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Sittin in my shed....


Well-known member
Ok, so she didn’t go back to school.
Severe anxiety and panic attacks last night followed by migraine… she just can’t deal with all the people and accompanying drama
I experience similar things at school myself, but her autism makes things much harder for her.

I’m at a loss as to what to do… when I was very young I got dragged to school screaming and crying often, and tried to hide when I got there- I’ll be damned if I’m going to put my little girl through that.
The school are never much help in these situations, so I guess I’m on the phone to the doctors in the morning.
Wish me luck. 🍀


Well-known member
Solved … I hope 🤞
I rang the education liaison officer yesterday and explained the situation too them, and they jumped straight into action- it was like they’d been bored and waiting for someone to call because they were straight on it.
They’ve arranged a group of sessions for little miss b with an emotional support counsellor (in school 👍) with a trained psychologist and given her access to quiet areas and alternative break time activities

And she went back today 🥳


Well-known member
It is absolutely hammering down with rain here, the garden is a mud bath and I’m glad I live on a hill as nearby areas are already flooding.

Supposed to get cold and dry this weekend, so I’m hoping to mend a small hole in the shed roof that I’ve noticed with all the rain… I’m getting a few drips coming through but I’m not climbing up there in this
I would have ten years ago, but I’d probably end up in traction these days 🤣

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Ok, so she didn’t go back to school.
Severe anxiety and panic attacks last night followed by migraine… she just can’t deal with all the people and accompanying drama
I experience similar things at school myself, but her autism makes things much harder for her.

I’m at a loss as to what to do… when I was very young I got dragged to school screaming and crying often, and tried to hide when I got there- I’ll be damned if I’m going to put my little girl through that.
The school are never much help in these situations, so I guess I’m on the phone to the doctors in the morning.
Wish me luck. 🍀
Jeez - looks like we have something more than 'erb in common here mr.brunch - for we have gone thru a similar experience with our teenage daughter recently who is hypersensitive - and the teacher from her school - said she may well be autistic - but smart and studious too - because she is in the academic top tier currently - and has been given the use of a 'quiet room' - when things get too loud and rowdy for her in the general school population

- she manages herself now quite well - and knows when she needs to step out - before the panic attacks happen -


Well-known member
Jeez - looks like we have something more than 'erb in common here mr.brunch - for we have gone thru a similar experience with our teenage daughter recently who is hypersensitive - and the teacher from her school - said she may well be autistic - but smart and studious too - because she is in the academic top tier currently - and has been given the use of a 'quiet room' - when things get too loud and rowdy for her in the general school population

- she manages herself now quite well - and knows when she needs to step out - before the panic attacks happen -
I’m so glad schools have changed since I was young- they are so much more willing to help these days.
And that’s what a lot of kids need, just a little extra help along the way.
My little lady is a very clever girl too, but it’s the social aspect/noise more than anything causes problems…, it’s easy to see why so many kids get in trouble, because they’re made to handle situations they aren’t capable of so they end up being seen as naughty - which then becomes a vicious circle


Cabana’s bitch
Interesting, I'm an Old marine from way back and I too have suffered numerous spills.
My back most of all is like being plugged into a line wire 24/7, can you explain your ice method and how you apply it to your back injury?
The ice packs that I use are used by sports doctors. They’ve got some sort of gel inside and they have a black nylon exterior shell that I throw in the freezer when I use them, I wrap a dish towel around the ice pack, so I don’t burn my skin and then I just lean in on it using a cushion to force it into my back so it can numb the nerves And it eliminates the pain… I use the heating pad on my belly because I had over 50 staples in my abdomen when they removed my liver to get the cancer out. the nerves are very sensitive in my stomach bothers me frequently but the heat sues the pain to a point where it’s not that bad. I’ve smoked pot since the 60s and I have yet to find anything that stops the pain but some strains do help me feel better because it makes my mind wander away from the focus of pain. I am having a procedure done next week called RFA. They burn the nerves on your spine electrically to prohibit the signal of pain to go to the brain. It lasts about two years before the nerves start to grow back, but it does give me relief… people who live with chronic and severe pain will understand my words better than the others


Well-known member
kids on the autism scale (my oldest son is Aspergers) have trouble with ANY change in their routine. doesn't matter if they like two activities, you change the order they do them in & they're all to hell. it sounds like you're getting some help. my wife had to fight tooth and nail to get our son the help he needed. school wanted to drug him and put him in with severe emotionally disturbed children. :mad: wife won, son graduated with the "normal" children. stay after the bastards! :good:


Well-known member
kids on the autism scale (my oldest son is Aspergers) have trouble with ANY change in their routine. doesn't matter if they like two activities, you change the order they do them in & they're all to hell. it sounds like you're getting some help. my wife had to fight tooth and nail to get our son the help he needed. school wanted to drug him and put him in with severe emotionally disturbed children. :mad: wife won, son graduated with the "normal" children. stay after the bastards! :good:
I hear you there…
They look forward to the school holidays, but the change is hard, then twice as hard going back.
Mainly due to luck we got help, the nursery school little miss was at had a teacher with an autistic daughter and knew the signs early…
We managed to get her into a mainstream school where she is in a specialist class of 12 kids, but get mixed in with the rest of the school for large parts of the day.
Change of school next year (high school) which we’ve applied for already… so that should be challenging.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I’m so glad schools have changed since I was young- they are so much more willing to help these days.
And that’s what a lot of kids need, just a little extra help along the way.
My little lady is a very clever girl too, but it’s the social aspect/noise more than anything causes problems…, it’s easy to see why so many kids get in trouble, because they’re made to handle situations they aren’t capable of so they end up being seen as naughty - which then becomes a vicious circle
True - there is more mental health help out there for kids today - but in the end - we found that it was better to handle it ourselves - rather than turning to the medical authorities - talked it all out - did some research online with my daughter about her condition - and now she seems to handle it much better - she knows her limitations - and will tell us if she's getting panicky over something -
Her hearing has been particularly hypersensitive - so we have to avoid noisy crowds and loud music -


Well-known member
True - there is more mental health help out there for kids today - but in the end - we found that it was better to handle it ourselves - rather than turning to the medical authorities - talked it all out - did some research online with my daughter about her condition - and now she seems to handle it much better - she knows her limitations - and will tell us if she's getting panicky over something -
Her hearing has been particularly hypersensitive - so we have to avoid noisy crowds and loud music -
In our case, she was diagnosed at 3 years old- after having to see psychologist, speech therapist, paediatrician etc. … she also has a receptive language problem and a mild expressive language disorder, basically meaning it can be hard for her to always understand what is being said without picture learning aids and she can’t always get her words out.
As for after diagnosis- we haven’t heard a peep from the doctors/hospitals since. Luckily her school has helped loads , and she’s coming on leaps and bounds
Very proud dad here.

All the best, and I love that you are helping your daughter this way -you are clearly a good father 👍


Well-known member
Just watered my girls in the tent.
They are stinking well, just ticking over into week 6 of flowering and looking lovely.
I have to admit, I wish they were closer to finishing…
I gave the responsibility of the Xmas crop to the guy who has done our second tent for years now. I give him established clones/seed plants and usually repot, trim , dry and everything else apart from watering- then we split our crops.
Last grow he said “I’ll take care of these clones, I’ll just keep you updated”

By the time I saw them at the last weeks of flowering, they were clearly severely neglected , yellow leaves all over (brown ones at the bottom) so I don’t know what he did to them.
We ended up with around 1/2 oz each in total (from 4 plants ) for the Xmas period, when my last run of them did over 100g a plant.
Needless to say, I’m buying my medicines for the next few weeks at least.
I’m seriously reviewing our partnership.

Rant off.


Well-known member
Tried my heating pad today, not much difference in my pain level.
Maybe order some big ice paks from amazon today.

I recieved the med-shrooms fron Myriad Mycol. yesterday, made 100 caps tonite at 5 pm and took 2, the trial is on, to see how they do on low back pain and pain in general vs. opiates. @Timj, @Boo and @MarineOne.
I'm taking notes to see if its worth the $25 / 0.3 oz. Made 100 "0'' caps and looks like enough for another 200-250. Hope these work and all the best @MarineOne with the pain


Well-known member
I recieved the med-shrooms fron Myriad Mycol. yesterday, made 100 caps tonite at 5 pm and took 2, the trial is on, to see how they do on low back pain and pain in general vs. opiates. @Timj, @Boo and @MarineOne.
I'm taking notes to see if its worth the $25 / 0.3 oz. Made 100 "0'' caps and looks like enough for another 200-250. Hope these work and all the best @MarineOne with the pain
It took about 2 weeks for it to build up in my system before I realized a significant
difference in my nerve pain. My first relief came as less sciatica pain and better sleep at night.
Last edited:


Cabana’s bitch
I’m really interested on what really works… I don’t wanna buying the snake oil so I’m very eager to see what happens with you guys. I’m having a procedure done on my lower back on Tuesday and I know the relief it will bring me.


Well-known member
It took about 2 weeks for it to build up in my system before I realized a significant
difference in my nerve pain. My first relief came as less sciatica pain and better steep at night.

Thanks Tim for that time info, I am on a mission to get stronger more than ever so I document every thing now, whereas in the past I didn't bother. I've been 33 + years as a spinal cord impaired fucker. Wake up every hour at sleep time, sciatica and lo back pain due to weak lower abs.

@MrBrunch,sorry to hijack your thread, should we start a new thread about this?


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I’m so glad schools have changed since I was young- they are so much more willing to help these days.
And that’s what a lot of kids need, just a little extra help along the way.
My little lady is a very clever girl too, but it’s the social aspect/noise more than anything causes problems…, it’s easy to see why so many kids get in trouble, because they’re made to handle situations they aren’t capable of so they end up being seen as naughty - which then becomes a vicious circle
I have been mentoring a young troubled girl after school for a few years. They need truth, understanding, patience, and to know they have people on their side. The schools and doctors think they need meds.


Active member
I recieved the med-shrooms fron Myriad Mycol. yesterday, made 100 caps tonite at 5 pm and took 2, the trial is on, to see how they do on low back pain and pain in general vs. opiates. @Timj, @Boo and @MarineOne.
I'm taking notes to see if its worth the $25 / 0.3 oz. Made 100 "0'' caps and looks like enough for another 200-250. Hope these work and all the best @MarineOne with the pain
Mike differently Hope they work for you
Let me know if you get any relief at all Mine is 24/7 but I refused to let them cut me/.