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Sooooo looking forward to the end of Prohibition in the USA


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Anyone else a victim due to their choice of medicine?

Drug testing for cannabis has got to go!

I got a job for $18.hr a month ago. After 3 weeks I picked up a $2/hr raise, retroactive to week 2. 2 days ago the employer impemented mandatory drug testing.

I let them know I have seizures, strokes, pain and cognitive issues without cannabis. They said they don't care, medical is no excuse and fired me the same day.

Nice reward for doing an awesome job for them, right?

I've worked almost 30 years WITH cannabis and have ZERO lost time accidents. I haven't screwed shit up (because of cannabis) on the job since I was an uneducated teenager.

What the fuck happened to performance based employment and advancement??

Reply with "Aye" if you agree cannabis use has nothing to do with personal competence. I personally use cannabis to PROVIDE the quality of work I'm capable of.

Anyone else?


Autistic Diplomat in Training
All I want to do is work hard, do a great job at it and go home. When the time comes, I want to get paid appropriately.

Apparently that's still too much to expect in Amurika.


I have been denied jobs for failing piss tests but I just became my own boss but he is still a fucking dick. Lol
That really sucks Doug.

Unfortunately I see no end in sight as far as persecuting ganga users. All these BS new regulations and "legalization" schemes are doing is adding new laws to the books to fuck with us and our lifestyle, or legitimate medical need. Your case is a great point. Many employers never drug tested. Now they feel the need to since they perceive rec use as added liability. The states jumping on the legal bandwagon have seen positives tests in the workplace increase drastically leading to ruining lives because you smoked a bowl 3 nights ago.


To "legalize" something and then say you can only buy it from certain places and can't even grow your own in your backyard or face going to jail is not legalization.

I'll be happy so many are not jailed for simple possession and things like that but the hypocrisy of so many out there who demonized us for SOOOOO long and now talk as if they are doing us a big favor totally reeks.

I have been getting by just fine since I started smoking and growing in 1993 and I don't need any more attention drawn to me simply because the states and corporations see the huge dollar signs ahead.

Sorry for going off there Doug. I really hope you can get another job that doesn't test.


Active member
Employers do mandatory drug testing for insurance purposes.

Under legalization I still don't see that type of regular random drug screenings going away, they are doing it for a reason.if I had to guess what ever you are doing for a job entails some sort of precision or accident prevention.

I used to know ppl that worked for aircraft parts manufacturers that would get piss tested randomly once a week for drugs and alcohol, it's because there is no mistakes allowed in that industry. The pay scale generally was higher to compensate for the high demands.

I also dont see pre employment drug screenings going away, at employers discretion they may turn a blind eye to mj but then again they aren't doing it just to weed out stoners.

Pre emploment screenings are a breeze to pass just buy some fake piss. Random that's a different story, I'd find a new job if they will be randomly piss testing it's hard to work around that.


Well-known member
My brother in law used warm water to pass his test. You can't do that on probation though they stand right behind you while your pissing in the urinal. They count how many times you shake it afterwards lol.


Active member
Buisness do have a multitude of insurance policies to deal with. I don't even know of federal laws protecting prescription drug use. Lot's of companies find ways to not hire or promote people with disabilities.

Over time if there is still a society remaining. Perhaps voices will speak reasonably. Although lot's of people don't use cannabis and never have. They are going to want every advantage over someone who uses. Don't expect their hand out helping you up when voices speak up.

is this real

New member

legal states don't support it what makes you think a more restrictive federal government will do?

Did you actually read the article? The reason the court ruled against the medical user was because MMJ is illegal on the federal level and therefore not considered 'lawful' under the Lawful Off-Duty Activities Statute. Once cannabis is legal on a federal level it will be a different story.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Just boycott anyone that test for pot. Few years back wife went for a job ... they said they tested for pot.. she decided not to take their test after telling them she would ... she just didnt show up for the test. Couple days later they called and asked why she didnt show up, she told them that she would have flunked the test because she uses cannabis, they asked if she used any other drugs. She said no ... they said can you start work tomorrow .. we wont test you. Of course now days she works at a dispensary again and is happier at work then ever. Boycott the companies that test for cannabis , something else better will show up for you and you wont have to worry about their dam random test. The companies that do test are beginning to find out that their choices are a lot narrower if they eliminate the cannabis users.


Prosthetic penises with synthetic urine and 98f warming packs are only like, 100 bones, and they work. If you drive' truck, or are on probation, I know tampering with a drug test is a federal offense, but I don't think its a felony to submit fake urine for most jobs.

You can't fake a saliva test, but I hear rinsing with peroxide or water purification tablets prior to testing works. My gf just passed a saliva test for work after only 3 days of not smoking and peroxide rinses.

I don't personally know anybody who has ever had to submit a hair sample.


you realize there is no right to be high at work on the ballot here

There never will be a right to be high at work unless you have a prescription and it's Schedule 2. But they will need to find a way to prove you are high at work if it's federally legal because that 30 day bullshit won't fly. You drink alcohol they give you a breathalyzer that's the only way to get fired from using a legal drug.


ICMag Donor
And forget it if you live in an "employment- at- will" state. They can fire you for crossing your toes.This means that an employer may generally terminate an employee at any time, for any reason, or for no reason, unless an agreement exists that provides otherwise.

Numerous statutes need to change.


3rd-Eye Jedi
Did you actually read the article? The reason the court ruled against the medical user was because MMJ is illegal on the federal level and therefore not considered 'lawful' under the Lawful Off-Duty Activities Statute. Once cannabis is legal on a federal level it will be a different story.

Have you actually researched how federal law pans out with people using prescription drugs?



drug free workplace laws are powerful and restrictive. If a company deems a position unsafe to perform by a person under the influence of any drugs they can fire someone who requires them and is under medical treatment


Well-known member
Bullshit! Once federally legal we will be protected by labor laws unless high on the job just like with alcohol.

i have read up on several cases where medical users were fired. in one of those, the judge told the person that "as a medical user, i would find in your favor. but, my hands are tied because of it still being illegal federally." we still need a few Neandertals in Congress to drop dead. some of the committee chairmen that keep bills bottled up were around when weed was made illegal, it seems like...