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. . Silent Generators . .


Tropical Outcast
i have pulled off a sizeable grow with a diesel gen running off veggie oil in the country with neighbors too far off to hear or smell shit all...worked for me...and free fuel is cheaper than grid power.

Maybe you did...but you weren't burning 80 to 100 gallons/week like p0opstlnksal0t is talking about.

I happen to know "a bit" about generators...and they are just not practical to be used as a main power source for a decent sized grow....and using veggie oil just adds to the headaches!

And when I say "decent" then I am talking decent enough to off-set ALL the cost (and headaches) associated with a Genset grow...it's just not gonna happen.


Active member
Maybe you did...but you weren't burning 80 to 100 gallons/week like p0opstlnksal0t is talking about.

I happen to know "a bit" about generators...and they are just not practical to be used as a main power source for a decent sized grow....and using veggie oil just adds to the headaches!

And when I say "decent" then I am talking decent enough to off-set ALL the cost (and headaches) associated with a Genset grow...it's just not gonna happen.

i agree, it is not very practical whatsoever, especially in a neighborhood environment... we really dont know how much power we need... "a few decent 600's" wtf does that mean? anyways if it was around 5k or so a 10-12 kw low rpm diesel would be far more practical than 6 or so of those hondas run in parallel that would have to be replaced every month or two.... and the smell of burnt veggie oil is a far bit better than a hive of those gassers spewing off burnt gasoline, a gas genset smells far worse than a veggie oil imo, and i would think draws less attention.... either way veggie is cheap to free but a pain in the ass, and gasoline is gonna cost a fortune to run. neither is practical for shit. id even say a small wind turbine and some solar panels on the roof would offsetting the cost of grid power would be a better alternative... but in a neighborhood the wind turbine is prolly a no no. lol


Active member
Maybe you did...but you weren't burning 80 to 100 gallons/week like p0opstlnksal0t is talking about.

I happen to know "a bit" about generators...and they are just not practical to be used as a main power source for a decent sized grow....and using veggie oil just adds to the headaches!

And when I say "decent" then I am talking decent enough to off-set ALL the cost (and headaches) associated with a Genset grow...it's just not gonna happen.

hell 80-100 gallons a week aint too bad, a big 25-30kw diesel genset will burn 250-300gallons a week


Tropical Outcast
hell 80-100 gallons a week aint too bad, a big 25-30kw diesel genset will burn 250-300gallons a week

No it's not too bad...but since both you and I seem to have messed with used oil...you can't use it straight since it got all that shit in it you gotta get out first...then if you are running it straight (after filtering) you gotta pre-heat it or it will fuck up your IP in the long run (and that's even if you live in a daily 100F climate) and last but not least you gotta run crazy collecting 100 gallons a week...which as we both know if you collect 100 Gallons of used oil...you'll only get to use around 70% of it...the rest is just water and crud.

And don't even make me start talking about Biodiesel when it comes to bulk.



i paid someone to collect from multiple restaurants....i also ran a business converting diesel vehicles to run off veggie oil. i had a legal business setup to do this...it was not a hassle at all.


Tropical Outcast
i paid someone to collect from multiple restaurants....i also ran a business converting diesel vehicles to run off veggie oil. i had a legal business setup to do this...it was not a hassle at all.


Yeah...for you...because you paid someone to deal with that hassle!


Active member
I was more kidding than being serious about those Honda's...lol

lol Ya it was definitely a funny concept!

No it's not too bad...but since both you and I seem to have messed with used oil...you can't use it straight since it got all that shit in it you gotta get out first...then if you are running it straight (after filtering) you gotta pre-heat it or it will fuck up your IP in the long run (and that's even if you live in a daily 100F climate) and last but not least you gotta run crazy collecting 100 gallons a week...which as we both know if you collect 100 Gallons of used oil...you'll only get to use around 70% of it...the rest is just water and crud.

And don't even make me start talking about Biodiesel when it comes to bulk.


no its a complete pita! first if your lucky enough to find about 150 gallons a week of spent oil. you are doing good. in a big city it will be easier than out in bum fuck egypt. filtering it is not a fun chore. it fuckin nasty hard labor... the fuel heaters are not cheap though and can be bought on ebay with a prefilter and pump. ive seen alot of diy setups for this though, pretty easy to make... all your time will be consumed with making fuel! its prolly better to just keep it diesel and run it with agricultural orange diesel which is about 50 cents cheaper than #2 highway diesel. so your looking at about 160-200 a week for fuel on orange diesel.... id say fuck the generator unless it was absolute must... there are tweaks you can do to get better fuel consumption but not really worth messing with unless your know your shit when it comes to the diesel engine mechanics.


Tropical Outcast

One of the places we used to deal with...they were giving us approx. 80 Gallons/week. This was a sea food processing place and they had fairly high quality oil where the PH of the oil wasn't WAY OFF such as it often is @ Chinese places etc.
So one day the owner of that place walked up to us while we were pumping it out of the 300 Gallon tote we were supplying him with...and he said he is going to use it on his own vehicle from about a month on.
My friend and I looked @ each other and smiled and said OK no problem. (not that we had another choice anyway).

So time passed by and 3 or 4 months later our phone rang and that same owner BEGGED US to come and get the oil from him because the tank we still had there was about to overflow.
So same day we showed up and while pumping the oil the owner stopped by and we asked him what happened.

Making the long story short:

He was telling us how it was such a PITA...dirty, messy, time consuming, keeping the filters clean etc. pp using the oil in his truck.
My friend and I were doing this for over 5 years back then and we had it down to an "A" and it still was a good chunk of work.

We also made Biodiesel...but that's almost not worth doing anymore with the price for Lye and Methanol gone through the roof.

Back to the original subject:

No offense to the OP but IMHO every once in a while kids come up with these posts showing AK47's in their avatar :moon: (the Guns, not the plant!) and are full of dreams wanting to grow some sort of fancy way (such as with a generator) and are too lazy to do their own re-search...but @ least they ask a question on here first.



Active member
whats better than a kickass ak47??? one in pistol form with a short barrel! lol like an ak47 isnt already the most accurate rifle already, lets chop the barrel down to 10 inches and butt stock??? meh, who needs one on a battle rifle!? not I! I agree though, veggie oil is a pita unless you have it setup good, not even worth the hassle.

One of the places we used to deal with...they were giving us approx. 80 Gallons/week. This was a sea food processing place and they had fairly high quality oil where the PH of the oil wasn't WAY OFF such as it often is @ Chinese places etc.
So one day the owner of that place walked up to us while we were pumping it out of the 300 Gallon tote we were supplying him with...and he said he is going to use it on his own vehicle from about a month on.
My friend and I looked @ each other and smiled and said OK no problem. (not that we had another choice anyway).

So time passed by and 3 or 4 months later our phone rang and that same owner BEGGED US to come and get the oil from him because the tank we still had there was about to overflow.
So same day we showed up and while pumping the oil the owner stopped by and we asked him what happened.

Making the long story short:

He was telling us how it was such a PITA...dirty, messy, time consuming, keeping the filters clean etc. pp using the oil in his truck.
My friend and I were doing this for over 5 years back then and we had it down to an "A" and it still was a good chunk of work.

We also made Biodiesel...but that's almost not worth doing anymore with the price for Lye and Methanol gone through the roof.

Back to the original subject:

No offense to the OP but IMHO every once in a while kids come up with these posts showing AK47's in their avatar :moon: (the Guns, not the plant!) and are full of dreams wanting to grow some sort of fancy way (such as with a generator) and are too lazy to do their own re-search...but @ least they ask a question on here first.


. . well guys thanks for all the feed back, but whats the best way to run a decent grow power wise, i don't want cops kicking the door in, thanks . . i mean power companys ring them all the time, & what if the elecy guy makes a mistake even rigging it, a big grow, you do not want problems like this half way true it . .


Active member
a big grow in a residential suburb is not a good idea to start with bro... how much equip are you trying to power? do you have a digital meter?


put a generator on ur tricycle and pedal like hell!!!!
haha jk....where do u live where the power company calls the cops?
how many lights do u plan to run?
get a 4 bed house and dont run anything else thats a power hog....get gas heaters, gas stove, and u can run 4kw or even more with no issues in most places.
a heater or air con unit suck up more power than u think. no cops are gonna be bustin down doors all over the place in houses where ppl just wanna keep warm or cool...haha.
a small air con unit uses like 2400w or so....and heaters even more sometimes....its nuts.


Grower of fine herbs...
Yea OP you are being too vauge. You havent even said how many watts you plan to run? Dont worry about your electric usage because that isnt what is going to get you caught.. Think more about moving in all the equip/soil/pots and all of the other constuction hardware that WILL actually draw you negative attention.. Not to mention smell on your property and your personal appearance.

If you worried about your electricity, then you just need to pay the bill early/on time and in full.. EVERYTIME.


Overkill is under-rated.
What do you consider a big grow?

WHat is the biggest grow you've done previously?

How much is your power company charging you per KWH?

Answer these and I'll help you ;)


be wery, wery, (elmer fudd voice here) careful running HID lights. The wectric company knows werything.

My attempt at humor...

Seriously, get a decent house, run up to 10,000 watts, no smell, no tell and you are fine. I ran over 10kw in a house I LIVED in, my electric bills in summer were 1300-1500 dollars a month. Never a problem.

Unless you are looking at $200,000 to invest, forget the genny. An op worthy of a genny is going to be 30-50KW in lights minimum, and I know from experience that it takes $100k+ to set up that type of op.


You guys seriously feel safe running 10k watts of lighting from the grid?

That seems ridiculous to me..

Not that running a generator sounds like an easy chore, but realistically leccy usage is a primary source of bust these days..

My nearest neighbor is 1/4 mile from me...I've been considering a genny for a long time now.. I just don't see how else one would go bigger (safely)

Have buildings to house it in and whatnot..

What do you consider a big grow?

WHat is the biggest grow you've done previously?

How much is your power company charging you per KWH?

Answer these and I'll help you ;)

I'll answer your questions, curious to see what you'd have me do.

1.) Anything over 8000 watts I suppose. Truly big would be 20k +

2.) 5 4x8 tables SOG (2 600's on movers per) plus 1 in veg at all times (constant rotation) not to mention all the pumps + AC + dehuey's..

3.) Ten cents a KWH

Honestly I've always been weary of a bust..I'd never ramp up unless a genset was in my future... how does one explain your house using 10x a normal house's electric useage...


And you sleep at night? Wowsersss.
Guess I'm paranoid

I suppose the medical card would help though...assuming you actually have one

The real question is how long have you and friends been doing this?
Just because you get away with it for 6 months doesn't mean you're still safe 5 years from now..
I'm not goin for the big dirty, I'm in it for the long haul.