders.

Sean...It was a gift from Grey. We kinda backstop each other. If one of us has a major problem, a copy is just a phone call away. I gotta say... Grey is one of the more generous people out there. Unlike most of us greedy bastards....he shares....Not a common trait in this neck of the woods.

Speak of the devil...Great shots of Pink, Grey. I noticed in your thread our handwriting is almost identical...Whoda thunk? Next I'm gonna swipe a cut of the Japaneese Hash from my partner...That should make the grade...unlike Pink...and another strain that slips my mind at the moment.

You know I had to say that.
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Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
creepy identical handwriting.
wtf man hahahahaha

man, are you gonna tell me you're just using standard floros for the veg lighting now too?

i hate to say "sharing is caring" because thats bullshit. hahahaha

but the best way to keep a fire going is to spread it. and you cannot spread fire carelessly. OR EVERYONE GETS BURNED. so only people capable of handling fire are awarded the opportunity. rites of passage....

thats the way i look at it anyways.

looking forward to seeing what that JHP does at my place


Well-known member
Up late tonite my friend....Thought the rugrats would have you in bed by now.

Yes I'm using shoplights...don't knock free...they work.

I agree 100% about your fire analogy. Thanks for trusting me NOT to be a firebug.
We'll put the JHP to the test toward the end of this month.

Again...You the Man!


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
Dude wasnt off mom patrol til 9 tonight
Surprised i didnt pass out earlier myself

Oil hits tomorrow!!!!! Be ready ;)


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
Jesus im doomed
Right when i think 'im cool' here you go fucking up my parade.

Makes me want to work harder
Though i should prolly do it smarter haha. Nope


Well-known member
Jesus im doomed
Right when i think 'im cool' here you go fucking up my parade.

Makes me want to work harder
Though i should prolly do it smarter haha. Nope

Jeez Grey...If it's any consolation...we all think your cool. Now take another oil hit and think happy thoughts.

Shit....It's not like yours is the first parade I've fucked up...There's a whole pile of parades laying in ruin behind me. Hundreds. Way better parades than yours too...no offence intended.

Shoplights, dog shit compost, building a weed garden in my backyard roses, a pack of lazy mutts...I'm almost as embarassing as George W Bush is to Mit Romney....You know. Like the bastard red headed stepchild, that ain't all there, you keep locked in the hall closet.


OH well...They let me out....OH noes!

It stopped raining. Only seven inches over four afternoons. They have a red flag fire warning running...why I haven't a clue....like anything around here is gonna burn after that rain.

Green Harvest has yet to show up. They should do one more flight before calling it a year. It doesn't matter at this point. I only have eight plants in flower. Including the Big Jack....you think I'll get an oz out of this?....neither do I.


One cool thing is that if we had this weather last year I would have lost my ass. Who the hell ever heard of rain in September without a hurricane? That just doesn't happen...until it does....or until it did.

Anyway this week is trimming time. Almost everything taken earlier is hanging and ready to trim. This year I bought myself an extra freezer. And I'm gonna fill that puppy up. The big plants have to last for almost the entire next year. Bag it airtight, a little wet, and it can be stored for a long time.

The rain crushed the budding clones. Here's the sight that greeted me after the rain....That doesn't look good. This was a Webb plant.


And the Sourdouble


Looks like they were beaten up with a stick. Those bottom branches aren't built well. Once the sun comes out and evaporates all the extra water weight, they were fixable....Bamboo and fishing line.


Getting kinda good at quick fixes. Of course if I wasn't such an embassment I'd have figured out how to scrounge (nice word for steal) the wood to build a rain cover, I could place over the plant.
Add that to my must swipe list.

Toward the end of this week....back to the grindstone. The last couple of dry days I've been preparing the garden for the next wave of new clones. Also have to take cuts and get the cloner going. I have to dig new holes on the other side of the gulch. Soon the currently filled holes will be in the shade...I need to build another clone garden too.

But the next couple of days is trimmin' time. Throw the cushions on the front deck....and get to work.

Fun city, boys and girls.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
heavy is the head that wears the crown my brotha

ill hit you up after after getting mistaken for some canadian fish food in kihie by tony the tiger shark



ICMag Donor
Dayum, 7 inches?? Us lowland dwellers were lucky to have gotten the smattering of rain we did! Just enough to knock the dust down for a few hours lol. We did get a nice supply of upcountry mud from the flash floods. This year's mud is next year's dust.

OH, you probably have posted this (I'm just to f'in lazy to go look)- is that humongous Jack Herer a reveg? How the bloody hell did she get so huge? Is she acclimated?

I'm really pulling for her to finish, the yield is going to be epic!!


passing the gas
sorry about the rain OH. why not frame them in for a tent style cover where the frame
is permanent and the cover is strapped on during storms. might work good for clones that
never get too huge.

hope that hawaii sunshine heals everything nicely!


Active member
He will never make them and if the wind picks up they will be down at Grey's house.Green house plastic is hard to get free lol


Well-known member
Greenhouse plastic... that's easy to get free. Partner has some from a greenhouse we tore down some time ago. I have a couple of sheets sitting somewhere around here...just gotta find them.

Just saw Weez's new comment....again right on the money there Weez.

I've tried a bamboo frame with a cheap plastic dropcloth this year. Besides keeping the rain off, it allowed the humidity to build under the dropcloth...so it didn't work very well. Dirtboy is right about the wind that comes along with the rain too. That dropcloth didn't last very long.

I'm thinking of a clear plastic roof, built on a 2x4 frame and legs. No sides, so the air can still circulate. The only time it would be used would be durring the rain. Otherwise you could pick it up and move it aside. The plant could still get wet if the rain was comming in at an angle. But it would keep the crush factor out of it.

Make it 4 ft tall and almost any clone could be sheltered....and the shelter can be reused.

Put that on my to do list....after Green Harvest does their thing.

What? Green Harvest again? It's just 9 AM and a chopper just came and took a look.

Yep...they are flying....again. Yesterday all I saw was a single silver chopper late in the afternoon. It missed me, but today I think they'll be hitting Upcountry again. I have eight in flower and four that were just planted...This time if they find me over, they'd take Big Jack.. We don't want that to happen. I had one plant that was borderline...so I dug her out and have her stashed temporarly.

On the bright side....Come Friday they'll be done and I can fill up all the empty holes....replant the borderline girl, and get the next wave going....with another month of uninterupted cultivation to look foreward too.

Grey...since we burned a fat one last night....No Sharkey food was taken out of your hide. Better luck next time :biggrin:.

Festivus...we sent you down some mud? My rain guage (a five gallon bucket) had seven inches of water in it by the time it was all said and done.

The Jack plant is not a regrow. Seeds were planted April first...if I remember correctly...I'd have to go back and look.

Here's a shot of my biggest reveg. That was grown on my first legal year, three years ago. Took over five pounds off of her. The other regrows were smaller.


The Jack plant this year is a double...let me show you under her skirt.


Were they aclimated? I don't think so. The first time I ran these, the plants were huge. I think Jack Herrer is just one of those strains that goes big here.

I made some crosses last year with the Jack...in every case the Jack overpowered whatever it was crossed with.

Here's a neat shot...looking up the center of the plant.


The main stems are only 8 foot long, but the branches off that main stem are 12 ft tall....no stem rot so far....all systems are go.

Chunky....The last few days have been perfect, everything is healing up nicely. It just isn't Another Crappy Day without me bitching about a storm somewhere down the line, busting something somewhere. It's one of those things that must be done.

If I don't have anything to complain about...I'm not a happy camper. Don't pay any attention to me when I bitch...It isn't a big deal.


whats up hawaiians?
OH youll be lucky to get a zip
ladies lookin nice.
jhp sounds interesting. never heard of her.


ICMag Donor
Man oh man, that JH is f'in huge for not being a regrow! Really hope GH keeps their hands off that gal.


Active member
Up the skirt!! Great peek OH Just make big A frames over the plants and a fake rooster on top for camo. I must have smoked tooo much I'm laughing at myself.


Well-known member
Green Harvest was kind of a non event. They barely paid us lowlifes on the mountain any attention. Didn't matter. The only place I have plants is in the gulch, and to see them the chopper has to be almost directly above...or East (mauka), of the house. Any other direction their sightlines are blocked.

From my little perch here I overlook the canefields. With a good pair of binoculars you can watch them work. That's where they were flying this time.

Sooo....now that's done with we can get back to work. The cloner is working, some new holes were dug and filled with dirt, and I popped a pack of the Midnight Madness seed Festivus turned us on to. I'll keep a cut of each of the girls....If timed it out right.... this should wind up to be the Christmas stash.


Of all the strains both the Skunkdog, and the Valley OG are ready first. Planted them in the garden today. It took 31 days to grow from bare roots right out of the cloner, to 24 inches.

The place that sells FFOF is out!!...No one there knows when the next shipment comes in. Had to head down the hill to the other place that sells it, they had 19 bags left...bought 'em all. For all I know those were the last on the rock...so my dirt needs are covered for awhile.

Nameless....Your right...I'd be damn lucky to take an oz. The Japaneese Hashplant is from a friend of my partners seed collection. There's a bunch of ...for lack of a better word...orphan seeds in many different seed collections all over the island. But like everything else in this life, you gotta kiss alot of frogs before you strike gold. Last year I had one JHP plant gifted to me, but Green Harvest swiped it. Pink came from that line...The JHP is far better.


Festivus...thanks for the MM seeds. I'm hoping we get a dry spell when they are finishing....I've looked at some of your work done inside...beautiful....can't wait to see what outside looks like.

GH is done, so some of the danger has passed. If we can get the weather to cooperate....and it hasn't so far....it'll be wonderful. I need four weeks of sun....it still may be out there....Jeebus Please!!

Rusty....Here's another regrow from harvests gone by.


Remember this?


I sure do. I had dreams of a weed wall....knock that off the old bucket list.

Shit...things must be slow if I'm digging pics out of the archive.

Dirtboy...Isn't bamboo fun? It's so easy to play with. Next year I'm gonna use pink string so you all can see how one of the big ones are tied up.

Grey...Let me get this straight....Respect the culture by looking up their skirt?....Yea...you'll go far with that....hahaha.
