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Still Another Crappy Day in Paradise....Part Five.


Well-known member
Every time I come here I get the biggest grin from what I read and see.:smokeit: I can only dream of growing like that.

I do have a question about your soil there.

I read that you buy FFOF, and then read that your getting allot of rain and peoples talking about mud/silt from the rain.

What I call natures fertilizer mixer.:good:

What I would like to know is,since your on the top of the mountain and your soil has been washed down the hill over the years.

Have you thought of hauling the soil back up there?

I'm shore that some one had a drive way,back porch.ect.. That need to be cleaned off and hauled away and you could even get payed for it. That way you will never need to buy soil again.

stooped thought I know but I'm a cheap bastard TOO...well not to cheap,just a broke dicked dog.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
you know me man
its probably the chlorine from the hot tub making me all looopy and stuff
im totally nto that way irl lol


Well-known member

Ain't been a good week.

The rain....if you want to call it that...started Tuesday. Just enough to soak everything down, not enough to do any good. Five days of that shit.

On the one hand, the smaller of the Jack Herrer girls...the one with the stem rot....is crap. Five days of rubbish weather in her already comprimised state did a number on her. Rot all over.

Write her off.

Ahhh...Don't you just love the stench of failure?


Big Jack is doing fine. She has no stem rot and the rainy streak caught her early in the flowering process. Still, with the unusual weather, another pile of crap may come down the road in a month or so....just before harvest....It's been one of those seasons...

Here's a pic of a punk assed hippie I know getting stupid. "Here, take my picture"....what a fuckhead....


One nice thing about shit weather is you don't bake while your working. All the holes for the next wave are ready...and the starts are too. And there isn't a better time to transplant either....hell...gotta salvage something out of last week.


Mentioned I'd be working on the other side of the gulch. The suntrack is close to being lined up perfectly....these Chem D plants should do well.

Bottom garden is done too. Same as the above shot...The Midnight Madness seeds...8 of 10 cracked...just clearing the dirt now.

The clones do not rot near as bad as I feared. The Sourdouble and Webb plants that took the beating earlier this month are doing ok...all things considered.


So finally...today is sunny. We'll let everything run until the next rain....though that sick yellow blob in the middle of this shot has got to go....And it looks like those damn dogs found Jimmy Hoffa...


Weeddaddy...TY...this year I'm not killing it....maybe just giving it a stern talking to.

Littleleaf...TY....tho only thing the soil here lack, because it is comparitivly new, is the organic humis that comes with time, hence the FFOF. The silt that comes down the hill in a big rain is more cinders. Hummis will collect in the small gulches that hardly run...like the one I'm doing this in, but after a few plants are grown in the same place it strips a lot of goodies from the soil...so twenty bucks is a small price to pay for a good recharge.

If your interested about our soil here is a study that U of Hawaii did recently


MildeStoner, Mr Sterling....Things in beautiful Hawaii are wet....and at the moment...pissing me off.

I'll get over it.

Rusty...I doubt that. I've almost dealt all the cards out....not much left.

Grey...Get the hell out of that plant....

silver hawaiian

Active member

I love this thread, .. I love your approach to the grow, and the approach to the log and thread itself.

Keep giving it a stern talking-to -- shake your first for effect, if it helps. :tiphat:


passing the gas
It's nice that you are feeding the hippie transplants in your garden... wish I was that
fortunate. Glad to hear that many of your gals are surviving the rain.
at a time like this I suggest you smoke several joints! here comes the sun...


Well-known member
Setbacks come with the territory I guess. Good that your on top of things, getting productive, and I hope that big Jack makes it to harvest pathogen free! All the best from Sunny South Africa :D


Well-known member

Who do I gotta blow to get some decent weather around here?....Settle down people...it's a joke...a sad joke...like the weather we've been having.

Could be worse...at least it ain't raining. But...it sure ain't sunny. High clouds...mid level clouds...low clouds...hopefully no rain...for the next five days.

The big Jack Herrer is hanging in there. Found my first stem rot...what is it with this strain? Luckily it was in a branch....so I could cut it off. Still this could go either way. Depends on the fickle weather gods.



The yellow blob is gone....there's a waste. Got nuthin out of her. When I pulled her there was only one live root. Most of the main trunk came apart in my hand.

Clones are looking better. The bud structure on most are far different than the sativas. Instead of a big rot ball in the center of a bud, the clones...when they rot, will lose a tip....not the whole stem and branch. And now were thru with the small green catterpillars...it's all good. Here's another Skunkdog clone.


This wave is all in the ground. Next wave is out of the cloner and in dirt. All of this wave was put in at two feet tall. Most jump another two foot before budding. I don't knock the bottom branches off....like some people I know....so they average a half pound apeace. These were put in two weeks ago. I'd like to add a few more holes in this bottom garden....but there are some big rocks that need to come out.


So one's gone, there are four more ready to yank as soon as the weather goes to shit, then four more Alien Dog right behing them. I want to see how the Alien Dog does heads up against the Skunkdog...which one is better?

Besides the crap weather...there's a new chill in the air. Fall is here. Time to go from shorts to sweats. Normaly I'd be shutting it down and calling it a year. One good thing about these logs you can see how I've been forced to evolve as a grower....not that that's a bad thing.

Or in other words....I sold out. I guess the next step is monocropping...That's the next logical step in efficency...Sure would make for a even more boring growlog.

Chunky...as you can figure out, I took your advise before whipping up this post.

Grey...your always a good sport.

Silver...TYVM. Comments like this make this log ...when I don't feel like doing it....or when it all goes to shit...now don't feed me. :thank you:

Milde...I hope it makes it to harvest too...stay tuned.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
some people i know are going to be calling you in the am to see about going for a ride to the park and breaking in the new chariot properly



High country cat herder
Fuck selling out OH! You're crushing anything I can do here on the mainland by miles! :tiphat:

Only way I can pull a half per stem is under the lights for total about 5 or 6 months! that's a LOT of electricity! :eek::

Love seeing the trees, but with GH on you like white on rice,... a single tree would really hurt to lose.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
dude its thick hazey vog. ugh....
reminds me of afternoons on the 405.....

Veg N Out

Does that effect the nug like forest fire smoke can? Oldhaole monocropping is boring and makes harvesting hard. I like to have multiple patches that each patch is mono cropped but you got to have variety


Well-known member
I've been putting this post off until the trades came back....

See....the way this seems to work. Whatever weather happens, happens....but when we have great weather...and I crow about it....then it goes to shit.


This time I said we'd get five days of crap....so we got five days of Kona weather. Looked like a bad air day in L.A....as Grey pointed out. But it was sunny, almost perfect.

So we went back to light trades today and along came the halfassed rain with it. So it's now safe to post.

Next forcast calls for hail and tornados....the end of the world as we know it....scheduled for tomorrow.

I'm married...and an expert in reverse psychology....they kinda go hand in hand....See if it works this time.

I'm rambling.

If you don't live here...what the hell is vog?

When the wind comes out of the south...called Kona winds...it drags all the crud from the volcano down the island chain. In an average year we have about 300 days of trade wind weather. Trades come from the East to Northeast. On tradewind days the volcanic crud is pushed out to sea.

Kona winds come from the south and is usually associated with wind and rain. They happen as a low and the associated front sweep over the state. The Southerly winds also blanket the state in vog.

This time the low stalled out far north of us, close enough to switch the winds, but far enough out that the rain was far out to sea....all we had was sun, humidity, and vog.

Got it?

Since the rain came it was time to harvest some clones. Skunkdog, HP 13, Webb, and a Sourdouble...taken. Half of the Big Jack plant is a week or two from harvest. Baby...she's looking fine.


Also if Green Harvest was gonna fly this week it would be today. That would have caused problems....didn't happen.... I have another week to play with. We can let these Alien Dog plants alone.


I have the other side of the gulch almost done. One more hole left to fill. Before that gets done, some plants have to be harvested.


The Midnight Madness starts are looking good. Since hopefully GH won't be as vigilant this time of year....this is the time to experiment.


Grey...chariot?....a chariot usually has a top speed of more than 60.
Nice try.

Mr Sterling....Jack was a gift from Weez. Weez? Where did those seeds come from?

Canni... welcome back. I'll reply to your post in my next post...Wifey just got home and I can't think when she is yattering. I do want to get further into that topic....when I can think...don't go there.

Dirtboy...same same. Vog, no rain until today.

Grey...it'll all be gone by tomorrow.

Veg...Same answer as Canni....There's a topic there. I'll get into it as soon as wifey shuts up....and I doubt that will happen anytime soon.