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Sittin in my shed....


Well-known member
Thanks guys :thank you:
Just returned from the hospital, they’ve given mrs b some strong antibiotics and codeine, and also told me to call her doctor on Monday and request an appointment with a urologist to investigate the possibility of kidney stones.
It’s all waiting for results and tests now, so hopefully they won’t take long


Well-known member
Mrs B seeming a lot better, although the doctor/hospital experience gave the depression/anxiety lots of oxygen, had a very wobbly and angry day Sunday but we’re over the wave now I think.
Little miss B has had the flu over the weekend and 2 days off school but I think we’re going to try and get her to school tomorrow… it’s been a heavy week
All at time when I’m a few weeks away from harvesting anything, so luckily a good friend on here delivered me a little care package yesterday
May well have saved my sanity 🤣


Well-known member
Still unusually mild weather here, but very breezy- I love the fresh westerly winds off the Atlantic, clears the head nicely.
We’re narrowly missing a storm today ( good luck to anyone in Ireland and wales, looks savage ) so hopefully the outdoor girls will be ok as winds still up in the 30mph area… runner beans are leaning over quite a bit (although still producing flowers, shows how mild it’s been)

Little miss B is back in school today, she was still up a few times in the night but seems much better

Mrs B is feeling a lot better, but we’re still waiting on results and a scan appointment, so fingers crossed 🤞


Well-known member
Autumn is arriving…. Raining heavily for the next few days and then a temperature drop.
I have finally harvested and dried the first outdoor girl 🥳 happy days.
And thanks to the amazing people who make up this community I had smoke to keep me sane until harvest time.
You know who you are, and thank you a million times- it kept me calm, and really helps with mrs b’s anxiety attacks

Poor little miss b is going through it at the moment- migraines and bad emotional outbursts due to school. I’m keeping her home tomorrow and calling the school (second time I’ve tried to get a call back)

Hope everyone is keeping well :tiphat:


Well-known member
Always great to hear about the family
best wishes also
Thank you my friend, I’m privileged to have a place to pour out my thoughts when needed

I’m making the switch to peat free compost as the shops are stopping selling the regular stuff…. I saw my local supermarket had miracle gro peat free at 2 x 40L for £9. (Usually around £10 each on amazon) so I took the plunge

Fingers Crossed 🤞

Indoor girls have around 3 weeks left so I’ll get a chance to try it soon


Well-known member
Autumn has definitely descended on us, lots of rain…. Luckily I got the last outdoor girl in and trimmed before it started
The compost heap has been covered with a large pile of trimmed leaves for the worms to get to work on, hope it doesn’t get them too stoned 🤣

I think I sorted out the school issue- the kid she was learning-partnered with was being a bit of a jerk, telling her he had stashed guns at home etc. was making her very anxious
She’s not partners with him any more. 👍

Now we have the not easy task of selecting and applying for her high school- so many hoops to jump through due to the autism etc. so I’m hoping I get it right.

Edit: cooking myself a nice bit of chilli and baked potato as the temperature is dropping- not a fan of kidney beans or chilli beans, so I use a can of baked beans in tomato sauce instead.
I’ll give it another hour or so bubbling away on a low heat
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learning and laughing
All the best for you + family 🙏🏼

From what I read here I get the impression you are an able and intuitive person. I am sure you will find a decision concerning her high school.

The compost heap has been covered with a large pile of trimmed leaves for the worms to get to work on, hope it doesn’t get them too stoned 🤣

I have read a study on earthworms, when stoned, they also get munchies 😁


Well-known member
All the best for you + family 🙏🏼

From what I read here I get the impression you are an able and intuitive person. I am sure you will find a decision concerning her high school.

I have read a study on earthworms, when stoned, they also get munchies 😁
Thanks mate, that’s kind of you to say :tiphat:

Worms 🪱 getting munchies may well explain how they get through the compost heap so quickly 🤣


Well-known member
Baked beans in chili sounds great!!

Thanks for the tip!

Congratulations on your outdoor lady coming down that's exciting!!
It works well in my humble opinion… it’s how my mum used to make it, makes the sauce tastier and a bit more creamy

The outdoor ladies have served me well this year, only a small hidden patch but very nice and effective :smoker:


Well-known member
Sittin outside my shed this evening… we’ve had a dry weather day today so I’m making the most of a clear sky and nice cold air (in between blasts on the joint of course :smoker: )
Wind is getting up a little so I may have to relocate soon.

It was my baby girl’s 10th birthday last week, unsure where the time has vanished to, but it truly doesn’t seem that long ago I carried her out of the hospital and brought her home.
She’s now teaching me stuff she learns, she’s a bright spark despite her autism… makes me proud every day.
She’s currently whipping her mum and older brother on Mario kart while I’m doing the dinner🍽️

Hope everyone is well :tiphat: