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Seeking Critique on Vert Colosseum SOG concept.

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
Looking Great

Looking Great

Anti please forgive my ignorance but I can't remember how you are feeding? Are you going to switch to E&F next run? I like your system so much that I'm thinking about building one myself, I've got an idea about making it into a coco drip run to waste system, instead of pots you could fill the space with coco for a bed with drippers, modify the bottom of the bed to fit in a leaf catcher for drainage and guttering under the leaf catcher to take away the waste, guttering around the whole design with a wast pipe going into your waste tray/rez. Imagine these at the bottom of the coco beds...


It would be a hybrid system of drip fed and NFT when the roots grow into the guttering. I'm gonna have to plan this out good and go over it all but I can tell you now that I will do this.

What do you think?



Sorcerer's Apprentice
I vote for a stickie. I was going to wait for a harvest but why wait when all the best info is down in writing already.

oh snap! congrats man

see that shit anti! you are a fuckin' rock star without the help of video. all ya needed was the disco ball man .............ohh yeah and the ability to plan,build and grow like a madman.

congratsz Anti, now kill it!

Congrats on your stickie bro! :D

but now the pressure is on... so you have to get above 1gpw... lol Good luck! not that you need it...

Heh. Ok. Well... in order to hit 1 gpw, (800g) I'm going to need each plant to give me 11.43g each on average.

I think we're looking to be in that territory. Got just under 4 weeks to go, so I'm thinking we should be able to pull it off.

Thanks so much to all of you! This thread would be pretty boring if nobody made suggestions. This sticky belongs to the IC Mag Vert forum, not to some cat named Anti.

Congrats Anti! Lol I love building things and since i have done ok with one of Heaths designs I think I might just copy your cab since you are around to answer questions. I dont have the ideas to come up with things like you guys but i can replicate like a champ! This is truely great work and an inspiration for those of us who cant grow in full rooms :) Thank You!!!!

Yeah. Maybe it's the place I live (and the laws here) but the idea of running a 3k room is pretty frightening to me.

The inspiration for this thread was during the big argument over Prop 215. People were saying that they couldn't possibly grow enough to supply themselves in 25 sq. ft. People were saying that they needed to grow 2 lbs per cycle to keep themselves in smoke. This room is only 15 sq. ft and less than 1000w of total power usage.

If I can average 12.96g per plant, I will have hit 2 lbs in 15 sq. ft.

Anit, if you want the thread title changed just let me know.

anti, you should have the name changed to "disco fever", haha. looking good as always.

I was wondering about that. If the thread title changes will that screw with people's subscriptions and whatnot?

I wonder if Anti is having trouble finding his thread like bobble did, maybe he think's it has been deleted? :laughing:

Heh. I've just been busy the last couple of days. :)
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Sorcerer's Apprentice
Sorry bro I messed up your post by accident, I clicked 'edit' instead of quote and because it was quick edit I couldnt go back and change it.

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Proud Cannadian Cannabist
looks incredible. i cant wait to see how it all turns out. anti any predictions on yeild from 2 400's? also i could swear i seen those square skinny grow pots somewhere before? for some reason i think it was on og or cw?


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
i think you will easily reach the 1 gram per watt number :good:
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Sorcerer's Apprentice
looks incredible. i cant wait to see how it all turns out. anti any predictions on yeild from 2 400's? also i could swear i seen those square skinny grow pots somewhere before? for some reason i think it was on og or cw?

These pots are called Mini Tree Pots. Mine are the MT2510 (2.5" square, 10" tall) but they do make other sizes.

They're available online and they're super cheap. (I got 200 of 'em with shipping for about $30.)

As far as predictions... I've never run HID before, I've never run vert before, and I've never run coco before, so all of my predictions have been based on my horizontal CFL grows of the past where I was able to pull ~14g per plant.

If I get 13g per plant, I'll hit 2 lbs. If I get 11g per plant, I'll hit 1 GPW.

I should have dried weights in about a month. I guess we'll know then. ;)

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
Hey bro I hear ya, go with what you feel the best vibe with. Here's a pretty crap MS Paint drawing that I done that explains a bit better what I'm trying to say in words lol...



I might get started on this next week, try and build a 1800w system.



Active member
Hey bro I hear ya, go with what you feel the best vibe with. Here's a pretty crap MS Paint drawing that I done that explains a bit better what I'm trying to say in words lol...



I might get started on this next week, try and build a 1800w system.


Are u using any perlite in your coco? I would think it's a must with such a system.

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
Yeah bobble I'd have a coco/perlite mix, I forgot to put that in. I always use perlite, at the minute I'm using 20% perlite. What's your opinion bobble?


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Hey bro I hear ya, go with what you feel the best vibe with. Here's a pretty crap MS Paint drawing that I done that explains a bit better what I'm trying to say in words lol...



I might get started on this next week, try and build a 1800w system.


Homie, your picture explained it very well!

I like the idea. Would you use one dripper per plant?

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
Thanks man, you could use 1 or 2 drippers, it's personal preference really, 2 drippers will make the feeding a lil quicker. BTW sorry to hijack your thread with my crap, I can delete it if you want, I didn't think of asking before I posted.

And bro I know your not comfortable going with drippers but seriously they are a breeze to setup and maintain, all it is... Rez>Pump>13mm main feed line that goes from the pump to around the stadium>4mm spaghetti line coming off the main feed line into the drippers. Hook up your pump to a timer and set it to feed 3-5 times per day. Fully automated and explosive growth FTW. I think I would have a pump per level.



Sorcerer's Apprentice
BTW sorry to hijack your thread with my crap, I can delete it if you want, I didn't think of asking before I posted.

Don't worry about that. Your pictures helped me to understand your concept and gave me some new ideas about how to do things. That's progress in my book.

And bro I know your not comfortable going with drippers but seriously they are a breeze to setup and maintain, all it is... Rez>Pump>13mm main feed line that goes from the pump to around the stadium>4mm spaghetti line coming off the main feed line into the drippers. Hook up your pump to a timer and set it to feed 3-5 times per day. Fully automated and explosive growth FTW. I think I would have a pump per level.

Hmm. Definitely something to consider for the potential table modification/redesign.

Totally automated and explosive growth are phrases that make me salivate.


These pots are called Mini Tree Pots. Mine are the MT2510 (2.5" square, 10" tall) but they do make other sizes.

They're available online and they're super cheap. (I got 200 of 'em with shipping for about $30.) ;)
Hi Anti love your work

Do you think the mini tree pots can be sealed up so I could put a hole 2" up on the side for growing Hempy style?

Thanks HDJ :tiphat:


Active member
ICMag Donor
Thanks man, you could use 1 or 2 drippers, it's personal preference really, 2 drippers will make the feeding a lil quicker. BTW sorry to hijack your thread with my crap, I can delete it if you want, I didn't think of asking before I posted.

And bro I know your not comfortable going with drippers but seriously they are a breeze to setup and maintain, all it is... Rez>Pump>13mm main feed line that goes from the pump to around the stadium>4mm spaghetti line coming off the main feed line into the drippers. Hook up your pump to a timer and set it to feed 3-5 times per day. Fully automated and explosive growth FTW. I think I would have a pump per level.


EZ Anti, HGO & all yeah im running drippers aswell and agree with you very easy to setup etc, BUT have to say that ive had some troubles with them clogging up like every 5-8 days, im using a gardena drip system.. very cheap actualy and quality build, BUT the little drippers have tiny rubber pebbles (i found out after taking them all out that they held the pressure constant for each dripper) would clogg the dripper cause of all the molasses, kelp etc i had in the resevoir,
so yeah one could use drip clean but pretty expensive, so upto now ive had to unclogg them by hand, next run ill have to get some drip clean or make some DIY drip clean, any advice?

Also have you thought of using coco slabs??! you can have those gutters at the bottom of them aswell, or you make somethin similar to my setup, pond liner to gather the runoff at the bottom..
when i get back from my little vacation next Tuesday ill start a thread of my prototype 2 * 600 Watt 60+ plant vert coco slab test run... 10 slabs top, 10 bottom, 3 plants per slab

Anti, very nice setup, looking good! - im at a similar stage as you, perhaps a week behind. I think youll achieve more with bigger pots, but u know that... im runnin coco slabs & have always had very good results with them... coco is the way forward!! peace


Active member
Yeah bobble I'd have a coco/perlite mix, I forgot to put that in. I always use perlite, at the minute I'm using 20% perlite. What's your opinion bobble?

I like it... except coco isn't very good to use in a recirculating system imo... It works just fine DTW though... Where you are constantly adding fresh nutrient solution and re-balancing the root zone.

I think the coco has enough moisture holding capacity that you don't need to additional NFT. The coco is better kept moist, rather than soaking wet... I suppose if you used upwards of 80% hydroton or perlite, and 20% coco, then the coco would act as more of a wick and hold on to moisture between feeds.

Anyway, those are my thoughts... I like the gutters with screens for runoff collection... If you can find them 6" wide, then my bobblebags would sit on top perfectly. I'm using planter trays with a plastic grid to lift the pot up off the tray. The runoff will sit in the tray and the moisture will be re-absorbed by the plants. I use several short feeds as you mentioned, for near "pure hydro" levels of growth, and minimal runoff.

Oh, and Anti, when you rebuild... you should consider building 2 levels the same size, one stacked on top of the other. The plants on the bottom tier will grow out from under the top tier on their own. Then you'll be able to squeeze even more plants in there and up the gpw's.... ;) Not that your table isn't great already.

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
Anti said:
Current feeding style: Submersion watering.

* 20 plants at a time are placed in a standard milk crate (about 12" cubed).
* The crate goes into a larger container filled with about 16 gallons of water.
* The crate sinks to the bottom as the pots take on water.
* When the crate is resting at the bottom and no bubbling is evident, the crate is removed from the water and placed over an empty container to drain.
* Once it drains, the plants go back into the cab with the smallest plants in the center and the tallest plants in the corners.
* Whole cycle gets repeated about 48 hours later
Thanks for that, I can remember reading it now.

I was wondering about that. If the thread title changes will that screw with people's subscriptions and whatnot?

Nope it wont mess with the subscriptions, just let me know if you want it changed.


Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
EZ Anti, HGO & all yeah im running drippers aswell and agree with you very easy to setup etc, BUT have to say that ive had some troubles with them clogging up like every 5-8 days, im using a gardena drip system.. very cheap actualy and quality build, BUT the little drippers have tiny rubber pebbles (i found out after taking them all out that they held the pressure constant for each dripper) would clogg the dripper cause of all the molasses, kelp etc i had in the resevoir,
so yeah one could use drip clean but pretty expensive, so upto now ive had to unclogg them by hand, next run ill have to get some drip clean or make some DIY drip clean, any advice?

Also have you thought of using coco slabs??! you can have those gutters at the bottom of them aswell, or you make somethin similar to my setup, pond liner to gather the runoff at the bottom..
when i get back from my little vacation next Tuesday ill start a thread of my prototype 2 * 600 Watt 60+ plant vert coco slab test run... 10 slabs top, 10 bottom, 3 plants per slab

Anti, very nice setup, looking good! - im at a similar stage as you, perhaps a week behind. I think youll achieve more with bigger pots, but u know that... im runnin coco slabs & have always had very good results with them... coco is the way forward!! peace

Hey BBD, are you running an orgranic drip system? I don't have any issues with drippers getting clogged since I've been using drip clean, it's worth the extra $$$ IMO. I think the problem your having is deffo got to do with your drippers, by the sounds of their design, they are built to get blocked. I use a fast flow dripper and set the pressure with a home made inline tap on the main feed line just above the pump, here's a pic...

And the drippers that I use.

Get your thread up when ya can, I'd love to see what your working with.

I like it... except coco isn't very good to use in a recirculating system imo... It works just fine DTW though... Where you are constantly adding fresh nutrient solution and re-balancing the root zone.

I think the coco has enough moisture holding capacity that you don't need to additional NFT. The coco is better kept moist, rather than soaking wet... I suppose if you used upwards of 80% hydroton or perlite, and 20% coco, then the coco would act as more of a wick and hold on to moisture between feeds.

Anyway, those are my thoughts... I like the gutters with screens for runoff collection... If you can find them 6" wide, then my bobblebags would sit on top perfectly. I'm using planter trays with a plastic grid to lift the pot up off the tray. The runoff will sit in the tray and the moisture will be re-absorbed by the plants. I use several short feeds as you mentioned, for near "pure hydro" levels of growth, and minimal runoff.

Oh, and Anti, when you rebuild... you should consider building 2 levels the same size, one stacked on top of the other. The plants on the bottom tier will grow out from under the top tier on their own. Then you'll be able to squeeze even more plants in there and up the gpw's.... ;) Not that your table isn't great already.

Hey bobble, I'm with you 100% on the run to waste, it's the only way I grow in coco. Some people think that it's a wast of nutes but it really is worth it for the end result plus you don't have to worry about spreading disease and destroying your whole crop.

On the NFT, it really isn't needed but when I thought up the idea I realised that's exactly what would happen when the roots grew through the guard and into the guttering, you'd have an NFT effect. It's more of a bonus rather than a necessity. I think I'll go with the 80/20 coco/perlite because it's what I know best.

Bobble when I seen your pots I though wow that is perfect for what I'm working out, I even said it in your thread lol.

Ok I'm pretty sure this is what I'm gonna go with for my next grow, I'll go price hunting tomorrow and see what I come up with.
