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Shooey's Adventures with Green Poison (FV)

The Pheonix

Well-known member
they have arrived in my mother room in the last few days. i'm on 12hr bug checks :( in reality i'm there every hour or so little bastards i've killed 4 with my bare hands. hope they don't get my babies :(


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
best to get ahead of them now mate, as I'm finding now to my peril... was a couple hanging about before I went away... figured leaving the yellow stickies out would be enough but I shoulda went ahead and put playsand in the tops of all my pots as well...don't dither mate, crack on and get em dead ;)

in other news, I just took a photo of the potential keeper pheno... needs another few hours to be proper dry but I couldn't resist a quick look...think you'll agree that all the bud shots of the GP so far look nice.. but check out this bad girl....now THIS is what I'm looking for :D



Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I'll know in a couple hours for sure bro, I still need to smoke it and weigh it, but all things point upwards at this stage of proceedings :D


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
haha if thats true, then I think you got incredibly lucky man, imvho, this is easily the best of them (based on looks)...the colour on it is noticeably different eh...as is the resin coverage..in real life its just insane....k, gonna smoke it now... :D
We probably got a similar high going! yea man, mine turned purplish too, lots of crystals. Got incredibly lucky, wish I knew how to take clones back then!


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
so this makes me a happy Shooey... I don't mind telling you that the nearest rival to this one in terms of weight was just 30g, I know better can be achieved but it's important for me to find a plant that fits my style and not a style that fits my plant....

the hit is great, very similar to the other GPFV's but if I'm totally honest #4 (original GP) was nicer, more complex and just better overall in the smoking...still have to give them a decent cure yet, but I'll be surprised if I change my mind about that :)

ok, so here's something...


Take into consideration the couple grams I took earlier and it's near enough 65g...I can easily fit 12 of these in my space too...seems like a keeper... super dense, nice, big, fat, hard, sticky buds... :D


Oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii them there are some mighty fine nuggs man and a fair bleetin few of em of one plant aswell!!!

I think I'm gonna just let all my new ones do the stadium thing and my red poison is definitely a bed time herb


they have arrived in my mother room in the last few days. i'm on 12hr bug checks :( in reality i'm there every hour or so little bastards i've killed 4 with my bare hands. hope they don't get my babies :(

Get a few thousand ladybugs man and Hoover everything and de flea the whole thing


they won't be staying long i hope. its not an infestasion just yet 6 upto now no more live today.

i think ladybugs would be cool in the garden :)

I was thinking of getting a few thousand if I'm running anymore cuts !

They are the ultimate preditor bug !!

Even spidermites are shit scared of them double are ladybugs!!


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
another fat greasy nug shot.. probably wasnt the best thing to use as a comparison...looks like one of them minicrickets lol...was a 7g bud..oh well, it's still shiny at least :D



Aaaah yes Mr shoes the ever deflating shrink from drying ! I remember it nearly reduced me to tears on my first run

I thought my tent was just eating buds by the minute

Scary shit first time you witness it ain't it?

All weighing up product in your minds eye just to realize you end up with a load more than you thought you had

Love that feeling just wish buds didn't shrink during drying


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
cant remember the first time I saw it... must have been more than 20 years ago lol

the only shrinkage is me smoking it... it was 7g dry... it's not now.. ;)


Oh the bud is disappearing that way .......

In that case ........

My buds always do that bro just last night I had a 3.5 of the red poison just clean vanish after 4 big biftaa!!!

I wonder how many other people have noticed this phenomena


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
hehe yeah it's uncanny eh man... and...seems the smellier it is, the more it happens too... I need to find out more before I can confirm this one way or the other though ;)

The Pheonix

Well-known member
i've been smashing mine in day in day out for weeks now.... the smelliest went first this time. ;)

the buds from the cuts from that plant should be epic J

I'm staying tuned


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
just weighed off #6.. came in at 41g.. not great, but helps bumps up my avg..one more still drying and then one more still to be cut down.... and then it's on to the next :D

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