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Soil-less Organics with Professor Matt Rize

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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
OK, this isn't necessary. Let's debate things and we might all learn something.....

Perhaps some similar reprimand is due to be doled out to Matt. I see him flinging more insults and derogatories than anyone else.

Matt Rize

Okay, I'll respond to cyat because that was respectful

Okay, I'll respond to cyat because that was respectful

I can now see vegans asking if their vegetables were grown veganicly or with animal products.Adding a whole other level to it.Then we could ask if the veggies were grown with vegan fertilizer that itself was grown with vegan fertilizer,and on , and on.....We could grade our veganic produce on how many generations back its veganic roots strecth.Honestly does vegan soil really exist in nature , as insects and animals die and return to the soil as do humans?As VG stated why even say vegan if you use bonemeal?

This thread is about soil-less organics, and NOWHERE here have I gone into plant based nutrition. Jaykush is all over some outdoor plant based nutrition, my point being this is a common and increasing trend for Cannabis hort. I have not brought up the vegan organics thing, except for that pict. These guys are still fixated on a thread from weeks ago, and hating because my niche is working so well for me.

I have replace the word "vegan" with "plant-based" in my current lessons, as it is more accurate and less strict. Fermented plant extracts rule and I will be on the radio soon to talk about that! I'll post that link when it is available.

But this whole "how many generations of vegan" does matter to real vegans, of which I am NOT one. I make pancetta at home and other meaty yum-things like that.

Vegan soil is funny concept. BUT a soil amended with plant products is not. This thread is about soil-less indoor hort, without slow release amendments, as that horse has been beat to death already. Using very little animal sourced nutrient is my personal goal, and has NOTHING to do with this thread.

Using plant products in liquid form (ie molasses) or powder form (seaweed) is a great way to feed the microbes. Both plant based (vegan) food sources.

Matt Rize

picts instead of tit for tat

picts instead of tit for tat

Full Melt smoking bowl, not pictured is the glass rod used to "burn" the hash


Active member
Three pages of nothing. I could have read a pdf and learned something.

Please bad rep me I fucking hate idiots who talk about my aura.


Un - Retired,
Matt I think if you check you'll find I am "Admin" and I have corrected my spelling mistake
and just because you have had posts removed does not mean we will agree with everything you say and remove every post you don't like

CT Guy

I've avoided commenting, but here goes.

Matt, I hope you take this as constructive criticism rather than an attack, I truly mean that. Here on icmag, people come to share ideas and knowledge. We have a wide variety of expertise and life experience and we enjoy each other's posts and comments, as well as getting answers to our questions. I happen to know a fair bit about aerated compost teas and soil microbes, which I gladly share, and then I learn stuff all the time from others who have more knowledge on plant extracts or soil mediums.

The point is that we all share from a position of equality. If you feel that another person's post is inaccurate, then you post links or scientific info., or even anecdotal evidence to back it up. The title of "Professor" makes it sound like you're lecturing us, when many people in here know many things that you or I don't, and no one comes here to be lectured.

Microbeman's title as "Microcosmic God" is more of a joke that expresses his interest in microscopy than anything. He doesn't start threads using that title, and even if he did I would find it less offensive than "Professor."

If you had started your post and taken off the "with Professor Matt Rize" part, you could have easily avoided much of the snide remarks and comments. I don't really understand, because your last thread got closed for many of the same reasons and yet you started a new one with the exact same "Professor" title! To me, it reeks of arrogance, whether that was your intention or not.

Like I said, I'm not trying to attack you. I'd love to discuss your growing methods in this forum, but realize that when you post it needs to be from a position of equality, we're not here for lectures. Also, realize that if you post inaccurate information that you will be challenged. The people here are not dumb stoners who are just learning about the soil or interested in taking one of your classes.

I've given talks to Giant Pumpkin Grower Clubs, Rhododendron Societies, Rose Societies, and have an upcoming Sustainability Seminar I'm participating in as an "expert." I have a Master's degree. I've been published in Urban Gardener Magazine, WALP, and other publications, as well as having a sticky in this forum.

On here though, I'm just a guy. Sometimes I ask questions, when I can I answer them. There's people in here that blow me away when it comes to plant knowledge, and I think it's important to be respectful of that.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Yes Matt, you have surpassed my invisible rep. That is what counts, right.

One point is that I explained in your last thread which was closed, that natural organic microbial based nutrient cycling is not slow. Predation swings and protozoa excysting takes place in a matter of hours (even 30 minutes) nevermind root mineralization as discussed in another thread.

Another point is that the methods which I and others have expounded here are indeed the newer growing methods, while those which you instruct are the same tired old message/method which one can read, as I stated, in the cannabis grow books from the 90s. Read some and you'll see.

Another point is that it has oft been discussed here the differences between actual soil and organic soil-less growing media. I believe that in general soil-less mixes which are comprised of organic materials are lumped in with soil for discussion purposes. I have been actively promoting the continued use of these materials undisturbed, including the incorporation of topsoil to allow the media to indeed become living soil and to allow it to remain alive. I also realize this can require a critical mass which is not practical for many growers so I alternatively recommend re-use of the media re-amended.

My point concerning perlite was just to illustrate that it is just a natural rock substance and not to worry about OMRI. [Why on earth would you call me a troll for making this point?] Do you similarly deny other rock and clay powders like rock phosphate, bentonite, pyrophyllite, etc.?

If I were allowed to grow in sphagnum peat moss with only the above mentioned rock/clay powders and allowed to use ACT comprised of sphagnum peat moss and 0.75% black strap mollases only, I believe I could quite successfully grow plants from beginning to end.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
We have already examined the multiple meanings of professor. I do in fact teach adult students, at multiple self proclaimed universities.
Call me a teacher, a guest lecturer, a motivational speaker, technically (on my taxes) I am an instructor and guest speaker. BUT who cares other than you hater douchebags? back to the OP dude.

i am entitled to my opinion matt, and i think you are a fraud for calling yourself a Professor, in the presence of so many real experts (not including myself in that), it makes you look like a narcissistic fool

Completely unrelated to this thread dude... Don't you worry about where my medicine goes and/or how I am compensated for it. Mind your own... give it up, contribute, or GTFO :bump:
im only going by what you boasted to us all about what you get for your veganic weed. as a vegetarian i would take great exception to consuming something that claimed to be veggie but wasnt - and im sure a vegan would feel exactly the same about your product.

This is the weakest argument EVER. Do we get on MM for claiming to be a microcosmic god... really dude? Again, this is a ganja forum with made up names and avatars. Is your name really verdant green? SHA! Get over it, contribute, and/or go wash the sand out of your crack.
mm's title is clearly a joke, so is yours - you just havent realized it yet. ;)

Was waiting for this. Your acknowledgement that soil-less and soil are closely related was taken as in invite into the soil sub-forum. Maybe next time you will consider this when posting on my threads.


you don't need my invitation matt, you can post your threads wherever you like, as can i. If you like i could even give you a few pointers on how to run your threads a bit more peacefully. my grow diaries have thousands of posts and getting close to a quarter of a million hits - and there has never been any name-calling or arguing in any of them.


Matt Rize

For sure...

For sure...

Matt I think if you check you'll find I am "Admin" and I have corrected my spelling mistake
and just because you have had posts removed does not mean we will agree with everything you say and remove every post you don't like

and having deleted some posts here from the get go shows you the true intentions of part of this community. to hate on me and skip over actual OP. The very first non matt rize post was deleted.

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Un - Retired,
and having deleted some posts here from the get go shows you the true intentions of part of this community. to hate on me and skip over actual OP.


you are bring it on yourself, you proclaim to be a Professor thats going to get peoples backs up
and please stop linking to outside sites, your links have been deleted before
I you persist I will ban you for breaching the TOU

Yankee Grower

and having deleted some posts here from the get go shows you the true intentions of part of this community. to hate on me and skip over actual OP.

link removed by Admin again

You just don't get it and don't have the ability to get it.

Stick with what you know Matt and growing ain't it! I find your posts/responses to sometimes be antagonizing and immature...like that one.

Matt Rize

Keep it Up!

Keep it Up!

Oh, and I only have 3 bars of reputation and over 1,000 posts!

The noobs would love some straight forward adult information from YOU. You sir, make the others seem like children. Thanks for the voice of reason and respectful tone. It should be obvious that this thread is way different than the vegan thread.

And my title varies depending on my mood! Or is CT Guy really your name? At least I used Matt, my real name. PEAS


ICMag Donor
I'm sorry guys, my earlier comment should have been directed at everyone.

Matt, it won't do any good to argue with adm. As I stated earlier, coming here and referring to yourself as Professor is only going to get you questioned on that. There are some very smart people here that have spent years studying this and won't be swayed by a title. I think it best that you just get a thick skin and work and earn these guys respect with fundamental information and debate..... We all pick and kid each other on occasion.....

No more arguing please and don't take everything so seriously....

Matt Rize

Been growing long time now

Been growing long time now

Stick with what you know Matt and growing ain't it! I find your posts/responses to sometimes be antagonizing and immature...like that one.

Agreed with the second part, not the first part. Seems that many would disagree with you in terms of what I am good at. My patients are the real judges. We can respectfully agree to disagree.


Carl Carlson

I think a soilless sub-forum is a good idea.

This is ridiculous though:

Soil-less Organics with Professor Matt Rize (
1 2) Matt Rize

Soil-less Organics with Professor Matt Rize
Matt Rize

What does Organic Soil-less Mean?
Matt Rize

Because there is no soil-less forum, and my requests for one have been ignored. The soil organics folks said i could post there, and the hydro organics folks said i could post there. THE FACT is that this thread related to both soil and hydro.


I see that no admin or moderator has replied to your thread. How about a PM to one of them?

Matt Rize

CARL!!! Been waiting for you!

CARL!!! Been waiting for you!

I think a soilless sub-forum is a good idea.

This is kind of ridiculous though:

Soil-less Organics with Professor Matt Rize (
1 2) Matt Rize

Soil-less Organics with Professor Matt Rize
Matt Rize

What does Organic Soil-less Mean?
Matt Rize

Thanks man, I asked all around where to post this thread and got many answer is response. VG had me believe it was okay to post here, but that was after the other thread was started.

Considering the overall ignorance as to what soil-less organic means , IT WOULD BE GREAT TO HAVE A SUBFORUM!

The hydro guys told me to go here, the soil guys told me to go hydro... SO I DID BOTH... prob not the best strategy but there is no proper home for this discussion as things are right now! The other forums just have an "organics" sub-forum so there is no "soil" or "hydro" specifications.

And for the others. My original thread did not feature my title ;)


Active member
:dueling:thank heavens the arguing is over, now can we get back to learning something...like the microbes need surface area to attach to...isn't that what the ewc provides...
Professor, can you continue with the lecture, or is the hall monitor disturbing you? (JUST JOKING WIT YA!!!):pointlaug:
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