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StealthDragon's Micro Multi Perpetual Boxes.

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Recovering UO addict.
thanks alot CM and Kursor :tiphat: she certainly is tasty.

Here's a current side by side shot, sorry didn't realize it's been like 10 days already, (how the F does blynx do it?!)
day 44 I think.

#1(the one that got topped) is looking like she's gonna have a huge top cola and might end up being the high yielder! time will tell...

I also moved all the side by side pics into a new album I just made...and I guess in doing so I Fk'd up my old posts with the comparison pics in them...now I got post fixing to do :( aww well..got plenty of gdp to get me through it lol.



Recovering UO addict.
Thanks alot 20/4! missed yer post...I need to spread more rep 9 times outta 10 when I try to give it lol.

oh and I decided to go with dg's sweetest cindy 99..thought a bit about bog's but decided to go with the 2 way cross instead..I really want a good ST3!! looks like DG just sold outta those too..maybe I got the last pack? :)


Recovering UO addict.
Hi all. sorry for lack of updates I've been a little sick. I'll try to get a sidebyside pic up tomorrow.

I trimmed up my mother plants earlier and decided to keep a few clones and try cloning in straight coco...I put like 5-10 cuts in each cup of coco(due to space)and fired up the old veg pc and dimmed the light down from 70w to about 30 watts. I figure if they start poppin a few roots I'll just separate them before they get entangled. I think I've thrown out 30+ clones since I fired up the new cab. I need to hit up some dispensaries and start trying to get rid of some.


Recovering UO addict.
heheh yeh I know how that goes man...I harvested all that gdp and still have no idea how it tastes or smells..I've been getting a lot of compliments on it though :) I saved a bud of some grown in soil..picked a few buds before flush and I have the final product..little bit of each sittin in jars waiting to be tested...feels like I've been waiting a month! ahhh!
All I have to say is CoCo for the win... Awesome grow mate... If you aren't inspiration to all us cabinet, computer, closet, desk growers... I dunno who is.


ICMag Donor
thanks alot CM and Kursor :tiphat: she certainly is tasty.

Here's a current side by side shot, sorry didn't realize it's been like 10 days already, (how the F does blynx do it?!)
day 44 I think.

#1(the one that got topped) is looking like she's gonna have a huge top cola and might end up being the high yielder! time will tell...

I also moved all the side by side pics into a new album I just made...and I guess in doing so I Fk'd up my old posts with the comparison pics in them...now I got post fixing to do :( aww well..got plenty of gdp to get me through it lol.


Looking good StealthDragon!

I've found that growth in micro cabs depends on veg amount, plant structure, proximity to light source and one of the biggest variables, growth medium.

As you are finding out, the 'lighter' the soil, the more the plants explode with growth. A denser/heavier medium will keep the plants growth down.

I also believe that topping/training your plant is going to produce more bud than a single cola type plant. (There might be an exception and that is if you can consistently produce a single cola that is solid from top down to the soil.)

An even canopy is also key. You want to push it as close to the lights as your cab will allow (without burning/bleaching/drying to the plant).

Your canopy doesn't appear to be even. You should raise the outer two plants. You can see that they are well below the middle two in this shot.


Love the way yer still rockin' the cfl cabs even tho you have the HIDs now too.

Exactly how many cfl cabs do you have going?


Recovering UO addict.
CM , cb1 thanks alot for stopping by.

Hi Blynx, you're absolutely right about the lighter soil, these coco plants are exploding in this small setting. I'm starting to think that soil might actually be better then coco for a dr bud style single cola grow. With the soil I seem to have alot more control over stretch, I think coco would work better in a setting where you have more time to train and prune them since coco has the ability to grow such huge plants...that's not really something you can utilize when you grow single cola plantlets.

I actually try to keep the canopy super even up top.. the tops are always within 1-3 " from the lights. My plls stay super cool so I can get them almost touching without even burning the hairs :) I set those plants up like that for the pic cuz I was too lazy to pull em out and take a nicer pic. ;)

flower lights are off fer another hour or 2...I'll probably update later tonite. :wave:


Recovering UO addict.
how tall were those plants when you put them in?

I think all those were 2" .. the one on the left, was maybe 2.5

Sorry no update..still pretty sick, and I only get to see them about every other day.

thanks PCfarmer :)


Recovering UO addict.
Exactly how many cfl cabs do you have going?

fergot to answer ya Blynx.... TOO MANY. As soon as I try to shut one down I need more room for clones or something! If I have to stop and try to count them up in my head..yeh that's too many.

like 9 more days I think? lol looks like 1 and 4 are gonna be the big ones...the one that got topped at the end of stretch and the runt, funny how things work out...a tricky ass plant she is. lol flash pics make the buds look so much fuller ;)

:wave: peace 'n chicken grease.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Those ladies look delicious!!!!
awesome StealthDragon!!!!Those buds look very nice for sure...WOW!!!
Hope all is well bro!!
Take care


stealthdragon......I've been through the entire thread and I must have been high or sleepy or both lol but I didn't see what sized LED you used in that bigger cabinet, could you tell me please...I have a couple buddies using those UFO 90's with mixed results and was thinking of trying out the 120 watt LED for veg...overall do you feel they are comparable to HPS lights of higher wattage as all these companies claim? Don't like wasting cash on anything but beers and bitches (lagers and ladies to those who may be otherwise offended lol)....

peace out
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