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Sheriff Shot at during recent Mendo raid


New member


We need to wake up, as a country and as a community we need to keep the money n the hands of Americans. OUr economy has gone to shit and our teenagers and young adults thing that livin a life of grime and hustlin is what it is because they see this shit on tv. We are being raped by foreigners. They come to our country and destroy our land, grow weed, and use te money to fund other crime and terror. Prostitution, slavery...WTF it's all a game to some, but for anyone that can see through the irony of this, what we have here is an invasion, by another country on our public lands. This is a war, and there is a weapon, grow your own and don't support foreign "brokers". I don't know how it works out there in Cali, but if you don't stand for somthing, then your bound to fall for anything.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
"People that would resort to violence over a weed, either for or against, are stupid."

Honestly, you f*cking outdoor growers need to knock this shit off. Go spend some god damn money like the rest of us and pay for your profits, f*cking thiefs. Get a warehouse you f*cks....and I'm not defending the cop, but wrong is wrong, no matter WHAT side of this war you're on.


New member
In November we mighy legalize it in California. Hasn't this country let Holland have enough of our money with seed banks charging $10 a bean. When I think of all the seeds I've tossed out only to have to buy some later.


New member
As much as i dont like the violence I will say the Pigs ask for alot of it by not SERVING AND PROTECTING which is there job and acting like pigs


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
Maybe it's just me but that bullet was meant as a message not a killshot. I'm pretty high right now but I don't remember the story saying the bullet recovered was a .22. They said they found a .22, not the weapon that fired the shot. It was fired from far enough away that they could not pinpoint his location. If it was .22 LR and not mag, this distance through two layers of tempered glass at an angle have a very small probability to kill. I say it was a message. I also think that if they had the whole crew there they would have found the "shooter", I mean they can get dogs there. It's not like anyone's getting out of a national park quickly without being heard. I call BS on some of this info. I'm not saying this didn't happen just somethings not adding up.


Shooting at anyone is BAD karma.

But a .22 can travel up to a mile after leaving the gun, so maybe it was just an accident.
I read a post "no-one should be shot over a weed", and I couldn't agree more. If the story is a fake they are doing a damn good job of divide and conquer.

This entire post has put people on this site and in this community at a division. I am disgusted by anyone who believes the ridiculous and moronic comment above. It's not worth dying over; or killing over. To wish that someone was killed only shows the hate you have for life. A joint may help - but I"ve feeling if you think it's ok to shoot the police for doing their jobs - even if they're insane - it's not them who write the law. They are paid to enforfce it. Even when it's wrong as we all well know.

It's so retarded to aim it at a racial profile - it's even dumber when you cheer for the BS and "wish" or support violence to end the prohibition. I am feeling pretty disgusted.


Im feeling equally as disgusted your so in love with the cops who have chose to persocute and target our people(growers). I've had my share of run ins with the law and trust me they show no merci. First thing they do is shoot your family dog. Next thing you know your face down with three peoples knees in your back as there yellin "quit resisting quite resisting" even though u havent flinched. If you would have moved they would have shot or tazed you. Bustin "drug dealers" is a high for them, they love it. They might not make the laws, but they sure enjoy enforcing them. All because they were brainwashed of the "evils of drugs" by there ma or pa when they were young. So I say to you-how sympathetic will u be to the cops when its you that are being "busted". Huh? Huh?
Well, call it a conspiracy if you like, but Comptche is well known for large-scale illegal grows by Mexican nationals. All the local growers hate them, and they are quite militant about defending their plots. This is what CAMP should actually be doing.

"People that would resort to violence over a weed, either for or against, are stupid."

Honestly, you f*cking outdoor growers need to knock this shit off. Go spend some god damn money like the rest of us and pay for your profits, f*cking thiefs. Get a warehouse you f*cks....and I'm not defending the cop, but wrong is wrong, no matter WHAT side of this war you're on.

So all outdoor growers are thieves now? If I don't grow under HPS light I'm in the wrong? I don't follow. Personally I see growing under natural sunlight as a much more ecologically responsible activity. What about all the trash and energy you are wasting in your warehouse? You spew hot air from your a/c's constantly and you dump tons of medium (rockwool, perlite, peat, etc) bulbs and empty nute containers into landfills every cycle.

I've dropped about 30k into my outdoor grow already this year. Hopefully thieves and leo won't keep me from recouping it.

We need to wake up, as a country and as a community we need to keep the money n the hands of Americans. OUr economy has gone to shit and our teenagers and young adults thing that livin a life of grime and hustlin is what it is because they see this shit on tv. We are being raped by foreigners. They come to our country and destroy our land, grow weed, and use te money to fund other crime and terror. Prostitution, slavery...WTF it's all a game to some, but for anyone that can see through the irony of this, what we have here is an invasion, by another country on our public lands. This is a war, and there is a weapon, grow your own and don't support foreign "brokers". I don't know how it works out there in Cali, but if you don't stand for somthing, then your bound to fall for anything.

You're right for sure. And the true heads out in cali wouldn't do business with those fucks at any price. If for no other reason you're just as likely to get robbed as have things go smooth. I personally don't have a problem with people doing small-scale grows on public lands, so long as they're not trashing it. So what if someone hauls in some foreign soil and water. If they really want to go through the effort, all the more power too them, within reason of course. It is after all public land. So long as you're paying at least some of your taxes, you're entitled to use it. I personally would rather grow on my own land, but I know not everyone is fortunate enough to have that option.

Big Dad

New member
Legal MJ, is it really going to happen!

Legal MJ, is it really going to happen!

So anyone have the scoop on how we stand at the poles in November? I'm just a good ol boy, and paying for something that grows in dirt should not be Illegal. I'm not going to pay for a card, I just can't see spending $$$ for a false Doc to give me a card...Its a big racket if you ask me, but I do see how it lightens the long arm of the Law off a backyard grow......Just grow babe!
Smoked and Happy.........


Big Dad,

Here's the scoop, get off yer ass, help other 420 friendly folks get registered and vote, that simple.

Be careful yer rusty halo don't slip and choke you and your condescending attitude towards folks who need medicine that works bud.:2cents:


They mention Hispanics because its a big thing these days with lots of them up in the hills looking to grow, a lot of locals don't like them around. It doesn't surprise me at all that they are mentioned it is somewhat of a relevant buzz word.

Big Dad

New member
Snow Berry,
I've been voting most likely before you were in diapers, and there is nothing condescending about my statement. I am all for MJ for those who really need it. It should be legal for all who need it and want it, period. Sounds like you need to up your dose! Whats the problem?