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Should Government Regulate Cannabis Quality?

Should Government Regulate Cannabis Quality?

  • Yes, test all cannabis being sold!

    Votes: 64 6.7%
  • Yes, treat cannabis like any agricultural product

    Votes: 210 21.9%
  • Yes, treat cannabis like tobacco or alcohol

    Votes: 210 21.9%
  • Yes, treat cannabis like a pharmaceutical product

    Votes: 51 5.3%
  • No, let buyer beware!

    Votes: 82 8.6%
  • No, let dispensaries do optional private testing

    Votes: 164 17.1%
  • Leave things as they are.

    Votes: 143 14.9%
  • Not sure.

    Votes: 33 3.4%

  • Total voters


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
Haven't looked at this thread in a few days, and am amazed at how many people here on a weed site want the government to get involved in their business.
Truly astounding.
What are you people smoking?

Its not getting involved in their personal business, only their commercial business. Their should absolutly be regulations on what you sell through a business; and there is. I am completely for constitutional/state rights and small government (I'm about as libertarian as they get), though without regulation their would be nothing protecting the consumer from bad business; whether that be tainted product or otherwise.


I love my life
someone in the county area, who's knowledgeable in disease and pests common to the indoor grow marijuana plant, a good job with good benefits, as a member of the grower's collective, you are part owner of the not-for-profit corporation

And the collective of two or three guys? Or three guys and a handful of sick patients? They need to have some bug specialist and then the new bug guy gets "good benefits." That isn't really all well and good.

You should certainly be allowed to have the bug guy but no one should be forced to have a government regulator as part of their group.

Potential collective: Meet Mr. Clean he's from the government's approved list. You will allow him into your collective. You will give him good benefits, even if you yourself have no benefits. You will give him a great salary, even if you take nothing yourselves. He will contribute ZERO capital or sweat equity, even if you have poured your heart and soul into your dream collective. You will do all of this or XYZ city will come down on you like a ton of bricks. The benefit to you is any weed Mr. Clean says is good can be sold at any price you want. Sub standard weed will be turned over to this office by Mr. Clean at NO COMPENSATION to the collective.



Active member
I am completely for constitutional/state rights and small government (I'm about as libertarian as they get), though without regulation their would be nothing protecting the consumer from bad business; whether that be tainted product or otherwise.

The founders were not stupid people. They setup the judicial branch (court system) to protect the citizenry from a variety of threats, including bad business. We can argue about judges having agendas, but that is different topic for debate. I do support a loser-pays version of tort reform to bring in the scumbag attorneys, as that would be a good start. Another would be to throw out all existing case law and start over, but the shit would have to hit the fan for that to happen.

Its not getting involved in their personal business, only their commercial business. Their should absolutly be regulations on what you sell through a business; and there is. I am completely for constitutional/state rights and small government (I'm about as libertarian as they get), though without regulation their would be nothing protecting the consumer from bad business; whether that be tainted product or otherwise.
As long as I can grow my own and buy from local sellers with no FDA involvement, just like I do with my vegetables, I don't really care.

Yeah.There should probably should be some FDA involvement with large producers because it would be those that would have the most to benefit by using harmful pesticides and chemical nutrients, but it seems that your local producers would still be producing a better quality product at a comparable price (just like they are doing now with vegetables and herbs).

Wonder if the Amish would grow MJ if it were legal? They grow tobacco.

Oh baby can you imagine the savings of driving out to the Amish country to pick up a pound?

Amos Moses

The only way that I would legalize cannabis would be to prohibit the outdoor growing of it. There are many reasons and I'm sure you all know what they are.

There are many different and distinct strains of cannabis. We all know that the winds can carry pollen for hundreds of miles. If you were to attempt a quality sensi grow with all of your neighbors growing schwag weed, think of what would happen?

Same for trying a good seed crop.

Cannabis, once legalized, must be grown in a greenhouse or a building with filtered air vents in order to avoid these problems.

This would also solve the other problems concerning herbacides, pestacides and rippers.

Have a really good day! :jump:

Amos :wave:


Active member
The fact of the matter is this. MJ is coming of age thru the "back door" via medical instead of the better way of my libertarian beliefs.

As a farmer, i can tell you that the government WILL regulate quality, among many other things in the grow process. Buying something as simple as a piece of fruit at the market and the fact of the matter is that it HAS been inspected by the USDA for appearance, size and sugur content.

Therefore, it stands to reason that a product touted as "medical" will not only come under the regulatory eye of the USDA, but also the FDA.

This is why it is important to KNOW what you wish for and why I have been saying in other threads about the subject. You are all going to marry the government in many ways. None of them friendly or easy.

The big dispensaries know this and are pushing this forward. WHY? They know that these added layers of red tape will keep smaller operations from getting into the business while solidifying their position as grower/distributors. Monopolies pure and simple.

Bad deal all around when a simple weed is regulated.


I love my life
I'm going to marry the government as prisoner or not at all. I don't buy or sell weed in their D's and never will. I don't let them into my garden and never will. I wish libertarian sensibilities were guiding this nation, but they are not. Conforming to this government is tantamount to abdicating all personal responsibility.



Every dispensary should have quality standards which meet the standards of e.g. AHPA (American Herbal products Association) and which is controlled by a patients organisation for medical marijuana.
The grower under contract of the dispensary is also under control of the same dispensary.
No government involvement is needed.


Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:

It looks like the clear winners are:

Yes, treat cannabis like any agricultural product 93 23.48%
Yes, treat cannabis like tobacco or alcohol 74 18.69%

No, let dispensaries do optional private testing 75 18.94%
is like having the fox guard the henhouse
and wasn't feasible, so I threw it out


I love my life
It looks like the clear winners are:

Yes, treat cannabis like any agricultural product 93 23.48%
Yes, treat cannabis like tobacco or alcohol 74 18.69%

No, let dispensaries do optional private testing 75 18.94%
is like having the fox guard the henhouse
and wasn't feasible, so I threw it out

Well treating it like any other agricultural product would be fine, but it is much less socialist than having a bug man in every collective and no sales with in 1,000' of kids.

There are no government guarantees with ag products. E-coli out breaks and contaminated meat happen.

What are the weed out breaks or recalls the government will help us with? Again if it is like EVERY other ag product the government is NOT inspecting basil, parsley, or garlic to my knowledge. The government actually looks at a very small percentage of all slaughtered cows.

So is MJ a dangerous ag product? No one has shown me the cases of people being harmed by weed. If ag inspectors aren't on the farms of the country AND farms can spray the chemicals like mad LEGALLY then it would appear that "Treat it like any other AG product" means DO NOTHING (which is actually what I wanted all along).

The more NOTHING the government does the better I feel.



Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
As long as I can grow my own and buy from local sellers with no FDA involvement, just like I do with my vegetables, I don't really care.

Yeah.There should probably should be some FDA involvement with large producers because it would be those that would have the most to benefit by using harmful pesticides and chemical nutrients, but it seems that your local producers would still be producing a better quality product at a comparable price (just like they are doing now with vegetables and herbs).

Wonder if the Amish would grow MJ if it were legal? They grow tobacco.

Oh baby can you imagine the savings of driving out to the Amish country to pick up a pound?

This is precisely what I was trying to say, their should be no regulation on a personal and local level, just like your own garden or local farmers market.


The fact of the matter is this. MJ is coming of age thru the "back door" via medical instead of the better way of my libertarian beliefs.

As a farmer, i can tell you that the government WILL regulate quality, among many other things in the grow process. Buying something as simple as a piece of fruit at the market and the fact of the matter is that it HAS been inspected by the USDA for appearance, size and sugur content.

Therefore, it stands to reason that a product touted as "medical" will not only come under the regulatory eye of the USDA, but also the FDA.

This is why it is important to KNOW what you wish for and why I have been saying in other threads about the subject. You are all going to marry the government in many ways. None of them friendly or easy.

The big dispensaries know this and are pushing this forward. WHY? They know that these added layers of red tape will keep smaller operations from getting into the business while solidifying their position as grower/distributors. Monopolies pure and simple.

Bad deal all around when a simple weed is regulated.

Sure the government will eventually regulate commercial Cannabis grown in large scale by big agri-biz, and I would think that would be good for everyone?
As for big dispensaries trying to be monopolies, do you even know of a big dispensaries that grows all their own product they sell?, I don't. They are always looking for cheaper, better products that are safe and effective, all of them.

I still look forward to regulation, but I have little faith in the government or in greedy growers that use fungicides, insecticides, herbicides, they both need to be controlled to protect the public, but if Cannabis is legal I don't think home growers that don't sell commercially have anything to worry about, no one comes and inspects home made beer or wine, as long as you don't sell it.
All of the talk about inspectors for strictly home growing for home use is a bunch of scare tactics by those that don't want to see Cannabis normalized legalized and brought into the mainstream.
Something I have fought for all my life.....

Sure the government will eventually regulate commercial Cannabis grown in large scale by big agri-biz, and I would think that would be good for everyone?
As for big dispensaries trying to be monopolies, do you even know of a big dispensaries that grows all their own product they sell?, I don't. They are always looking for cheaper, better products that are safe and effective, all of them.

I still look forward to regulation, but I have little faith in the government or in greedy growers that use fungicides, insecticides, herbicides, they both need to be controlled to protect the public, but if Cannabis is legal I don't think home growers that don't sell commercially have anything to worry about, no one comes and inspects home made beer or wine, as long as you don't sell it.
All of the talk about inspectors for strictly home growing for home use is a bunch of scare tactics by those that don't want to see Cannabis normalized legalized and brought into the mainstream.
Something I have fought for all my life.....


mmj is the perfect place to start

be great to develop a model owner-operated-collective large-scale production-line indoor-grow incorporating all of the many talents and best practices, of "the growers" to help bring regulation into the market. put the dispensary right on the front of it

I see this as a great opportunity for the growers to stay in the game, and to own what is rightfully theirs to begin with, for the benefit of themselves, and the benefit of their community; a great opportunity to give, and gain, respect.


Great, Cannabis will end up like tobacco with 4,004 extra chemicals in it.

No, to government regulation of cannabis quality in any way shape or form.

took the words right outta our mouth Stoner Chick, a real loud and reverberating NO to any kind of government regulation whatsoever! decriminalization of our beloved cannabis from coast to coast would be a step in the right direction :greenstars: further, even if cannabis became legal, would continue raising our own ... would n e v e r trust a gov't product :smoke:


Active member
Sure the government will eventually regulate commercial Cannabis grown in large scale by big agri-biz, and I would think that would be good for everyone?
As for big dispensaries trying to be monopolies, do you even know of a big dispensaries that grows all their own product they sell?, I don't. They are always looking for cheaper, better products that are safe and effective, all of them.

I still look forward to regulation, but I have little faith in the government or in greedy growers that use fungicides, insecticides, herbicides, they both need to be controlled to protect the public, but if Cannabis is legal I don't think home growers that don't sell commercially have anything to worry about, no one comes and inspects home made beer or wine, as long as you don't sell it.
All of the talk about inspectors for strictly home growing for home use is a bunch of scare tactics by those that don't want to see Cannabis normalized legalized and brought into the mainstream.
Something I have fought for all my life.....


Yes I do. In my area of So. Cal, big dispensaries are buying or leasing in industrial warehouses so they can use the rear 4000 square feet for their own growing.


I'm going to marry the government as prisoner or not at all. I don't buy or sell weed in their D's and never will. I don't let them into my garden and never will. I wish libertarian sensibilities were guiding this nation, but they are not. Conforming to this government is tantamount to abdicating all personal responsibility.


Now this guy seems to get it. What the hell is wrong with the rest of you?


Sure the government will eventually regulate commercial Cannabis grown in large scale by big agri-biz, and I would think that would be good for everyone?
As for big dispensaries trying to be monopolies, do you even know of a big dispensaries that grows all their own product they sell?, I don't. They are always looking for cheaper, better products that are safe and effective, all of them.

I still look forward to regulation, but I have little faith in the government or in greedy growers that use fungicides, insecticides, herbicides, they both need to be controlled to protect the public, but if Cannabis is legal I don't think home growers that don't sell commercially have anything to worry about, no one comes and inspects home made beer or wine, as long as you don't sell it.
All of the talk about inspectors for strictly home growing for home use is a bunch of scare tactics by those that don't want to see Cannabis normalized legalized and brought into the mainstream.
Something I have fought for all my life.....


Well put sam I too belive,, however I would prefer it to be as it was before 28,, And not have this whole regulation BS


As much as i want to respond to all of you I can't. So if any one ever, has ever taken advice from a person online. Let this be the time you do. Most all of you NEED to read ATLAS SHRUGGED as of right now.

For the love of God, any one listening, please read Atlas Shrugged. http://www.amazon.com/Atlas-Shrugged-Ayn-Rand/dp/0452011876/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1276054142&sr=8-1

Sure, I read Atlas Shrugged in the early 60's, when there were less then 20,000 Cannabis arrests yearly, but how do you help prevent the over 800,000 Americans arrested for cannabis yearly today? That is my focus, I am tired of idealists who buy gasoline from big biz, buy their food from big agri-biz, buy their alcohol from big biz, buy cigarettes from big biz, clothing from big biz, as well as to much more to even name... Yet want Cannabis to be kept illegal or out of the mainstream, for many reasons such as the fear that the government will regulate Cannabis to death. But remember they will only effect commercial producers and growers, not home growers that don't sell, so I say who cares?
If you want to grow for profit then like alcohol, beer or wine or whatever, you need some oversight to protect the public from unscrupulous growers, or anyone in the trade that would endanger the consumer.

US, State & Local Cannabis arrests:

1965: 18,815
1966: 31,119
1967: 61,843
1968: 95,870
1969: 118,903
1970: 188,903
1971: 225,828
1972: 292,179
1973: 420,700
1974: 445,600

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