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SoCal Blueberry Haze Grow-Off


hey sharp_pain, and the SoCalCrew, I'm anticipating this growoff, because I've gotten a hold of some bbhaze around these parts, and the taste and high are superb! I wanna see what the finished product looks like under the different grows!

SharpPain, sorry to hear about your pain, hopefully everything goes well. good luck!



Oh I get it make the Brown man work on the Garden. We're not all Gardeners man. We just like mowing lawns. Ha Ha. No batteries up my ass!



Plant Manager
Thinking bout picking up shop and heading that way!!! Gotta love the med laws in cali. If I could only afford the Cost of living. lol


mybeans420 said:
how on earth did i miss this thread?
this is such a cool idea.
get better soon sharp. i cant wait to see how this all turns out


I think you had HASH in your eyes!
:D :D I just read the whole thing.....hehe.....great thread! :D :D

My money is on Blatant.....a guy with a sense of humor like this...

Oh I get it make the Brown man work on the Garden. We're not all Gardeners man. We just like mowing lawns. Ha Ha. No batteries up my ass!

....Deserves the vote LOL!

Sharp......get better quickly! Have fun you guys.


Sharp_pain sounds like you need a caregiver :). 100 stairs in your house... you must be living in a sweet pad.
All of the plants look very healthly. I will be interested in seeing the different methods used(even if Blantants flowering his in soil).the plant looks great in the pics as well as Juan's.

And I hope everything gets better for you sharp:)


yeah, I wanna see this really get down to the nitty gritty! lets see a good pic comparison!

Although I realize that Sharp Pain is keeping up with his name currently.

poor guy

KRS Juan

While the grow off will definatly happen after Sharp's surgery, I highly doubt it's gonna be BlueBerry Haze. Sharp had to give up on his and give it Blatant. Mine is quite unhappy, and does not look like much of a keeper to me. I will take clones, and flower her out, but it looks like the contest will have to be a different strain.

-KRS Juan-


Juan is correct, the BBHAZE was a waste of time. only 6 seeds germ'd and 1 female out of 6. That female was given 60+ days under my lamp and looked skinny and sickly. All the other plants thrived under the same conditions?

Who knows maybe a bad pheno, but either way i had posted in DNA forums looking for info of any sort other than the stock note on the website.........

I never heard anything from them to this day, i sent both PM's and note in the forums. I'm disappointed with their customer service & genetics. I wouldnt try them again.

Maybe we can each take a Sour Bubble & PK clone and do a side by side.
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I'll buy that for a dollar! By the time Sharp is all healed up I will be in full hydro mode. Ditching the dirt as soon as I sweep it all off my floor. Dammit! Plus I just got me a Digi-Cam. Ah man. Toast I tell ya! Toast!



Coming up on 60 days.

Coming up on 60 days.

I'm with Sharp and Juan on this one. This plant is a Pain in the ass. Way too many leaves all over it. Its not from bad lighting or any other off condition. Also it not living up to its billing as a quick finishing prodominantly Indica plant. More like some F2's. If DNA wants some customers i would suggest they come and answer some of our long standing questions. But none the less I'm sticking with these two till they finish. They are puttin on some weight so thats a good indicator of coming close to being done. Some pistils are turning brown but I can't seem to find any Trichromes on it. Not a problem since some plants finish without a heavy resin covering. So Hurry plants I could use that space your in. Oh yah I forgot pics.





KRS Juan

Almost done????? That looks halfway to me at most! Damned hairy bitches. It better be some amazing shit or mines goin in the trash.

-KRS Juan-


I was sooo excited when i got these beans i about creamed my pants!

Unfortunately, Blueberry Haze sure given me a softy.

atleast if anyone has issues BOG is here to answer questions and stand up for his genetics....



Active member
the thread is a great idea, sounds like some excellent competition too. so are you saying your gonna use Bogs genetics instead? maybe some lifesaver or bogglegum? i think that would be a interesting grow-off and we all know there is no way your gonna not see crystals on that shit, in my opinion, unquestionably good strains for somthing like this. realisticly speaking, east coast would have your collective west coast ass ^__^

it would be much funnier with a straight face tho ;)


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