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SIRSMOKALOT's Casa del Mota!



sirsmoke WOW thats a helluva nice room bro.all blingy waitin for the chicas.peace bro


Registered Medical Patient
nice new room bro..cant wait to see u rockin it hard!!!! You grow some real nice plants Sir, big props to ya!!!!Peace bro

- Z


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
work work work...and play meanwhile.....lol.
you must be proud on your progress..i know i woz when i first build my room...and i woz even more proud when i finished my second homebuild room....proud i woz...i know how it feels man...hope to see it all working soon...seems like it though :smile:


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
foe20-thanks brotha and no worries man. better late than never i always say. glad you like so far. yes ladies are waitin for that space now, i willdrop you a line.

NZ- thank you too. its comin along lil by lil.

YWI- bling bling homie. here we go

Zeus- again Z thanks for the compliments. i am blushing you guys. lol here are some photos for you.

Core- oh man i love the builds i hate spendin the dough on it though. gets pricey. plus i moved like every six months for the last 2 years and feel like i am always building, get it going smooth and tear down repeat. gets old but i am getting good lol. def is a proudness there when all is done and sit back and look at the reward. thanks for chimin in mate

here are some flower pics. b4 i do that, let me say there are a few stray beans growing here and there. when that lavender nanners popped in the room. they wont mature but hurt yeild. oh well i expected as much but not again lol here we go


gdp-green wide leaf pheno

WB short pheno- new name for this next run- special

wb tall pheno

strw dzl

room shot

thats it for today. sit backand lurk and work on my room and cab maybe clone or something
Sir :joint:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Awesome pics of some great plants man :yes:

You sure know how to put on a good show :lurk:


Active member
That tall WhirlyBird looks badass Sir.
Loved all of the pics.
How much do you average from those 2-liter bottles?


Man there's some great buds growing phat phatties right there :respect:

Nice photography too!


Registered Medical Patient
Well Sir...you are gonna be my 1000th post here @ IC!!!I am honored to have it be in the presence of such dank plants...they look great dude, Im lookin forward to the finish!!!Keep it up man, youre makin me drool...LOLPeace

- Z


Registered Medical Patient
OH, and look @ that, I just began the 23rd page as well..!!!!LOL, Im fuckin stonnned!!!

By the way, i love Half-Baked!!!!Biaaaatch!!!

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Damn bro, you put my room to shame with that one, got me thinking about remodelling a bit man

Looks great!!!


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
SMP- glad you like my friend. lol :wave:

BR- thank you black. hope to make it nice in there too.

TML- always having to do something around here. glad you like this round. they could have been much nicer, but i get more chances. and as always thanks for the support.

Cannabean- hey there nice to see you stop in. i am glad you enjoyed thread so far. i promise to keep it getting better. but i rely on all you guys to make it fun in here lol.

Hazy-thanks that wB will go for a bit yet. needs 75+ days at least. the 2 LITERS i have pulled up to an oz in em . if i let them get a good root mass b4 flip then i can average 20 gs but depends on strain, looks like 8-10 g after cure on the lavs by the current size, slightly more on the ML erkel and the PC about 12+(slightly bigger topps than lav) the WB are gonna give about 10 and the SDZLs are in gal bags about a oz from them prob a lil less and the big ones are in gal bags. have to see on those. sorry for the long winded run down.

NipCrip- yes they are beginning to swell. and as i started the flush on most they are really gonna plump out i hope. most will come dowm in the next 2 weeks. get ready for photos of the new digs in action. :wave:

Zeus- i am honored to have been the 1000th post. i am glad you feel it was worthy. stay cool and keep the pages turning. (sounds like a year book entry lol)

Doc perro- thanks brotha. it is always nice to renovate. your shit is sweet anyway. dont let the shiny walls get you down. it does spruce my room up a bit. :muahaha:

YWI- :muahaha: back at you homie. i am workin hard to get it rollin so you have somethin to peep when you visit. puff puff pass :joint:

on to the plants
here is the decap from above. i had just lst the right branch farther down.

GDP blue top and side

GDP purple top and side

here are the 3- L2R purp blue decap

StrDzl under and top

GdP green



My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
WB- this one is getting a new name now.
TripleCherryBamBam. or Bam Bam for short

look at the plant only 3 blade leaves on entire plant. look closely. only leaf with a 4thblade on bottom. that has never happened but only one

ok it is obvious where the TRIPLE came from. The CHERRY is from the scent. its mother was a cherry ak47 and boy does it shine. The BAM bAm is the flavor and burning scent. several different people including myself commented on the fact that it tasted just like fruity pebbles and cherry exhale lingeringtaste. fruity pebbles are flinstones cerial. i asked my self who is the hardest hittin MF on the FLinstones. BAM BAM is the obvious character choice. barney and fred just didnt have that ring to it lol

ok pressing forward. i tried to tie down a lil farther on some and got a lil stem snapping. nothing fatal

bam bam and GdpGreen
here are all the girls out except the DZL she is in closet still

themales- master L and HH(sfv) R

and put em back

asyou can see they are spilling into the room and light is everywhere. i get power to the room this week and they get to fill in the new space.
while they were out i took these

new moms and future coco run. it has begun
i need to take cuts off of the DZL still, waiting for some stretch on her. i like long cuts now.
thats it today folks and thank you all for keeping me in such great company. all you friends is why i post my nonsense. hope you like the update
Sir :joint:


lookin good bro,update is off the hook.keep up the excellant work.peace-Y-


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
zeus and YWI- thanks you two. hope to get more up here this week to view. i have the power being done in there today or tomorrow, and then it is on. i mounted my struts on the ceiling and hung my light. basically just need power and mount things. i hope it is glowing by fathers day.


wow sir.. you a regular tim the toking tool-man, aint cha!

plants look very happy, and you strain whores always amaze me with such wicked variety! lol!

dude, DAMN impressive!

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