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SIRSMOKALOT's Casa del Mota!


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
aaah i woz looking out for these...those are looking very frosty for there age!
great looking pics too...very clear shots !
i took a few off the gallery if you don't mind :smile:...thanks again bro!
it looks like you've been growing for ages :joint:


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
OS- thanks ... yes he did

Core- glad you liked some enough to use... haha thanks it has been roughly 3 years now applying my knowledge and about 6-7 years learning bits here and there


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training

I love you, man. Can I have your bud? You got the note about me movin' in, right?


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
pc's are frosty as a beer mug bro,they will be covered with crystals by time you chop...i have the pollen chuck revised going right now,around 40 days...do any of yours smell real real grapey?i have a couple that do.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
BR- thanks man pop em up here too

maj- its gettin there

freezerBoy- better run that by the old lady lol

Tona- the mutant i havent sniffed yet and the good PC is fat as hell and smell a lil fruity when you touch it a lil, cant say grapey, dont know what to say. when you give a good squeeze and rub your fingers a few times a real lemonpinesol cleaner smell is there that reminds me of headband again. super cleaner smelling. its def a keeper!:joint:

ok boys i need to do an update with pics. to get caught up everything has fallen over at least once and some even snapped over at the base believe it or not. a lil plumbers tape and some stakes and tie wire fixed em up for now. i hate vegging with cfls. WEAK branches IMO or i just have super fat 5 week old buds. who will be the judge lol. so anyway i hooked up the 400hps and got to hot for my taste and switched it to the MH and temps are nice and no longer an orange glow in my hallway


thats some sweet buds your got there, cant believe its only 20 days into flowering , looking great. i'm only a week into flowering so nothing really showing yet but i cant wait til they are looking like yours . nice one man


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
no excuses- thanks man good luck with your gals also.... today will be day 35 end of week 5 ... i need to get some current pics up

Core- man oh man you need to see the PC. for less than 2L of soil the tops are so fat- great breeding brother! the smell is an extreme chemylemonpinesol when i squeeze a bud and rub my fingers a few times together and sniff. doesnt radiate stink that bad but upon contact watch out lol. i will take some end week 5 pics in dark for you. i did notice a big ol spot on one of the fan leaves... i think i dripped something on it and it cooked it. super haelthy gal.

well i see my girls lightening up a lil bit since i cut the Grow out a few weeks ago and this last week i dropped the micro also. its been bloom, koolbloom(powder), calmag, DNecture, silicablast, week 6 will be peak week for 'P'K' on first feeding and ween down til flush. if i have any gravity left it will beused now- prob out though need to check. back tonight with new pics or tomorrow if i get caught up

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Core- man oh man you need to see the PC. for less than 2L of soil the tops are so fat- great breeding brother! the smell is an extreme chemylemonpinesol when i squeeze a bud and rub my fingers a few times together and sniff. doesnt radiate stink that bad but upon contact watch out lol.

It is one crazy plant isnt it?

I feel so fortunate to have grown it out a while ago, and I will be again very very soon


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya Sir

i'm around like a vulture for the pics hehehe
gladd you like them a bit :smile:
i too used 2 L pot last time with a 35-40 day veg....it yielded 10+ grams dry and that is't bad at all
so this time i used 7 L pots :jump:


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
Dr. Dog- yes i like it a lot myself. it has been a pleasure to grow... not finiky at all. loved what ever i threw at it, i cant wait to try it in coco with a good room together. i also cant wait to see you turning out dank pics of the PC........

Core- well on that note i will go snapp em now that its dark in there......
& i like them more than a bit man they is dank and good yeilding. i should yeild at least a solid half of big buds and a lil bs i didnt trim off. yes i too want to run em in bigger containers. thanks again = )


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
here ya go hazy

flower day 36 - pollen chuck - 1.75L soil - past halfway hehe





well i have plenty more of the whole room i went pic crazy last night..... get those up later with more time to spare:abduct:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
DAYUHM !!!!!!! :bow:

and one of the second run in a 7 L pot...multi topped ..they love it!


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
Core- glad you approve brother! wowza look at those tops... got me scratchin me chinny chin chin. she does love it huh

Bonecarver- hey big boss... thanks a lot man! like i said b4 i cant wait to throw her in some coco!

Old Soul

Active member
Looking very good bro! That PC looks awesome at 36 days. Hope you're ready for this weekend.


hehe :D good going.. in coco she will explode in production :D just go canna :D

awesome cut u got. im looking forward to the coco pics :D

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