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My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
zues- coco is very different from soil- IMO better in every way.
pros vs cons
pros- higher yeilds by way of higher cation rate(ability to use available nutes), lighter feedings as a result, ability to grow "hydro" roots if kept watered constantly, impossable to overwater as long as there are drainholes for runoff due to high oxygen level in medium(coco will hold 20-30 % air completely soaked) so this means easy automated feeding w/out worry of overwatering.
cons-more expensive than soil, requires a rinse(most often) potassium build up with time requires flush weekly every solution change( simple, to avoid prob.) , use of nutes(feeding 2 times a day til light runoff) is higher(lower ppms, but excess use). alteration to flowering feeding schedual to accomadate cocos unique NPK requirements. needs less PK in flower except for weeks 5-6,boost, then flush. higher priced coco specific nutes...
although PBPbloom soil/coco works, i dont personally like the NPK. should be great as long as you flush with res changes. when i run out i will make the cross to canna a+b + pk 13/14 + rhizo and other zyme things i forget at moment. Kahrma and Diamond necture and calmag and sweet are wonderful products i will continue to use along with the canna line, although i dont think i will be adding the kahrma to the res, will top feed by hand in first 4 weeks and foliar feed in the first 2 weeks ther than that some guano teas in a schedual and of course budswell(liquid) and Purple max snowstorm, this will help me use even lower PPMs effectivly. peak around 900-1000. i love botanicares full line though you cant go wrong with PBP, i just wanted easy calculation with canna. also when i can afford it, gravity will get tested to see what increases are possible with run 2 in coco. when i develope my schedual i will post it. still pondering ratios and such..... it will change with the Nute line change also.

cloner- run 24 hrs and above i listed what i add to bubbler, here ya go @ per gallon
5ml pbpgrow, 15ml diamond necture, 2-5ml calmag(none if tap water), 10 ml seablast(seaweed kelp extract) 1 ml H&G roots excellerator. of course plain PHed water works, but my results seem to be highly excellerated, and the light nute solution keeps them fed once they throw roots, cause i let them bulk up fat in the cloner, i might top off if needed, but never had to yet, keep covered ya dig and light tight helps alot. go to walmart and buy an aquarium air pump(5 bucks) or you can buy a lil nicer high rated quieter aquarium pump, for like 20 buck, but both do the job well. i use dual port for 2 cloners when needed. stems in the water as deep as possible. take long cuts with as much soft wood as poss. you will like the advantage of long cuts. can plant fairly deep. you get a strong plant from long cuts


Registered Medical Patient
Thanks Sir, that was a very informative read...i guess Ill have to look at coc for the next run maybe, but we'll see...PBP & all Botanicares nutes seem like they'll do me well, so Ill try them this go 'round...Im really not likin the EJ nutes anymore...they seem to burn no matter what kind of strength I give...fuckin BS!!!anyhow, thasnks again for the info, and Ill be seein ya later...Peace brother

- Z


sup sir! im back posting up and checking on my boyz.

man your GDP Looks awesome! i had that strain once, its real nice smoke! hope you got a killer pheno dude.

thanx for your views on coco. i wont get into trying it in this bunkbed, but when i get home, and ready to grow, i might give it a shot.

you know your stuff dude. :respect: take care..


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
brother Zeus..... you will love the PBP in soil. creates a nice tasting plant. the sweet is a combination MUST IMO. both the citrus and berry are fine, slightly different % ratings for the contents, but perform same exact function. its glorified sugar, has other beneficials in it as well eg. magnesium, it is a flavor enhansor. it doesnt FLAVOR your weed like i see people on here sayin and wondering. some peeps believe everything they read. lol. like i said over your way, you might want to consider a PK booster with the PBP in late flower b4 flush. it is kinda low, that is why it works for coco as well. indonesian guano is a cheap ass organic solution to that problem. make a nice tea with it and bubble overnight, works wonders. also if you use kahrma, dont mix in and store solution . it will settle and build up on bottom. mix in just b4 you PH and water. i think other wise it could be a waste. foliar is great for the kahrma. :joint:

NZjay- u r 1 kewl ass kiwi. lol that was fun to type. thanks for makin ur rounds over here. gdp is nice stuff. killer pheno?






all killer all very different. blue is the fruitiest, purple is the skunkiest, green is a weird mix of the smells and taste like it smells, calaxys purples after chop, weird curing low yeilding and super dense. blue is heaviest yeilder and purple is a CURB APPEAL beast. shit looks black. gonna eliminate the green, just runnin 1 in coco to see if the outcome is worth the trouble. if not bye bye green pheno.
about me knowin my shit, not without this lil world here, i would be trial and error like the pioneers. thank god for all this INFO. now i can spew it back out from time to time to keep my game fresh and help others when possible...helps me remember, and i keep learnin and readin and sharing
back at you with the respect homie

i added the lil ones to the flower chamber tonight. tomorrow is gonna be 12/12 day 1. all i need to do is get the manifold built so i dont have to hand water and viola.
ok a lil panorama. if i walk in the door and turn to my left in the corner

looking down on them

continueing to the right

and the end of the panorama continueing to the right

now underside. if i was to open door and put cam in entry floor and look up

then move to that plant on the right and look left

lil ones on their new table.(still need to fill up to top with balls)
and what they are up on(res going under)

to give the table a slight angle to pool the run off on one side, where i will put the drain to the res tomorrow. yes there will be a return for the water, but i plan to water til barely drippin 2 times daily, may have to go 3 times in end.

the reason i put the plants on top of the balls is to
1. provide some shelter and moisture for the roots that grow out of the containers into the tray. with the hydro root system, it is always hunting down that water in the tray. might as well try to keep them from drying out. more roots = more harvest
2. helps keep coco that escapes through drain holes out of return drain line in tray. like a filter kinda balls collect coco.
3. when i top tray off with the balls, it will help stablize the 2lts when the plants get bumped or top heavy..
here is the AC intake now. plugged right into the wall and in the room hangs a fan that is acting like a sprinkler head blowing cold air from one corner to the entire room...complete coverage of 90 degrees

and now would you think all that was behind here. now it is all hidden until i scoot that wooded corner shelf over(super easy)
back wall of garage

wow that took longer than i thought it would lol
any comments on the retardedly full room. lol
i might have to loosen some of the bondage a lil to create a bit of space between gals., but it is finally level height in there for the most part. :joint:
Last edited:


Registered Pothead
SirSmokalot said:
zues- coco is very different from soil- IMO better in every way.
pros vs cons
pros- higher yeilds by way of higher cation rate(ability to use available nutes), lighter feedings as a result, ability to grow "hydro" roots if kept watered constantly, impossable to overwater as long as there are drainholes for runoff due to high oxygen level in medium(coco will hold 20-30 % air completely soaked) so this means easy automated feeding w/out worry of overwatering.
cons-more expensive than soil, requires a rinse(most often) potassium build up with time requires flush weekly every solution change( simple, to avoid prob.) , use of nutes(feeding 2 times a day til light runoff) is higher(lower ppms, but excess use). alteration to flowering feeding schedual to accomadate cocos unique NPK requirements. needs less PK in flower except for weeks 5-6,boost, then flush. higher priced coco specific nutes...
although PBPbloom soil/coco works, i dont personally like the NPK. should be great as long as you flush with res changes. when i run out i will make the cross to canna a+b + pk 13/14 + rhizo and other zyme things i forget at moment. Kahrma and Diamond necture and calmag and sweet are wonderful products i will continue to use along with the canna line, although i dont think i will be adding the kahrma to the res, will top feed by hand in first 4 weeks and foliar feed in the first 2 weeks ther than that some guano teas in a schedual and of course budswell(liquid) and Purple max snowstorm, this will help me use even lower PPMs effectivly. peak around 900-1000. i love botanicares full line though you cant go wrong with PBP, i just wanted easy calculation with canna. also when i can afford it, gravity will get tested to see what increases are possible with run 2 in coco. when i develope my schedual i will post it. still pondering ratios and such..... it will change with the Nute line change also.

cloner- run 24 hrs and above i listed what i add to bubbler, here ya go @ per gallon
5ml pbpgrow, 15ml diamond necture, 2-5ml calmag(none if tap water), 10 ml seablast(seaweed kelp extract) 1 ml H&G roots excellerator. of course plain PHed water works, but my results seem to be highly excellerated, and the light nute solution keeps them fed once they throw roots, cause i let them bulk up fat in the cloner, i might top off if needed, but never had to yet, keep covered ya dig and light tight helps alot. go to walmart and buy an aquarium air pump(5 bucks) or you can buy a lil nicer high rated quieter aquarium pump, for like 20 buck, but both do the job well. i use dual port for 2 cloners when needed. stems in the water as deep as possible. take long cuts with as much soft wood as poss. you will like the advantage of long cuts. can plant fairly deep. you get a strong plant from long cuts
Very informative indeed. I am gonna be making the switch to coco after one more soil run. Ima do a drip with a runoff bucket.


lovin it sirsmoke,thats one bad ass setup yo.stealthy as hell thats real nice yo.
i been tryin to think of a way to hide my entrance too i think i got a plan but its just a matter of gettin the stuff and doin it now...im slow to get started on it,i been havin it mapped out for months now.LOL.
those are some thick ass stalks on those girls bro.nice full room god things ahead .peace -Y-


go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
lovin the jungle sog u got going , u know ur gonna lick it like that :respect:

and ur blue looks top class dank

great work sir , always ontop ,a big up to u mate :respect:

i like.... :joint:
nice bike homie I like how you added that to the garage pic!!! Every garage needs a nice bike i think. C ant wait to go skating hope we still got skillz lol Peace!!


wattup sir all those nugs look tasty as hell yo.whats ur favorite?i think the blue looks awesome yo,but we all know the best lookin aint always the best so i was just wonderin what one kix ur ace?
beautiful room bro i love it.peace -Y-


amazing work Sir, and great update/walk through of the new room!

i been slackin on these threads of late... dont hate though. i still been lurking. :)

you are a regular Bob the Builder! keep it up, girls look great.

D Rock

Love the stealthness. Room looks great and the plants look even better Sir. See ya around.


So sweet bro, you rock it hard!!! I love that idea with the coco and rocks, seems super easy and multiple clones at once is fun! Dude where did you get a hold of GDP beans??? I would keep all 3 of those phenos!!! That green one looks the frostiest shit!!! The blue is incredible, awesome smoke eh?!? Lucky mofo, great work I'm glad I stopped in here! PEACE


Active member
Sir just got back from a weekend getaway, and took a bit to get caught up here. Great series of updates, just when I would think about a question about something to ask you, I would read on and damned if you didn't answer them all and then some.
Hella nice looking bushes, nicely hidden room, fo sho damn nice looking clones.
Be taking some clones tonight myself. Can't wait to get them in some coco, after reading your posts.


Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
Hey Sir! Just wanted to poke my head in and say Hi! 474 posts! Jeez... I'd have to take
a vacation just to have enough time to catch up. I'll go back 15 pages or so and start.
Just spent an hour posting in hazy's thread and my fingers ache, lol. Be back soon
when I'm rested. :) hazy's fault.
Take care, ns.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
chubby- cant wait for that switch. i know you will tear it up no matter what you grow in homie

Y- thanks man. stealth is key homie.. for me at least. i like the BLUE and the PURP for different reasons. the Purp is a lil stronger i think. the blue is still hard, but lighter body and mostly in the head. the purple is a lil tastier to me but the blue is fruitier, but i like skunk tones.

Maj- thanks uncle

M@rg- thanks mate glad you like the jungle. it is quite full in there. maybe over full, but a lil thinnin out will help that.

INB- poppin wheelies home skillet. thats what they are for my friend. i finally have clearance to ride again. my "stay out of trouble for a year" is up. i still got it. when i moved i had to ride the bike over and well.... i couldnt help myself on the freeway lol. maybe i shouldnt get my licence back lol. i had a great time skating all weekend up at your spot. i am a lil banged up, but worth every bruise. thanks for the hospitality as always brother. glad you like the weed. hope your homie sprouts those beans soon.

NZ- at least you came in man. lol. you are here plenty i dont feel bad lol girl recovered well right

Drock- :joint:

Cali- glad you popped in too. i bought some, got a super firey batch. solid black lookin. got several beans and had nothin but luck with them. maj and INB have had great luck with it, i just got blessed on my phenos. it is nice to gift some tester beans to friends, if one of us gets the winner, we all do eventually. i will hit you up.

Hazy- have fun with the coco. i tried to be thourough as far as what i was asked called for. but plenty more info out there. i just regurgetated what i learned. all i do lately is read. i am on trip now. at INB. be home tonight to check on the lasses. and go to post tomorrow

NS- hey bro no worries take your time. we been movin pages around here lately. talk to you soon.

well i get home tonight. taking pics and hope my coco babes are still sweet. see you around.
Sir :joint:


Damn, I coulda sworn I been done posted up in your thread. I guess I just lurked it to death. Maybe I was just too caught up in the thread to realize that I was just commenting outloud to myself. Ha. Keep on!


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
justincase- yo man thanks for rememberin this time, hope you were talkin good to yourself lol

yo peeps whats up. hope yall had a good weekend. well i am back from my trip and some changes have occured. the flower chamber stretched up several inches. the coco lasses made it on the drip feeder fine. one of my strawberr clones grew up in cloner a few inches and hit lights. had to cut off one leaf, well not had to but did. well since the flower chamber is in early-mid stretch, i decided to move big gals around for better layout. i had the strawberry d tied to the ceiling to support its weight cause it was LSTed to the max in the past. well i untied it and it fell, but was still ok, then after moving tied to the ceiling again, only to notice that the main had cracked actually snapped off of the rootball. not to bad a deal. it was the smallest girl of the big ones, drank way slower cause it was all FFOF and not cut with Roots Oganics COCO like the others, and had to be tied up and elevated 8 inches to be even canopy, and i was way crowded b4 stretch and wasnt gettin any better so the others def can use the new space. i took 15 choice cuts from the Str D. i will work somethin out of her. it kinda sucked, but i know it will help the others greatly. other than that i trimmed my ass of tonight. plucked mad fans and tomorrow i will get 1/2 the lowers i want off, and a few days later get the rest. til later friends

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Lets get some of those pics up Sir

What did you do with the one that got snapped, I was watching Jorge Cervantes Grow DVD 2 yesterday, he says he likes to use duct tape in those situations