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Show us the dumbest questions about pot you ever heard!!!!


someone asked me think this is good to smoke and it was pulled dried
and ready to smoke but it had only veged not flowered


no wuckin furries!
how long till my male plant grows seeds?....duno?....about as long as it will take ya to grow tits and a womb id say?..HH. =]-~


Active member
I brought around some bomb-ass East Coast Sour Diesel that I grew out from Rez. It was the best plant I ever grew out of about a dozen varieties from various seed vendors. The shit took you for a ride to the moon and back. So, I bring this around the circle of people that I *used* to hang around and smoke with. First comment I get:

"This shit must be laced."

Like someone is going to go to the extra expense to procure something to add to weed to make it more potent and then sell it to you. Dumbass.

~Abbie :joint:


Active member
Oh, and another. Nephew of mine, a real dumbass mofo, says he went in the woods and planted some seeds from the latest sack of dirt weed he always gets. Says "I'm hoping for a pound or more." Sheesh, what an idiot. I tell him "you gotta plant full grow plants, probably about a foot tall, along the edge of the woods (not *in* the woods), and you have to go out and water them, etc" All I get is a dumbass blank stare. Go figure.

~Abbie :joint:


Registered Med User
^I remember I almost had ta woop this dudes ass cus his girl had smoked some kief with us and went home sayin we laced her shit. He came knockin on my door like "yall laced my girls shit blood?" hollerin and shit. I took him around the led him around the corner but I think he caught on caught on cus he turned around without sayin nuthin and went back to his house and shut the door.
Some people cant handle some sativa hash.


that club rolling papers are light as a butterflys wing

any one use club anyone


Got a good one last night...

" I dunno...if that is outdoor, it's hydroponic outdoor...it's gotta be to be that dense..."

Dude saying that my nice outs were ins or "hydro outdoor"... :muahaha:


Buteo Jamaicensis
overheard between two geniuses that found some randomly growing outdoor last year...

"dude, its covered in catipillars."
"those arent catipillars, theyre thc worms. youre supposed to eat em just like tequila worms."



Heard it @ BPG (Berkeley Patients Group):

"You have powdery mildew on your clones"

'What?! Dude, those are trichomes!!'
I overheard one of my sons friends (thats been growin for about a year) tell my son.
" When my plants are about 6" high I add a birth control pill to their water, it'll make more female plants cause of the female hormones in it"

I starting laughing so fuckin hard his friend wanted to know what was so funny, I said
"Oh nothin, I just thought of somethin funny"

Later that night my son asked me if I heard what he said "I told him that was the stupidest thing I ever heard" What is that moron going to do when his girlfriend gets pregnant cause he's takein her birth control pills?" HAHAHAhahaha!!!


Can i add bong water to my plants?

and another thing, it seems people think that these plants are like some type of fruit you can just pick and smoke as needed.

Mt Toaker

How do I grow pot?

I don't know if there are any threads here because I haven't looked but I bet there are a bunch of them that ask to know everything about growing and not want to search around the forums. There were a bunch on my last forum that I frequented and every reply was "Read"
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Is this shit laced?

Dumbest fucking question that I hear all of the time, or when people say they had some stuff that "had to be laced".

The whole idea of someone lacing bud is ridiculous.


Smokin on that serious...
one of my girlfriends aqquaintances would always call us about an hour after we would smoke headies wondering if the bud was laced

na girly, just strong herbs!



jasondanzig said:
Can i add bong water to my plants?

and another thing, it seems people think that these plants are like some type of fruit you can just pick and smoke as needed.

I've heard that one so many times it makes me want to pull a Red Foreman and stick my foot up their ass.......f*cking bong water....lmao!!! :bashhead:


mofuckin farmer smurf
Q:How many plants should I grow?

I think some people are just used to being told what to do all the time