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Shooey's Adventures with Green Poison (FV)


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
if you find yourself in a similar position in future (ie theyre ready but you didnt flush) cut them down anyway... a long cure will take care of excess N. - also consider that if youre making concentrates you dont need to flush as you're not actually smoking the plant matter..


Well I've still got a few too many clear trichs so I'm going another little while yet but my cream cara and red poisons are all bulking up still so not too much longer I've hit em with 10ml of ripen so we will see what's appnin in 10 days
if you find yourself in a similar position in future (ie theyre ready but you didnt flush) cut them down anyway... a long cure will take care of excess N. - also consider that if youre making concentrates you dont need to flush as you're not actually smoking the plant matter..

In hindsight a chop would have been best bet.
but I did want to vape some of it, and share w friends etc.

Ill chop it ASAP.

Your ladies looking good JS!


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
minor flush update:

based on the current convo I've decided not to take any chances and will be finishing these off sooner rather than later... so... as of tonight I have 3 still getting the Ripen and they'll continue to do so for 2 more feeds, after that its plain water all the way... all the rest are all on plain water as of tonight... the 3 that were already on flush duties are still getting it though only for a day or 2 then I'll let the pots go dry for a couple of days.. GP5 wont make it that long though and if she starts yellowing off in the next couple of days she'll be coming down... I figure I'm still on for Friday for the other 2 (GP2 and 4)...
If my escapade with nanners alerted you to the problem, i'm glad they were good for something man. lol.
please end your ban on my thread. You haven't left any of ur A+ advice in weeks!


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
so all things considered I think tonight will be the last update besides any harvest shots.. those will be happening asap.. time to blow this popsicle stand and move on...


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
shame you cant mod your own thread innit? half this shite could go I reckon... threads dead baby..threads dead.

nearly anyway, just pre harvest and post harvest to come.. Ive been trying to hold off a bit, but they'll start coming down tonight :D
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Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
well the first 2 are down.. turned out to be numbers 1 and 4.. 1 because its the smallest and 4 because its the most flushed and pretty much ready :)

forgot to get pics before they came down but I'll make sure to get some on the next lot...I think I did get one of number 4 yesterday while I had it out of the tent so if I find that I'll throw it up...

I dont think the yield is gonna be up to much on these 2 although number 4 does have nice big fat greasy colas... we'll see.. in any case I'm not too worried, the main goal of this run is to find a high yielding keeper and the biggest of them still looks like she'll be just that...quality depending...if the whole room gives me 300, I'll have covered my hole.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Hey HIGA :)

not all GP in there mate.. there's 8 GP, 1 fairly big Zamal x Hash plant, a really small Amnesia and there was a small Santa Maria as well...

I say "was", I took the SM out in case it was throwing nanas after I mucked her about a bit.. I dont think she did really but better safe than sorry...the ZH is a mum that I'm flowering for the second time to get to the 3rd season, I'm expecting most of the yield to come from this one plant actually.. thats why shes a keeper and most of this other stuff isnt lol... the little Amnesia is there because I'm a Sativa head, I'm just running this GP for fun, I have little interest in getting stoned.

As I say though, the prime objective here is to find high quality, high perfomrning plants. I do have one it seems. the bigger of the plants is also the most frosty (though not the most smelly) and in reality she should be waaay bigger than she is right now... right back at the start of this grow, the big girl took an early lead and was getting so far ahead of her sisters that I was having to hold her back... I even put the other GPs to veg under HPS for a week so they could catch her up.... once I put her back with the rest, she took the lead again and has continued to outperform all the others....this is after I've put her one of the darker corners of the area too... I'm very interested to see how she would perform in a room of multiple copies of just her and without being hampered in anyway... should be a whopper (she is now mind :) )


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
kinda bizarre little update...

So I'm test driving a bit of popcorn that I flash dried from GP1...it's too fresh and green to smell of anything other than fresh greenness.. but the taste is fairly intense and not at all what I expected.. taste seems to be of piney sandalwood with a hint of fruit behind... almost like a haze? ...quite chemmy if you get me...


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
first impressions:

the hit on the other hand is nothing like a haze lol.. I feel like my blood just turned to custard... strong indica effect (have you seen the mr soft advert?) looks like GP1 is a good one.. shame about the small yield off this one..you cant have everything eh :)
