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Still Another Crappy Day in Paradise....Part Five.


Active member
Nice looking pup. The local boys were out a few weeks ago no problems but the Fed guys were here last week and they were being dicks but what is new it all keeps the heart pumping. 4ft that must have a lot of sativa in it. The biggest I have that will grow through is 2ft maybe next year I will catch up to you.


Well-known member
Puppy is a quite the PITA. Little bastard managed to worm herself behind the entertainment center and went on a wire chewing spree...aren't they fun at this age?

Oh well...you knew the job was dangerous when you took it.

We had a light rain the last couple of evenings. Sunny mornings and afternoons, a little rain at dusk...summer is here. Today was 13 hours 12 minutes long. The humpback whales and plovers have all departed...kids are out of school...and we have our first tropical storm, far, far away, off the coast of Mexico...Let's get ready for the long hot summer grind.

Sat around last week waiting for a Green Harvest that never flew...bastards....must have run out of money until the start of the new fiscal year that starts in June...I think....what the hell do I know? It's all a wild assed guess anyway.


The plants from seed are all pushing thru five feet tall. In the pic above, the Jack Herrer crosses from seed are on the far left. And to give you an idea of what happens when you dig up a couple of plants and transplant them, the hole right above it has two plants taken from the same hole as the larger ones. By moving those I sacrificed two feet of growth. I've figured out which way to push them over, but my next door neighbor is reroofing his house, so I had to stay out of the garden and let the dogs roam up next to the fence.... hanging around the house this week was a good idea.

A lot of the time the weather is a big factor in pushing a harvest, and this time was no different. Took the last Headband clone, the one that has some rot spots, before the last rain. So far I've been pleasantly surprised with how well the clones have held up. First Headband clone yielded a hair under six ozs. Thought rot would be a lot worse than it has been...but before I throw a party, and pat myself on the back, let's see how the rest of the year works out. See a puppy where he shouldn't be in this pic?


The clones are fun to play with. Shove them in a small planter and you can stash them almost anywhere. I'm having a lot of fun building planters all over the place for future clone homes. When the plant is done, pull the soil out and replace it...like I'm doing here. The roses love the old used up soil.


The only strain that didn't grow as big as the rest was the Alien Abduction. It's the plant in the forground. No knock on the strain...undoubtedly opperator error.


Grey turned me on to more clones. And the aireator...I know I misspelled that....and that too!...crapped out on me. So the future of the Webb, the Sourdouble, and the immortal GS Cookies are in doubt. Got to run down to town tomorrow and buy a new one.


Active member
Looking very nice. I forgot how much fun and headache a puppy can be. I just put my clones out and I agree they are fun to play with. We finally got the good weather here. Latters


Active member
Lookin good, sending you well wishes from the Big I..
Dont know about you, but my sativas are flowering already. I keep giving them nitrogen shots but the hairs keep pouring out..Looks like they will be done in aug or so if they dont revert and screw everything up. They are Nevilles Haze x Mullimbimby Maddness, I would have thought they would go long?? Maybe I planted em too early, IDK?
Guess I got lucky with the Green Harvest, saw em up there, but always coming from or going somewhere else, they never did any moves and never came near our house, THANK GOD!!


High country cat herder

4' seedlings!?!?

I've got a Rod X White Widow that came up in my garden all on it's own (ok,... I tossed 3 seeds out there in the dead of winter in about 6" of snow, this one made it.) It's 4 INCHES tall right now! :eek::

Garden is lookin killer OH. I'm lookin forward to this years log!


Well-known member
I realize it's considered bad form to quote yourself...so here goes...

Sat around last week waiting for a Green Harvest that never flew...bastards....must have run out of money until the start of the new fiscal year that starts in June...I think....what the hell do I know? It's all a wild assed guess anyway.

Fuck me running...Only a week late.

Monday morning....WTF??? They never fly on Monday. Shows you what I know...Absolutly...Nuthin'...At...All.

Anyway...woke up late today...phone rings...partner says,

"There flying."

Walk out to the lanai and there they are. The yellow chopper....Comming up the hill...straight for my house. Now I don't have any extras out...but who the hell wants to deal with a pile of Gestapo storm troopers, before your first cup of coffee, bright and early Monday morn????

Right before they get up to me....the chopper banks off and heads down the hill.

They shelacked Hawaiian Homes. Hell, they always shelack Hawaiian Homes. That place is sure popular. Sure as the sun rises...I wonder why?

Suppose to take the ball and cha...oops... sorry...wife of my youth...to the beach tomorrow...to damn bad... dodged a bullet.

So they never even flew above the road. They may, they may not...who cares. Thats what lights are for.

The one good thing about green harvest flying is that chances are good that you have a full month to do what you want to until they fly again....most of the time.

One year a couple of years back, they got sneaky and flew two weeks apart....that was a mess, full on Chineese fire drill....so you can't get too complaicent.

A point?...Yea...There's one in there somewhere.

The point is that I have a full month...where there will be nobody counting. I can put a few extras out, and get them working. There are seven clones that will be ready to harvest next month. If I get them out before they fly again, we can put seven new ones in this Friday afternoon and nobody will be the wiser.


Well...Nobody but you and me will know. And this log is all bullshit anyway.

So...If we know what limitations are comming down the pike, we can work around them. The powers that be set the rules, you can gain some ground around the edges. Nice thing about the clones is they can be worked on a schedule. Like clockwork. A new wave every six weeks. Give away what you can't plant.

This weekend I was busy. Built a couple of new planters, but built them on the wrong side of the gulch. When the sun comes up on its winter track these planters will work, but for summer...they will be in the shade. So wifey can use them for veges until then.


It's dried out at last. Trades are cranking, alls good weatherwise..

JOJO...my Sativas...no major flowers yet. I'd expect the mainland strains to flower early. Rodney i think will. The Jack tends to wait and the Headband crosses...so far so good. Remember I start a lot of seeds so I cull out anything that even looks like it wants to go early.


Canni...Don't mess that one up like the one last year.


The ol' Haole's back in the saddle, Terraces looking tasty, And a new way of getting round the law.
All is well in the pacific anyway. :biggrin:
Good luck for the season.


Great read & beautiful property & plants! I like visiting the islands, spent a week on a Maui last year it's probably my favorite thus far. Year round green harvest sounds sucky, not a fan of the chopper wash :p


Well-known member
Another beautiful day. Weater like this makes my job so much easier.
Shows you all what I know. Green Harvest threw me for a loop. They flew here Monday, and that was it. On Wensday they were on the Big Island. What's up with that?


The way this usually works is they work Maui on a four day week. Just so happens we have one comming up tomorrow. Much as I'd like to load up all the planters with all these leftover clones...I just don't feel safe.

Paranoia may destroy ya...

So yesterday we took a wander out into the toolies. Found a good area to stash the leftovers...and that's done. One of the problems about keeping ten different strains of clones alive and well is there are quite a few extra plants that need good homes.

I have four Skunkdog clones ready to pull. Those will go this evening.


The cloner has been fixed, and is now full, and working, My partner took his giant 72 spot cloner out of mothballs and is making noises about mass producing waves of starts to go out to the mountain.
This is how trouble usually starts....big ideas....small brains. I start a project on a small scale, then my partner goes bat shit crazy. He creates a huge problem, then dumps it on my doorstep...

The cane is far too dry so it looks like these have to go to the jungle...And I hate the jungle.

Who knows? Maybe head down to Kihei, they use wellwater on the canedown there.


Anyway the rockgarden is done and planted. This has been my grins and giggles project. It took some work, but I think it looks good.


ICMag Donor
We had the yellow heli doing low level hovering on the south side last Friday, they were looking for a suspect in a shooting, and what better excuse for them to spock gardens. This is the first year I don't have plants out by now, thank God they're still indoors vegging.

Thanks for keeping it green OH!


Bent Member
ah.......here he is, sup brah? haven't read this thread yet, i'll catch up first before asking something stupid.

Hoping you're doing Well.

Brah oldhaole you sure know ur shit when it comes to outdoor growing here! I just read all of your 2011 long season thread took me almost a week, man what a goldmine of information! I learned so much from that thread, I wish I would've came across it last year, but I been hiding under a rock tryin to keep on the downlow and this site gives me some stupid ideas sometimes:biggrin: those were some huge fuckin trees too, bummer about GH some of those DLNR officers are sure fuckin pricks eh. mahalos for passing on the knowledge.

I used to grow in kula and haiku and other valleys in the mountains but now mostly just kihei the last 3 years since I've been legal.
I also sometimes put plants in the cane by dirtbike, last year was my worst, green harvest found all 18, I cut back way too much of the cane so they could bake in the sun but they were way too visible.

This year for the cane I got a late start I have about 12 mixed feminized and 5 lashkar gah mainland f1 seedlings about 4 weeks old. I'm planning on planting them in a few weeks, do you think they'll get a few feet on em or just auto flower?, I've had em under 15/9 flouros.

Im gonna start reading your short season thread a bit and I'll deffinetly be following this one.



Well-known member
Damn... 0 for 18...those numbers suck. Back before legality we used to grow more than 1000 holes a year in the cane. Some years we took a smoking, other years we raked in mid six figures.

Strangly enough we never did too well in Kihei side or the central valley. North Shore and Lahina side were very good to us.

Now days with power being so expensive they heavily rely on rainfall to keep the cane watered. Most every summer the cane is way too dry to keep a plant growing. About the only time I put a few in the cane is when we are suppose to have a wet summer, and I keep to the North side of Haleakala Highway.

When you plant in the cane always let the plants fight the cane. Don't put more than three holes in a line. Don't bust back the cane, bring scicors and cut individual leaves.

Starting your babies inside and hauling them out is a lot of unnecessary work. Start them outside in trays, pack five seeds to a pot, rig a backpack and take a pile out with you. Plant in straight soil. It's a numbers game. And pray for rain.


And for the record I think putting the plants from indoors straight to the cane will trigger them off.

Hell...dig up a few pics from last year. Working the cane at 30 is a lot easier than 50. Last year I wanted to see if I still had it in me without keeling over due to a heart attack.




Hey man your rock garden looks cool as hell bro, but i sure can see you put the work into it. Im glad the weather is cooperating thus far too, i know your concern for the mold issues.

I freaking could sit out there all day in the rock garden it just looks so damn inviting of course with a couple doobies, lol.

I was thinking that GH wouldn't mess with ya to much, only because of last time. Your guy next to ya seemed to have some influence and i was hoping they would avoid getting anyplace near him. Im not saying your not going to get a fly over, just to ''keep ya honest'', but dude next door i would think would have some thoughts in GH heads, but im just guessing.

Looking great this year man, it looks like ya have nice healthy plants now and they freaking look great where ya have them. They sure are all spread out so as ya said, you didn't want to shade out other plants side by side. But bro i can see the hours/days or weeks ya put into the holes for sure. But i guess next run you sure will have a plethora of holes to choose from, you always said ''find a good hole and stick with it'', to bad my ground hog didn't read this thread, lol.

Luv them pic's bro, everything looks so green happy and healthy, including the foliage around them. Plus the way those holes are set up between all that rock, looks cool as hell man:biggrin:

Ya dont mess around when ya say what your going to do thats for sure as ya said you wanted to rearrange the area. But i had no idea it would look so cool, for damn sure. A few months, weather permitting, which seems like ya have knowledge of and it will be all nice a greened up, cant wait. But as always enjoying the good and well havent seen any ***. I said notta....

Thanks once again bro, ya seem to add something new each year and the new holes i think will rock!

:thinking:Hows the coffee tree doing this year, i think you said it did better when it was more of a dry season, but its been a while since iv talked to ya about it? Luv that stuff, who wouldn't want a damn coffee tree in there yard, i know i would. I wonder if i could Bonsai one, that would be killer.

Thanks for the show once more my friend:tiphat:
