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Slownickel lounge, pull up a chair. CEC interpretation

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ICMag Donor
So soon ill be starting to build some soil. I'm going to get it tested when it's a month old, amend it test repeat til its good. I'm wondering how often folks are getting it tested beyond this? Just guidelines i guess....also how long do tests take from Logan or spectrum? Im closer to spectrum labs im pretty sure.
Thx!! This thread is excellent and super informative


Spectrum is results the next day. No clue about Logan.

I don't like Logan. Their numbers on specific elements like B are consistently wrong. What does that mean? Logan will show you high B foliar and then show you a soil analysis saying you have no B. Seen it way too many times with some big growers that insisted on using Logan. (Then no longer use Logan except for foliars, which are really hard to screw up.)


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Take me to school bruh

HTF-And as far as getting it...I question what I'm told from everyone, nothing is gospel. Just cuz a couple people say this is how it is doesn't always mean that's how it is.

Let's say you have 2 different grows 1 is top dressed every couple weeks and gets 7 lbs, another get 10lbs and says how worth it. How could one get more with less input if it was mineral only and the first grow was all over it like stink on shit? What am I not getting here?

Edit I was supposed to go damn it

Nothing is gospel til you see it for yourself. I am the same way. I tell everyone, you don't change ANYTHING until you have tried it.

In your industry, this concept is even more important LMAO.

You can not generalize between varieties, impossible. These are all hybrids at this point and the mixes are innumerable. The most exquisite varieties that have the most to offer are often the most finicky.

Testing response to specific elements can easily be demonstrated with a refractometer that measures brix or soluble solids. You apply something and the brix went up, you are going in the right direction.


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ICMag Donor
I am curious about potassium and silica solubilizers in the soil as well as the n fixers, not just aminos but while you are moving your saturations of ca and k around, do they need to be bumped up or built up in a slow ramp kind of way to aid in the uptake of the nutrients? When increasing your Calicum and then decreasing it do you also play with the boron in the same fashion to help limit the uptake or increase it or does cause too much of a change where you're better off just leaving it at a good level instead?


Ca and B work together. Think of Ca as the bricks for construction and B as the cement to hold them together. One can't go without the other.

Just be very careful with B. There is a magic line where high levels can easily turn toxic. I have no idea how you even get started looking at an issue like Ca/B without a good and proper soil analysis. (and the last place I would ever send soil is Logan for this very specific element B)

I can take you to several large grape farms here in Peru. Neighbors all of them. When you drive in prior to harvest, you see who knew what they are doing and then it is real clear who has little clue.

Who decides at the end of the day who was right or wrong?

The consumer does!

And it is quite clear how the consumer responds to a well grown crop.

When you increase your Ca and then decrease it, the decrease is from pushing in K. One meq of one cation element pushes out one meq of another cation. The classic battle is Ca against K.

And yes, if I need more B, I am not shy about adding it.

Farming is not easy. Anyone that thinks it is may not learn that lesson the first year, maybe even the second. But the time will come. For the thousands of acres of avocado in California that I am now working on, these guys were all coasters. Living off the grace of the land. Their soils suck now. Completely screwed up. Result? One year there is production, the next year not. Imagine that one folks! Mother nature has a terrible way of catching up with those that refuse to understand balance.


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Limey...the enzyme chitonase is key to silica uptake. There is a perfect correlation using sap testing. Without increasing silica content in the soil you can introduce chitonase and watch sap silica rise.


New member
Cool thank you!
How often are we testing beyond getting the mix right before I grow plants in it? At flower? When the soil is recycled? More often than that? Im gonna be building 100 gallons to go in a 4x4 tent inside (I live in an apartment with no outside space :/) then build and maintain 200 gallons for clones. Just to give you an idea of the small scale im on for now anyway.
Im reading 1 straw revolution now btw, really really incredible book!
Thx again! so awesome ppl can be helpful


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ICMag Donor
Folks, we need to vote to maintain net neutrality and Title 2, or the net becomes fucked.

Just go to fccyourself.com and put in your details and then copy the following statement into the comment page.

Please reserve net neutrality and Title 2.

Yes, it is a pain in the ass, but this is a chance to defend ourselves.

(1) Emperor Trump: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) - YouTube

Go to minute 8.4 or so. They set it up .


New member
Fcc'd myself way way back... its a dragging battle fr shr. I'm just thinking of the nothing that fukuoka speaks of. Gotta get to Canada, or Peru or Chile live off the land KISS


New member
Speaking of kiss im going with KiS organics blend.i was gonna order a pallet of amendments etc. But since it's my 1st time im going premise. Thad says they test constantly vs. A coots mix, which I know is tried and true.


Active member
What dude is saying is don't make a blind decision. It's almost a shame that we have to be reminded of this.

And when did.it become ok to make a decision without something to go off of?


Folks, we need to vote to maintain net neutrality and Title 2, or the net becomes fucked.

Just go to fccyourself.com and put in your details and then copy the following statement into the comment page.

Please reserve net neutrality and Title 2.

Yes, it is a pain in the ass, but this is a chance to defend ourselves.

(1) Emperor Trump: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) - YouTube

Go to minute 8.4 or so. They set it up .

It's easy these days to miss one wave on the ocean of bullshit. Thanks for posting this.
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