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Sour Kush

I love the way my Blumats make love to my plants!
Since theyre are doing all the work for me I decided to pick up a few things to conserve more of my energy for massive vaporizer tokes!
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Im thinking about doing a leaf run tonight.
I have a Spinpro knockoff on its way. I dont really have much more work to do!

Hey Tribal, got a link to your mini hash washer? Thanks.



Hey Tribal, got a link to your mini hash washer? Thanks.


Mini is right! I had my doubts about this being a 5gal machine(some say its a 6gal or maybe there are 2 versions). Before I posted a link I wanted to make sure... I can only get about 3gal of water in this before it goes above the max fill line. That leaves it a little more than half way full. When you turn it on it creates a vortex and if you have too much water in there it will probably overflow.
Ill document and review this in a couple of weeks.
Its half the price of the bubble now, but I think its a lot smaller. Ive never used a Bubble Now or Magic though.



Its just a repackaged chinese unit. The intstruction book was poorly translated. I thought I still had it. I was looking for the original manufacture info
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Sour Kush from Cali Connection is [Original Sour Diesel] X [SFV OG F4 male]... if the place ya got it had all CC gear i would suspect its that cross.. Also re-named as 818 Headband...

Thats Sour OG. I Was out and about earlier when I responded.

Cali Connection Seeds Sour OG is my original sour d cut which is aj's cut as in the first cut to come out of his room of the sour d collection. The precursor to ECSD it’s that cut crossed to my sfv ogk f4 male. I expect stellar results to come from this cross. Probably my personal most anticipated crosses. Off spring shows great structure and solid kolas with fuel sour kerosine funk. Flower time – 65/75 Days

Thats why people dont like CC

Sour Kush is Sour D x Larry x SAGE. Ive had them tell me that atleast twice over there and also confirmed it was Dr Cletus. Ive also read that online from other growers. The Sage N Sour in this cut is only speculation on my part though. Dr C might have a real Sour, Sage and Larry cut, but Im assuming his stuff is all cc gear. Ive read that he used Sage N Sour for Sour Berry Kush.
Ive grown the Original Sour Diesel from their shop before and this is nothing like it.
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bro that trimmer is legit! i bought the same one off ebay a couple weeks ago. dont use the lawnmower looking blades!! lol. only the wire ones. leave the lid off to help with the rubber smell but ive found no negative impact on my buds from it. people were saying that it takes away some of the smell. IMO this is NOT true for me, or my strains were just so stank it didnt matter. i cant open any of my jars at home without stanking up the whole house. its saved me hours and i make good hash from the trim. i love it. your back will thank you from not being hunkered over for hours trimming lol

Thanks for the response bro.
I cant imagine trimming any larf ever again! If this trimmer doesnt work out for me Ill just make bubble with it. Im not doing anymore work ever again. I fill my res, tie up the plants, cut them down and then vaporize them. In that order.

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
haha same shit here. between my huge res with blumats and my trimmer i have freed up so much time its not even funny. now i just sit on ic and watch my threads lol
not thats it not nice to spend time in my garden, but its nice to not have to when you dont want to.


haha same shit here. between my huge res with blumats and my trimmer i have freed up so much time its not even funny. now i just sit on ic and watch my threads lol
not thats it not nice to spend time in my garden, but its nice to not have to when you dont want to.

I have to admit that I did find myself with some work to do last night... It was my first runaway since I first installed the blumats. I stopped the pump to my res and forgot to turn it back on the night before. It didnt top it off so the pressure was off and 1 pot overflowed. I walked in and emptied the runoff onto the cement floor and called it a night.
Next time I build a res Im going to leave the overflow line a few inches higher so that shouldnt happen again even if I leave the pump off over night.


Sounds messy....but comes with the territory... Are u gonna be able to make it to harvest without having a smell issue or are u gonna bust out the carbon filter...it can get over-barring..


Sounds messy....but comes with the territory... Are u gonna be able to make it to harvest without having a smell issue or are u gonna bust out the carbon filter...it can get over-barring..

Im going to put it out pretty soon. Its gonna stink when Im drying. Ive had a few buds fall off my plants and they stink up my house when I bring them inside.
The plants dont smell too much like weed though. My neighbors probably just think that smell comes with all the reggae music pouring out of my house anyway.


just bump home hardcore christian music to throw them off once in a while lol

I failed to menthion that there are two churches across the street from me.:dance013:

2,000 years ago in Israel
The Romans soldiers crucified Jesus Christ
They leave him for dead with thorns in his head, thorns in his dread
But on the third day our savior did rise so open your eyes
Jesus spoke out to the tribes
The twelve tribes of Israel
Go forth to all nations now, the nations of the world

Spread your tribal seeds
Spread your tribal seeds
Your tribal seeds
Your tribal seeds

Rubel, Shimon, Levi, Ehodah
Zebolun, Eskar, Dan, Gad, Asher
Napatili, Yosep, and Benjamin
Go to spread the word of the lion's dominion
I seed is not of corrupt
In Babylon system I will never be stuck
Jah words are truth and remain
Knowledge and righteousness is what I mon gain
Jah say spread the tribal seeds of love
Judgment one day will come
Jesus spoke out to the tribes
The twelve tribes of Israel
Go forth to all nations now, the nations of the world

Spread your tribal seeds
Spread your tribal seeds
Your tribal seeds
Your tribal seeds

2,000 years ago in Israel
The Romans soldiers crucified Jesus Christ
They leave him for dead with thorns in his head, thorns in his dread
But on the third day our savior did rise so open your eyes
Jesus spoke out to the tribes
The twelve tribes of Israel
Go forth to all nations now, the nations of the world


Even the buds at the bottom are swollen!
One of my plants wants to fade.





Im reducing the nutes now. I would have liked to have kept the base higher until now and I dont think I should have used that much KB powder.
These plants still want to grow. It looks like theyre ripening now.
There couldnt be more frost on these buds! They are are getting sticky.

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Active member
ICMag Donor
Dam Tribal, those buds are going to be delicious! Can't wait to see the end results.

You use the Lucas Formula right? But not GH nutes?


I started this grow with CNS17 grow formula. I had issues with multiple bottles of the bloom so I switched to H&G Flakes.
That stuff is great! I havent had to clean or scrub my res since! Its pretty expensive stuff though. Im planning on switching when my jugs of A/B are finally gone. I think Ill be able to get another grow of this size done with what I have left, possibly more.
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My plants are drinking twice as fast now. The pots are always starting to get dry and my res is emptying every few days! I cant keep up...
Most of the pistils are turning orange and going back into the buds. Im slowly reducing the nutes, but dont want the bud leaves to fade. Luckily there arent many...
What gives? Do they want to finish or put on more weight?


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
hey there tribal,

I got your PM's and figured I'd chime in here... I've lurked here a couple times already... GOOD stuff!

there are a lot of variables at play... some strains continue to put out hairs all the way up to and through harvest, some don't... so they can't always be relied on to gauge maturity and or harvest time... also the amount and type of feedings can really change how and when a plant ripens (so can fresh vs older bulbs I have just learned), and can cause them to keep trying to pump out more and more calyx when they should be focusing of ripening the calyx's that have already formed.... Temps/Co2 levels/ and proximity to the lights can all have an effect on this continual growth also and sometimes... by waiting for the pistils, that show up late in flower, to all mature can cause the others parts of the flower to over ripen and lose some smell and taste usually....

your plants look to be hitting the ripening stage for sure... but do look a little confused, like they still want to pump out more bud... I would say ignore the new growth and flush with some molasses or some kind of carb maybe with some catalyst of some kind.

next time with this strain, definitely try using a little less booster and discontinuing its use a little earlier in the flowering cycle would probably help... and it may ripen a week or two quicker also as a result!

if you expect to harvest in 2-3 weeks... flush and don't be afraid of the leaves losing all their green and fans dying and falling off...

now to the watering...
TribalSeeds said:
The pots are always starting to get dry and my res is emptying every few days!
let the pots get dry in between waterings... thats how the roots get their oxygen... so let them get as dry as they can without you noticing any negative reactions from the plants before you water...

Less water during finish?

EDIT:vv I didn't notice you were in Coco I was thinking soil... I have not grow in pure Coco only a mix that I amended with a lot of coco and some things and yeah even they needed a lot of water, and had a massive volume of rooms for the container size.

as the effect of senescence begin to set in... the plant, like old people... have a reduction in metabolism... and require less of just about everything... as they are programmed to be approaching the end of their life cycle.

if they are beginning to drink more heavily now... give them what they need... but as they fade... and really begin to show their age, like a week before harvest. It's a good Idea to dial back the frequency and volume of water given because they will transpire less as the leaves fade and die off and their metabolism slows, meaning they will hold on to more of the moisture they uptake through their roots instead of releasing into the room as humidity... and can potentially cause mold.

so once they are old and faded... about a week or so before harvest, waiting as long as you can in-between waterings and not watering until the whole medium is wet, as usually is done... this will help prevent any instances of mold forming on the inside of dense buds, as they are not releasing as much moisture, as well as aid in the drying process.

hope that I wrote that out... well enough to understand :biggrin: and it was of some help!

enjoy the wicked harvest!
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Thanks for taking the time to get back to me Infinitesimal.
Im running Blumats and hadnt adjusted them when I noticed my pots were getting dry. I filled the res and 2 days later it was empty and my pots were dry again...
I had been giving them tea, but I think I might have overdone it. I think it was helping to strip away N from the medium. I also think I used too much alfalfa.
I think Ill give them a couple of feeds with a tiny bit of molasses and hope they finish up soon. I didnt want to have too many white hair on my buds, but the trichs look pretty white. I dont see any amber yet though. Its almost like theres a new coat of white frost on them everyday! Its getting out of hand!


Poor floppy buds. I didnt support them like I should have. I let them get too big and fall right off the plant. Im so terrible! Its not like they were the tops or anything.
Since theres no larf I could really use something for my hash pile!




If only I had a better camera you would understand the magnitude of these trichs Im looking at. I dont even need a loop to see the heads.:thank you:

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