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Silver's second straight-bulb several strain sweetened soil sweetness. Seriously.


Active member
Thats a very nice harvest,you get there silver and amazing pics !
Congratz with those-there,s a bit,to the cold wintertime : )
Hmm-SO you also,got those RA ! it,s sounds as..Has to find out,why your talking about SA-asperins-will you watering with it ? i have sprayed plants with those-but for be stronger and those immundefense-they liked it-only in vegge...there was an long very welldescribed thread-about those SA and something-those Bayer-have done-there should be 2 kind of SA-will try find those thread-and you can see-mabye something,you can use-or not-is it your stems-there has to be stronger-since-you willl use it ? mabye ,,

BUT very goodlooking buds there-was just that-i would said . ) yes..goodone !

silver hawaiian

Active member

Baby silver, coming summer '13!
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Boston Terriers rule and all else drool........especially with particular instructions involved.......

Congrats on Baby SH my buddy......Couldn`t be more blessed with the character and demeanor of my twisted kids down here in vert-ville........

Lotta Class acts round our parts down here........SH.......You da man........and of course.......Respect to wifey as well.......


Edit:.........Didn`t think about puppies.......Was all about SH additions to the fam.......I`m so confused........
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Active member
Are you saying-you also getting puppyes Silver ? yes you do...
They gonna be CUTE !! looks like a great year-for you-r !

Good dogs..

silver hawaiian

Active member
Boston Terriers rule and all else drool........especially with particular instructions involved.......

Congrats on Baby SH my buddy......Couldn`t be more blessed with the character and demeanor of my twisted kids down here in vert-ville........

Lotta Class acts round our parts down here........SH.......You da man........and of course.......Respect to wifey as well.......


Edit:.........Didn`t think about puppies.......Was all about SH additions to the fam.......I`m so confused........

:tiphat: You're right on - it's gonna be a baby human! No need to be any more confused than I generally keep things around here ;)

Are you saying-you also getting puppyes Silver ? yes you do...
They gonna be CUTE !! looks like a great year-for you-r !

Good dogs..

Nemt, det bliver et menneske, min ven! :)

Denne ene vil være en helvedes masse mere arbejde end en hvalp! Hvalpe behøver ikke at gå på college :crazy:

you mentioned earlier that you and the wifey were trying! good work homie. we have one coming in less than 90 days....

Grazi! Didn't take long, that's fer sher!



silver hawaiian

Active member
Thanks all! It's crazy, what pregnancy does to a body, eh? My wife can barely stay awake past 6:30 these days, .. Right now, she's laid out next to me under a blanket, one dog is next to me, and the other is on her feet.. Sheesh!

Super excited.

Back to the garden, .. !

After discovering the fungus gnat larvae last week (thanks jbg29, again!), I gave the affected pots some h2o2 - for about 3 or 4 waterings.

After that, they got some BT water. (The flowering pots, Nightmare and Goat, had no signs of the fuckers, so they were spared the h2o2. They did get the BT, however).

Anyway, the treated veg plants have bounced back like a MOTHER! The cut of the White I had has grown at least 6" since their treatment, .. Honestly, it's hard for me to even put a measurement on the growth, because I'd kind of lost interest in her at that level.. Kind of "Meh, don't bother watchin', it'll be some time before she's ready.. A watched pot doesn't something.."

So, that's exciting.

After my fungus gnat larvae snag, I'm left with a lone Happy Valley seedling. I was just givin' her the stem stroke, and ho-ly OG stank to it. It's got that really musky/earthy feel to it.

I hope it's a broad. :D

Which reminds me, .. I need to either start more of those beans, or finger out some cuts, or something. I feel like it's the Right Thing to do to start THOSE beans if I do any beans next, .. I was fortunate enough to have been gifted the beans, and the least I can do is grow 'em out for the greater good, .. :dunno:


Active member
Glad they are looking better silver. The h2o2 trick does wonders. They cant stand the shit and give the roots a boost of oxy that they need desperately to recover

silver hawaiian

Active member
Yes! Noticeable difference, for sure, ..

I was a little leery of too much, though, .. I think the h2o2 is no good for the cool critter life I've been brewing in the dirt..

The cloner is rinsing out, in anticipation of anything on the horizon..

And I just set 4 more Happy Valley beans to sprout. :D


Active member
Truthfully in soil its real hard to get too much h2o2 as it reacts with the soil and dissipates rapidly, it usially belps the beneficial microbes to add it regularly as it does increase the available oxygen in the soil and brakdown the bad roots caused by the damage from the gnats and break th down as well