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Sheriff Shot at during recent Mendo raid


Active member
And they can get away with saying it too.
Imagine if they had said they had evidence it was being tended by black people, we'd have Al Sharpton and the whole crew screaming bloody murder, but it's OK to stereotype the Mexicans

Funny how guys around here will scream to high heaven about irresponsible growers who negatively impact the environment or are armed or are growing in a National Forest or Park, until the ones doing it are Hispanics. Then anyone who criticizes them are hater racists. If the cops point out the fact that the growers are Mexican, then they must be 'race baiting' right? Maybe if it was the 1950s.

So you guys are OK with people from other countries coming here and plowing up our forests huh?

How about if some local white guys do it? I'm not talking about the guerrilla growers around here finding out of the way spots for a few plants, I'm talking about going into a National Forest or Park and planting 22,000 plants and all the irrigation and so forth needed to grow it. You OK with that? Something tells me you would have lots of negative stuff to say about them.

I don't mean to racial profile, but who do you think the violent Mexican and other Latin Drug Cartels are? They are not white. They are Latinos. And they would kill you and any one they felt like at the time to advance their business.


That cop probably backed in to a damn tree limb on the way back and blamed it on growers shooting at him. If you saw po po on their way out to your plantation, would you stick around long enough to shoot a hole in a van? It's a fine coincidence that they didn't catch anyone at the sites. The growers were miles away before leo even got there. I hate the media for reporting this garbage.


its sad... no one deserves to be shot at or killed this shit is out of hand and has been for a long time

when is enough going to be ENOUGH?!

K Double O

Too bad...

I mean not only for the marksmanship but also the crop loss...

Thats got to put a dent in someones pocket...



Ive heard of Mendo growers planting cans of Rosatito beans and Verde sauce in patches. One guy even found a hand written notebook in spanish and plants that.

That way when raided he claims no knowledge and those water lines from my pond? "Well they musta been stealing my water"


its sad... no one deserves to be shot at or killed this shit is out of hand and has been for a long time

when is enough going to be ENOUGH?!
when the war has ended, i didnt want a war, i didnt ask ta be a criminal in the eyes of the feds,

you go down and talk to them and tell them how upset you are that they insist on waging war on the average "joe".....

komrade komura

Active member
California 2008: 61,000 Cannabis Simple Possession Arrests

California 2008: 60,000 UNSOLVED violent crimes (rape, murder, etc.)

See any problem with this?

In the war between american cops and the mexican cartels...VIVA MEXICO!


The cat that loves cannabis
Ive heard of Mendo growers planting cans of Rosatito beans and Verde sauce in patches. One guy even found a hand written notebook in spanish and plants that.

That way when raided he claims no knowledge and those water lines from my pond? "Well they musta been stealing my water"
Lol, I was thinking this same thing.
They are so ready to believe that it's the mex cartels, planting a few simple items at your site should make them believe that's what they're dealing with.


Active member
That's right sheriff fckouttahere!!

It seems to me that they're trying to make people go all Arizona by claiming "evidence of hispanics" wtf? Would they say "evidence of whites"?? Never..

"There was evidence of a Caucasian presence at the grow site...high life cans, hemp wick, Nature Valley rappers..."

I think that was just assumed.

real ting

It would be ignorant to assume what with the huge profits to be made in their main industry that the cartels aren't taking advantage of the prime california growing land. 22,000 plant plot? Might not have been cartels, could have been whites, blacks, asians, makes no difference, that's a fucking huge grow and was definitely not some small mom and pop operation. Now I can see what some of the dudes on here are saying with 100 plant outdoor grows. People bust their balls about being commercialists out to exploit people and make major cash off an illicit trade. That's a joke, when there is stuff like this going on.

California 2008: 61,000 Cannabis Simple Possession Arrests

California 2008: 60,000 UNSOLVED violent crimes (rape, murder, etc.)

See any problem with this?

In the war between american cops and the mexican cartels...VIVA MEXICO!

Real classy.
Genocide - anyone?

Genocide - anyone?

To bad that bullet didn't splatter any brains on the front windsheild! As NWA said - F#ck The Police!

I read a post "no-one should be shot over a weed", and I couldn't agree more. If the story is a fake they are doing a damn good job of divide and conquer.

This entire post has put people on this site and in this community at a division. I am disgusted by anyone who believes the ridiculous and moronic comment above. It's not worth dying over; or killing over. To wish that someone was killed only shows the hate you have for life. A joint may help - but I"ve feeling if you think it's ok to shoot the police for doing their jobs - even if they're insane - it's not them who write the law. They are paid to enforfce it. Even when it's wrong as we all well know.

It's so retarded to aim it at a racial profile - it's even dumber when you cheer for the BS and "wish" or support violence to end the prohibition. I am feeling pretty disgusted.



Well-known member
REAR window of LEAD truck? hell, sounds like the guy driving the SECOND truck in line was the shooter! looks like a publicity stunt by the pigs to make pot farmers look like dangerous criminals...

Mr Pengra

Nobody should even dare say this was a "fake" or any kind of setup. I may not live in Humboldt or Mendo, but I'm pretty damn close and this sort of story is no urban legend or fox news gossip. Every year people are killed in their own homes over pot, desperate people do desperate things. This is Cali, the wild-wild west. Some scary shit happens all because of this very powerful plant, watch the movie Humboldt County and maybe things will come much more clearly to you.
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Big Dad

New member
I live in Mendocino County, and this deal about the MCSO being shot at, and the rear window blew out is Real. I love pot and do my own thing, say clear of the red lights, but have to work in the forest, and it is un-nerving to think of being shot while trying to make a living in this shitty economy. These are illegal grows, and it puts a bad tarnish on the legal growers. I just hope Johnny Law doesn't have a problem with the 45 in my pocket....I just want to work, but do not need lead poisioning either! Most of it is out of range of Cell service, so a guy is on his own out there.....