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'Spicy Cheese & Saxon Axe'


ICMag Donor
close-up 40days approx.

note: the tips are still burnt without any feed!!!
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ICMag Donor
we have finally secured the high-grade genetics we were long after for inclusion into the next stage of the Axe-line. :woohoo:

Rather than using any-old packet of seeds (which is easy right), it was really important that the genetics not only came with the full blessing, love, and support of the original breeder, but the genetics had to be workable and dank. Very few breeders can step up to this challenge.

'Bubbledust is Growdoc's most famous strain. A heavy hitting indica. Prized by the medicinal community as a plant that helps with various aliments, viruses and disease. The male used in this cross was selected from the best of 200 plants from an exclusive Bubbledust garden.'

Parent plants:

The inclusion of Growdoc's Bubbledust into the Axe-line will ultimately help reduce the overall internodal length and flowering times associated with Saxon Axe.

Growdoc's plants are characteristically his own, so any proceeding studies over phyllotaxy and patterns of flowering growth, in this new cultigen, will be noticeable from the start. Quality always shows..

DocLeaf :joint:

"Grow your own.."
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ICMag Donor
HazeVentura said:
how cool is that............I just dig out my old KniteForce discs......thanks for this backflash..........



and this

:headbange :headbange :headbange

peace HV

Yeah mon,, now that's a tune for Rickochette the Dancing Robot to boogie to :dance:

nice nuggage :yes:

dLeaf :joint:

"Too much too soon, makes you rush too quick..."
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Son Of Botany - Green Block Original Shrdana
Hi Doc!
as usual beautifull pics!
some questions:
- what do you mean with "force flowered"?

- fritillary #3 is saxon axe? i don't understand if the #4 is the growdoc's strain or a cross between SaxonAxe x growdoc's bubbledust.
have a nice day


ICMag Donor
Bubble Axe

Bubble Axe

Fi_Di_Bot said:
Hi Doc!
as usual beautifull pics!
some questions:
- what do you mean with "force flowered"?

- #3 is saxon axe? i don't understand if the #4 is the growdoc's strain or a cross between SaxonAxe x growdoc's bubbledust.
have a nice day

Hi FiDiBot :wave:

force flowered = unnaturally placing plants into 12/12 at a young age to determine plant sex. (like SOG method, makes small plants bloom quickly). basically it gets no veg time,, very low yield :wink:

Yes,, you got it :yes:

#3 = Saxon Axe (NL x Sensi Star)

#4 = Bubble Axe (Saxon Axe x BubbleDust).

peace buddy :joint:
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Son Of Botany - Green Block Original Shrdana
Hi Doc! :wave: :wave:
DocLeaf said:
force flowered = unnaturally placing plants into 12/12 at a young age to determine plant sex. (like SOG method, makes small plants bloom quickly). basically it gets no veg time,, very low yield :wink:
perfect! so is "force" if i put them under 12/12 before the preflowers appears, is it?
Yes,, you got it :yes:

fritillary #3 = Saxon Axe (NL x Sensi Star)

fritillary #4 = Bubble Axe (Saxon Axe x BubbleDust).
peace buddy :joint:

well so i miss #1 and #2.. maybe spicecheese is one of them?


ICMag Donor
Fi_Di_Bot said:
perfect! so is "force" if i put them under 12/12 before the preflowers appears, is it?

yes. or when we cover plants in summer to make them flower early :D

Fi_Di_Bot said:
well so i miss #1 and #2.. maybe spicecheese is one of them?

fritillary #1 = Landing Zone (Jack Herer x Durban Poison)
fritillary #2 = Marbled White (White Pearl x Sensi Star)

Spicy Cheese is by our buddy HS.
