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Sittin in my shed....


Well-known member
Tomatoes have all rotted over the space of three-four days…. They couldn’t handle all the rain , it just hasn’t stopped.
At least the runner beans are still loving it and producing well- and the huge (for me) pumpkin is bigger than ever, and has started going orange 🥳🥳

Mrs b bought me a bottle of Channel Islands (gold top) milk today, so I’m spoiling myself with an iced coffee made with it and a nice joint of outdoor weed while sitting next to the patch

Very creamy- not the kind of thing to drink often, but this is the milk I used to get a pint of every Saturday ( aged 10/11) after working the milk delivery round… 8 hours for £5 and a pint of gold top.
Saved every penny to paid for my holiday, and enjoyed every drop of milk. Was in glass bottles then though.


Well-known member
The big pumpkin 🎃 has been harvested, and has been sitting in the sun since yesterday so I’ll bring it indoors tonight to store hopefully for Halloween 👻 carving … little miss b wants to stay in this year because she prefers giving candy out rather than going to other houses , so we’ll go extra on the decorations and sweet stuff
Largest pumpkin I’ve grown so far… hope it keeps long enough 🤞


Well-known member
Afternoon all :tiphat:
The pool has been drained and put away until next year as the weather decided it was autumn already… no more hot spells forecast
Veg patch is winding down, just a few runner beans and two pumpkins still going
Close to being my favourite time of year now, got a nice little wood pile ready for a bonfire 🔥 on fireworks night, by which time the outdoor girls should also have been harvested


Well-known member
So much for the forecast… thinking I should have kept the pool out a week or two longer 🤦🏻‍♂️
30°c and above all week (86°f-90°f) meant to peak at 34°c on Saturday.
I’m not built for the heat, so I’m absolutely melting 🫠 with no way to cool down
Not good for sleep.
On the plus side, my outdoor girls are a couple of weeks into flower and they are lapping up the sun… cool down predicted Tuesday.
Pumpkins are all done, and also the beans but they’re still green and bushy which gives me a little extra cover for my girls so they’ll stay up until harvest

Iced coffee time I think


Well-known member
My cherry tomatoes are putting out another flush. Some will make it, some wont. Last year I had a late flush, picked then all before the frost. Took a pic of them on a couple of big sheet pans...still want to make a jigsaw puzzle out of that. 34* is a little hot for you boys not?


Well-known member
My cherry tomatoes are putting out another flush. Some will make it, some wont. Last year I had a late flush, picked then all before the frost. Took a pic of them on a couple of big sheet pans...still want to make a jigsaw puzzle out of that. 34* is a little hot for you boys not?
Too hot for me - I know some love it, but I overheat far too quickly. The problem here is when the heat rises, the humidity shoots up…. 1am this morning it was 20° and 92% humidity.
No air conditioning , and I stupidly put the pool away

The roses have had a second showing, usually by now I’m cutting them back but not this year … thinking it’s the month of everyday rain we had in July


Well-known member
Mrs B is not well. Not sure what it is but severe pain lower left abdomen- she doesn’t usually show it when she’s in pain, but I haven’t seen her cramp like this since baby b was born.
Currently waiting for a callback from the paramedics- they think she needs an ambulance but there’s a 6-8 hour wait, so they are going to call 📞
2 lots of codeine/paracetamol , ibuprofen no effect
It’s 1:10am now, and I’ve got to get little miss b up for school at 6:30…. Could be a long night


Well-known member
Paramedics called back around 2:30 but by then the codeine had made mrs b fall asleep- they wouldn’t send an ambulance without speaking to her (!) and she was a bit delirious so I let her go back to sleep.
I lied down at around 3, then was re awakened at 4 with mrs b in bad pain again, so on the paramedics advice I gave her codeine, paracetamol and ibuprofen- got about an hour’s sleep before getting little miss b ready for school and got mrs b to sleep on the sofa

Then I find out that the strong winds we’re getting were pulling the gazebo out of the ground (my extra screen for my outdoor girls) so I’ve hastily stripped the roof fabric so it’s hanging down the back side- just about screened, but I can hopefully reattach it tomorrow
Fingers crossed 🤞


Well-known member
Well, mrs b has been on and off sleeping all day… pain is subsiding but I will be calling the doctor in the morning.
She was diagnosed with endometriosis age 17 No symptoms for a long time but I think that’s what it is- challenge is now getting the doc to listen

Just about to get little miss b to sleep, but it’s been a long 24 hours… I should sleep like a log 🪵 🤞🤞


Well-known member
Thanks for the good wishes all, it means a lot
I took mrs b to the doctor today, and they think it may be an ovarian cyst- scan has been ordered and samples taken.
It could also be an infection, so just got to wait for the results
She’s in less pain today, but she always says she’s fine- the doctor pressing her tummy reveals there is still pain though.
Just off to tuck her up on the couch and put a program on


Well-known member
Things still aren’t right- we spoke to nhs 111 emergency doctors this morning, and I’ve got to take mrs b to the hospital in about an hour… they want to check it’s not her kidney stones coming back, and they said the GP should probably have prescribed antibiotics.
Hopefully she doesn’t have to stay in

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