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Best destination in Canada?

I'll be taking a trip out to Canada from the US in a couple weeks, and was wondering what would be the best locations to visit to meet the right people. Thanks!


New member
Vancouver for sure!!! I have been to many places in Canada and my favorite spots are Vancouver/Vancouver Island and Toronto. U can think of Vancouver as a mini Amsterdam, except much nicer. The culture is great and very scenic. If you stay in the city, you will be close to the ocean and close to the mountains(maybe a 45min drive to Whistler). In downtown Vancouver you will find all the smoke shops. There are about 8 that I have found, but the best place I went was to Mark Emery's shop. Great glass peices and the people are great. You will be able to ask around outside the shop for good places to buy. The best place that I found for getting premium smoke, hash and shrooms was down on Wreck beach. If you happen to network on Wreck beach, you may befriend someone who will let you see their grow opp. When my wife and I were there we met a few people who were gracious enough to give us some growing knowledge, and one guy like us enough to show us one of his secret ops on Vancouver Island. IMO, this is where the best smoke in the North America comes from. If you would like to know more message me back and I will answer any of your questions......Hopes this helps a little.
Don't know about the language, but I'd assume most canadians recognize herb connotations (mary jane, 420, etc). I heard you can usually score in the park in downtown BC.

The last time I travelled dry, I made a joke about needing weed to the hotel guy. No one was around at the time, and he actually told me where I could get some :rasta: It was over-priced but worth it at the time.
I would love to take a train ride, up through canada; of course the further west 'the best'. I live fairly east, I like trains but never looked into the price of a trip. I want to get more than my monies worth, really soak in the sites. I remember, back in the day; you could get the train to stop and go camping then get another one to stop to pick you up.

Terrorist used to be sweet heroes, or just dumb. Cowboys playing Indian, wild times.

People migrated to America, always! Because society becomes to grounded, the same old mistake all over again. Probably why Rainbow moves around, it's a stranger solution than the problem.
Huh? Anyways I was thinking of either Vancouver, Ontario, or Quebec. Ontario and Quebec would be closest, but at the end of the day the cheaper and higher quality the better.. Whatdya think?
first off -- the misconception of language in Canada blows me away....how come Canada and the USA can border each other, and most ALL Canadians have extensive knowledge of USA...but none of the damn Americans have a clue about Canada -- bullshit IMO.

the language is English from coast to coast -- expect in Quebec -- the home of the rude, self centered french frogs ----- they are their own breed, thats for sure.

enjoy Toronto and Vancouver...forget the rest


Active member
first off -- the misconception of language in Canada blows me away....how come Canada and the USA can border each other, and most ALL Canadians have extensive knowledge of USA...but none of the damn Americans have a clue about Canada -- bullshit IMO.

the language is English from coast to coast -- expect in Quebec -- the home of the rude, self centered french frogs ----- they are their own breed, thats for sure.

enjoy Toronto and Vancouver...forget the rest

you are right on the first parts but on second :nanana:you are wrong wrong wrong........ first we are not rude,second toronto was a boring city everithing close after 1 oclock :woohoo: and at last but not the least french women are much much much hotter and don't forget we smoke better weed .If you want to have fun vancouver first and quebec second:joint:
the only thing ontario do better than quebec was road
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"how come Canada and the USA can border each other, and most ALL Canadians have extensive knowledge of USA...but none of the damn Americans have a clue about Canada"

exaggerations and generalizations are worthless. It's about the same as if you wrote:
"most All Americans watch UFC... but none of the damn Canadians have a clue what UFC is"
I had alot of fun in vacouver. you can go to seed banks and sit down and talk with people about strains. from what i remember we waited to go out till like 10 or 11 and found out the hard way the strip clubs close alot earlier up there...


i found tons of weed at the skatepark in bc i got a half of some kind of kush and it was indoor ``high quality`` for 75american if you dont know how to ride a skateboard you could always just go ask someone on one and they would happily show you where the bud is at

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
Skate Parks and Skate Shops are always a good idea whenever traveling.

In response to your question

Vancouver 1st and Toronto second.

Have fun. I plan on taking a trip up to vancouver in august.

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production



Peyto Lake

I found the locals to be quite chill, and smoke to be readily available. I would love to go back.

GreatLakes THC :joint: