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Active member
Snype, man I trust you are a good dude with some street smarts but seriously you just got popped with a chunk of bud in the trunk of a car while driving around with a perm suspended license. You are extremely lucky they did not arrest your girlfriend as well.

If you really had shit locked down something that basic would have never happened to begin with, very poor judgement on your part, that is me giving you the honest truth of the matter. Using the info posted here by you and your girl and knowing what state you live in and just going through basic arrest logs over the last few days someone in LE could literally identify you in just minutes. If you both did then get busted somehow someway based upon your own info given here online then your girlfriend would also be tied in on a conspiracy charge and things could go much farther than just a local slap on the wrist. This is real shit and they are on a mission to get growers like yourself, please be careful.

This thread should probably be deleted if you wanted to be on the safe side. ;)


there is no site that is safe on the internet because the internet is not safe..SSL is bullshit so is 1024 bit connections...if they were so safe why is identity theft the #1 problem in the U.S? That and we've had dicussions in chat about the security aspects of posting. You've leaked enough intel that a retard cop could just look up arrest records and put all the bits and peices you've leaked here together and take you and your girl away in a conspiracy theory. Cellphone swaps and cars don't help anything when you talk about it constantly. Not trying to be a dick just dont wanna see someone i consider a friend here end up with more than they can chew off because they underestimate the power of the internet.


Active member
Snype, man I trust you are a good dude with some street smarts but seriously you just got popped with a chunk of bud in the trunk of a car while driving around with a perm suspended license. You are extremely lucky they did not arrest your girlfriend as well.

If you really had shit locked down something that basic would have never happened to begin with, very poor judgement on your part, that is me giving you the honest truth of the matter. Using the info posted here by you and your girl and knowing what state you live in and just going through basic arrest logs over the last few days someone in LE could literally identify you in just minutes. If you both did then get busted somehow someway based upon your own info given here online then your girlfriend would also be tied in on a conspiracy charge and things could go much farther than just a local slap on the wrist. This is real shit and they are on a mission to get growers like yourself, please be careful.

This thread should probably be deleted if you wanted to be on the safe side. ;)
Maybe it is poor judgement, I really don't know. All that I know is that I moved hours away from my business and this is part of the risk. I would never have anyone come out to where I'm at or even close, so I see no other option. I thought about busses or trains but I've had many problems on those in the past so the car is my safest option. We purposely buy hoopdies cause we expect them to be taken by LEO so it's all part of the plan and an added expense. Cops out here don't care too much about trees so they really don't care and just want to be assholes when they can. I know growers can sometimes be overly paranoid about situations like this but cops have better things to worry about than some growers and esp a small timer like myself. If they really want to waste their time searching a 3 state radius of police stations to find me then I deserve to get pinched but they still won't find my locations. The system is set up for people like me to succeed and at times to pay the penalties for some of my actions. At least this country is good for something. Oh yeah, and I don't think LEO would like to see me locked up cause I'll teach every felon in there that they don't have to rob banks to make a living.


I'm out!!!!:)
I haven't read the post yet but thanks for all of your support! It's all just part of the game that I signed up for and really not a big deal. They took the car and a little bit over a pound but at least it was my worst trees. There's no way LEO can find any of my locations cause I've been planning this out for years and nothing ties me or Snypette to anything. My license has been suspended indefinitely for about 4 years now but no pig or no law is going to stop me from driving. Anyway, I'm tired. FUCK PIGS!!!

If it is not too much to ask... why was the license suspended indefinitely?


it's all very well saying i woulda you shoulda and so on...

i'm sure we have all taken risks we shouldn't have, you win some and you lose some. what you gonna do if your license is suspended indefinitely and you have to drive and have no trusted driver around? life can be like that, people don't always have the perfect situation for some thing, so they make the best of things as they are, not as they should be, or could be.

anyway i wonder if anyone of the know it betters around here would have been out in such a quick time. that alone shows that he had his bases covered at least to some extent.

the only fair criticism is the one about giving out a bit too much info, but even that we have no idea what his internet connection is like and even if its traceable to him. shouldn't we be thankful when people are willing to share their arrest stories? i mean i know most people don't feel safe enough to do it but those stories are great warnings to others. i'm sure if there was anything connecting Snype to the grow house they would have been there already. as long as he made sure not to be followed upon being released, things should be fine.

just me 2 cents.


Active member
ICMag Donor
what was departing relationship with po-po

what was departing relationship with po-po

did you depart on "freindly terms " ??? the only concerns i would have would be if i pissed em off bad enough for one of them to say hey lets get him again?!!!! hours away aint really shit if you got someone determined and proficient at following,watching waiting and getting paid for it.... but then again you dont have to go there if you took your licks as stated- playing this game.....and left on good terms.
i dont have dl either ..... and try not to drive at all but....the power of pizza (no delivery here)will get me every full moon or so... peace no worry


Active member
Glad to see you're out Snype.. next time lock the doors when you slide out the hoopty.


The cat that loves cannabis
Have your girl get her license and let her drive, come on, that's just stupid otherwise.
How many cabs would that seized pound have paid for?
A new driving after suspension charge will just make it that much harder to get your license back now.
If you really have all this money and houses, then take some of it and go to court and get your license straightened out.
Couple/few court appearances, some fines, and a period of time before it's reinstated.
Why on earth would you not have done this in the last 4 years?
I can't think of one good reason not too if you have money.

Good to see your out, now fix your DL, or have snypette get hers and make her the designated driver from now on.


Active member
Have your girl get her license and let her drive, come on, that's just stupid otherwise.
How many cabs would that seized pound have paid for?
A new driving after suspension charge will just make it that much harder to get your license back now.
If you really have all this money and houses, then take some of it and go to court and get your license straightened out.
Couple/few court appearances, some fines, and a period of time before it's reinstated.
Why on earth would you not have done this in the last 4 years?
I can't think of one good reason not too if you have money.

Good to see your out, now fix your DL, or have snypette get hers and make her the designated driver from now on.

I dunno, some women can be pretty bad drivers... or just inexperienced.

Any mistakes she does make, an officer would be much happier talking to her through the window than your old ass.

Just keep everything in a backpack she "doesn't know about" in the trunk.

Next time you're in the same situation no more face smashed in.

Also, the last thing you should have done was jump at your trunk when he tried to open it. Nothing screams more loudly of "guilty".

My advice wold have been to calmly state "I did not give consent to open my trunk" and everything from there would be handled by the lawyer.

But I don't know shit, really. Good luck.


Active member
Have your girl get her license and let her drive, come on, that's just stupid otherwise.
How many cabs would that seized pound have paid for?
A new driving after suspension charge will just make it that much harder to get your license back now.
If you really have all this money and houses, then take some of it and go to court and get your license straightened out.
Couple/few court appearances, some fines, and a period of time before it's reinstated.
Why on earth would you not have done this in the last 4 years?
I can't think of one good reason not too if you have money.

Good to see your out, now fix your DL, or have snypette get hers and make her the designated driver from now on.

If she is driving she gets in just as much trouble...As the passanger she walks away....



Trying to have a good day
Have your girl get her license and let her drive, come on, that's just stupid otherwise.
How many cabs would that seized pound have paid for?
A new driving after suspension charge will just make it that much harder to get your license back now.
If you really have all this money and houses, then take some of it and go to court and get your license straightened out.
Couple/few court appearances, some fines, and a period of time before it's reinstated.
Why on earth would you not have done this in the last 4 years?
I can't think of one good reason not too if you have money..

Because it helps LEO find you.


Overkill is under-rated.
Wow sorry guys, that blows! I don't know what state you're in, but I take it it's not mine or I'd help ya out. :( Best wishes and keep us posted!


The cat that loves cannabis
If she is driving she gets in just as much trouble...As the passanger she walks away....

If she's driving with a license and gets pulled over she gets a ticket.
When he's driving and gets pulled over with a suspended license, he gets arrested, and because the car is being impounded, they can now search it and find his shit, just like they did.

You really don't understand that?


The cat that loves cannabis
Because it helps LEO find you.
And driving without one gives leo an excuse to pull you over, shake you down, arrest you, and search your car without consent.
I cannot believe that people are trying to defend driving for business with a suspended license.
Maybe you can all play cards together at county when you get picked up.


I agree that driving on a suspended license with weight is extremely risky... no chance of escaping a traffic stop unscathed. But if you think its your best option and you're willing to face the consequences...

What are you gonna be charged with?


Active member

good job buddy. glad you are safe. i was worried about my SD4 ;) ;)

j.k lol. honestly man. happy you're good.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Glad you're home Snype, I just heard all this earlier today.

Get your kitty fixed, she's a slave to those female kitty horomones. Snypette, I hope your arm heals up good...I'm sure you don't even feel it now Snype is home. Take it easy guys, life happens, you'll fix it.
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