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So what got shot down near Alaska?


Chasing The Present

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
You obviously haven't considered that China would back Russia against the US.

Why are you pushing the idea that the US and China are in cahoots when all evidence leads to the contrary...?

Anyway, more to the topic: if there's metal hanging from the balloon, does that make it not part of the balloon?


Active member

This isn't a defense of Biden, it's an acknowledgement that corruption transcends political affiliation. Thanks, capitalism!

Saudi Arabia's crown prince once bragged Jared Kushner was 'in his pocket'. It's getting harder to convince people otherwise.​



Well-known member
You obviously haven't considered that China would back Russia against the US.

Why are you pushing the idea that the US and China are in cahoots when all evidence leads to the contrary...?

Anyway, more to the topic: if there's metal hanging from the balloon, does that make it not part of the balloon?
part of the picture we're seeing darkly
from what is a second hand source(at best) it sounded like the pilot was referring to the object's super structure
the fog of mystery parts briefly and much is still unknown


Chasing The Present
You obviously haven't considered that China would back Russia against the US.

Why are you pushing the idea that the US and China are in cahoots when all evidence leads to the contrary...?

Anyway, more to the topic: if there's metal hanging from the balloon, does that make it not part of the balloon?
Isn’t today Presidents’ Day…?

Huh… dood chill; I didn’t draw the cartoon - it’s funny, if you’re on either pole, you’re slipping…. They are all evil narcissistic loons


Well-known member
Do you mean like a rumor you saw online? I wouldn't put too much stock in those.
more than a rumor, the ny times is one of the favored outlets for official leaks
of course let the listener beware, but it could be part of the picture that was being seen
first a pilot reports metal on one object that really shouldn't have much
then the lake huron object is showing flat panel construction, possible stealth feature
taken together that could spell trouble


Well-known member
This is probably a good time to be thin and stringy. It's the fat that makes meat taste good.
Then Americans have the most to worry about eh.
It's estimated that a little over 42% of American adults have obesity, while about 30.7% are overweight. Overall, more than two-thirds of U.S. adults in the United States are overweight or have obesity.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Isn’t today Presidents’ Day…?

Huh… dood chill; I didn’t draw the cartoon - it’s funny, if you’re on either pole, you’re slipping…. They are all evil narcissistic loons

It is just a question...

I didn't think it was as funny as it was misleading.

Lots of propaganda has plenty of people calling the president "Xiden"...

I thought maybe you would have an answer or think about formulating one.

Don't consider me worked up in any fashion... I had a killer wake and bake session and I am dividing a batch of cannabutter at the moment.

If I thought you were on a pole I would not bother asking you any questions.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Then Americans have the most to worry about eh.
It's estimated that a little over 42% of American adults have obesity, while about 30.7% are overweight. Overall, more than two-thirds of U.S. adults in the United States are overweight or have obesity.

Your math doesn't really include the fact that obese people are overweight.

Swing and a miss...

Go directly to Tim Horton's.


Well-known member
Your math doesn't really include the fact that obese people are overweight.

Swing and a miss...

Go directly to Tim Horton's.
LOL wow talk about denial "For adults, WHO defines overweight and obesity as follows: overweight is a BMI greater than or equal to 25; and. obesity is a BMI greater than or equal to 30."
No doubt you would blame food rather then Americans eh just like Narcs blame addiction on drugs and not the user. Drugs are a choice you make and if you crash and burn its your fault no one else. Just like that fat fuck that just had his fifth burger and fries eh.
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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
In denial? No doubt you would blame food rather then Americans eh just like Narcs blame addiction on drugs and not the user. Drugs are a choice you make and if you crash and burn its your fault no ones elses.

Okay... their math doesn't include the fact that obese people are overweight.

Now, did that occur to you before you reposted it?

Has it occurred to you yet?


Active member
more than a rumor, the ny times is one of the favored outlets for official leaks
of course let the listener beware, but it could be part of the picture that was being seen
first a pilot reports metal on one object that really shouldn't have much
then the lake huron object is showing flat panel construction, possible stealth feature
taken together that could spell trouble
Could you link me up to that article? I'd love to read more.


Well-known member
You obviously haven't considered that China would back Russia against the US.

Why are you pushing the idea that the US and China are in cahoots when all evidence leads to the contrary...?

Anyway, more to the topic: if there's metal hanging from the balloon, does that make it not part of the balloon?
Are we ready for that? Taking on a country with an air force three times the size of ours?? I sure hope so. It wont be like vietnam or the middle east


Chasing The Present
I’m 100% a proud American; if Anyone doesn’t believe this country has an obesity epidemic then they are deluding themselves….

Stats are a wonderful tool to mislead the masses, same as it’s ever been

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
LOL you just made yourself look like the narc you are. OK "overweight is a BMI greater than or equal to 25; and. obesity is a BMI greater than or equal to 30."
https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/obesity-and-overweight#:~:text=For adults, WHO defines overweight,than or equal to 30.
You need to add to two together but I can understand your mathematically challenged :giggle: eh.

You should really think twice before you continue calling people narcs on a pot growing forum.

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