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Sheriff Shot at during recent Mendo raid


Active member
sheriff must be thinking!

sheriff must be thinking!

The sheriff must be thinking ,
They shot his window out not any others "his window"
And nobody saw or heard anything.

Hope they shoot his house windows next.
Cut his phone wires.
Sodium chlorate his garden.
Put a diamond back in his mail box.A


That must be the politically correct way of saying it looks like a bunch of Mexicans where camped out. There have been quit a few cases where armed Mexican nationals where arrested guarding huge crops in national parks. I saw footage where they where finding Spanish language magazines, refried bean cans, tortilla wrappers and all kinds of shit like that, no joke. I seriously doubt these would be your average day laborers working some old hippy grower's marijuana field.

It makes sense when you consider the Cartels position. They have access to a large network of desperate people with the cash flow to recruit them, and the ability to control them through threats of violence against their families in Mexico so they aren’t taking off with the product.

I don’t think the growing trend can be blamed on efforts to demonize cannabis alone. If anything this should actually further the argument for legalization and taxation. That way the criminals are shut out of this business for good.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I wonder what they would say if they had found a 'Gypsy Kings' CD......a bandana and a tambourine?
Yeah there was just a bust up here in b.c where they found a few vietnamese or some sort of asians.Right away they love to tell the media how ts organized crime syndicate.Play it up and put a bad spin so everyone wants to rat out their neighbors.Up here it's bikers or asians,down there i guess it's mexicans.


I smell a rat ... and that rat wears a badge.

I smell a rat ... and that rat wears a badge.

Anyone who thinks that the various California LE organizations are even-handed, play fair, or abide by the law are delusional. Why would local LEOs, through their professional associations, be directly involved in trying to influence pending MJ legislation -- aren't they there to enforce laws and not make laws? Isn't that the purview of the legislature?

The truth is that efforts to reform State law regarding re-legalizing MJ will have a direct impact upon LE / local DA fiscal bottom line. Asset forfeiture in criminal cases will shrink; budget constraints might force a RIF among LEO, prison guards, DA offices, and even criminal lawyers. And since they all have a "dog in this fight", their motives are suspect -- follow the money trail.

Here's an alternate and IMHO just as likely a scenario: The .22 caliber weapon seized by LEOs was pointed at the rear of the lead vehicle and discharged, by LEOs themselves, as they returned to base for propaganda value in yet another attempt to cast the November referendum in a negative light. This hypothesis is just as valid as the LEOs POV ...


ICMag Donor
All these incidents are going to be played up big time b4 the elections to get the public FEARFUL about cannabis legalization.

But the TRUTH is that if you don't want to get killed over a plant, then LEGALIZE IT!

Reg to vote! Speak up and grow to LOWER the COST $$$ anything that has a excessave value can be used to damage our lives!!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Stop the madness! LEGALIZE! I doubt the bs about cartel keeping family hostage back in Mexico.

A good paycheck is why the wets tend the gardens.
I spend a lot of time in remote areas in the NorCal national forests and there are a hell of a lot of Huge Mexican grows. This is the biggest problem going these days in the whole MJ deal. In the '80s and '90s I was never too concerned when I encountered grows by local people. They were generally a few dozen to a couple of hundred plants. I would just ease out of the area the way I had come in.
Nowadays there are groups of armed Mexican nationals camping and growing huge numbers of plants,like tens of thousands. This situation is not good for any of us.

I know lots of growers in Mendocino, and they get their Prop 215 paperwork in order and grow on their own land. They don't have problems with law enforcement. Anyone these days growing on someone else's land without permission, especially lots of plants deserves whatever problems they have with law enforcement.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Sure is ^^^^^ Don't you know if them crazy black's smoke that mexican weed they go nuts and start raping white women!!!!!


those cops know what they signed up for, they get what they persue. its called resposibility for your actions, ya go pokin around ya get shot at, very simple. no sleep lost here :shooty:


Here's the skinny on police getting frisky with growers...it's the money!


Strapped U.S. Police Turn to Marijuana Busts for Cash

Published July 03, 2010

Shasta County Sheriff Tom Bosenko, his budget under pressure in a weak economy, has laid off staff, reduced patrols and even released jail inmates. But there's one mission on which he's spending more than in recent years: pot busts, The Wall Street Journal reported Saturday.

The reason is simple: If the California lawman steps up his pursuit of marijuana growers, his department is eligible for roughly half a million dollars a year in federal anti-drug funding, helping save some jobs. The majority of the funding would have to be used to fight pot. Marijuana may not be the county's most pressing crime problem, the sheriff says, but "it's where the money is."

Washington has long allocated funds to help localities fight crime, influencing their priorities in the process. Today's local budget squeezes are enhancing this effect, and the result is particularly striking in California, where many residents take a benign view of pot but federal dollars help keep law-enforcement focused on it.

To make sure his office gets the federal funds, Bosenko since last year has spent about $340,000 of his department's shrinking resources, more than in past years, on a team that tramps through the woods looking for pot farms. Though the squad is mostly U.S.-funded, the federal grants don't cover some of its needs, such as a team chief and certain equipment. So, Bosenko has to pay for those out of his regular budget.

He doesn't doubt the value of pursuing pot farming, which he says is often the work of sophisticated Mexican gangs and leads to other crimes like assault. But other infractions, like drunken driving and robbery, may have a bigger direct impact on local residents than pot growing, he says.

The pot money is "$340,000 I could use somewhere else in my organization," he says. "That could fund three officers' salaries and benefits, and we could have them out on our streets doing patrol." His overall budget this year is about $35 million.

The U.S. Justice Department is spending nearly $3.6 billion this year to augment budgets of state and local law enforcement agencies. In addition, the federal government last year set aside close to $4 billion of the economic stimulus package for law enforcement grants for state and local agencies. The White House also is spending about $239 million this year to fund local drug trafficking task forces.

Much of the federal money helps local agencies go after sophisticated criminal gangs and hard drugs like methamphetamine. Even staunch supporters of legal pot don't dispute the value of that.


Found at Grow Site:
1) Bottle of hot sauce
2) Chili peppers
3) Selena CD
4) Sombrero hat that sez Souvenir of Tiajuana
5) Speedy Gonzalez Cartoon DVD
6) Bullfighting Newspaper
7) Jumping Beans
8) Tecate Beer Can
9) Frozen Burrito wrapper from 7-11
10) 40 small Mexican children


Police area as addicted to the revenues they get from drug busts, as the most strung out meth addict is to their vice..Local police in Florida actually coerced south american drug runners to come to their particular county! Inviting crime for cash!

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