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seedlings not growing..



Keif, I stand corrected..you're right :tiphat: I had a brain fart and was confusing it with the other stuff I've used...can't think of the name of it, but will look tomorrow..whatever it is(white bottle/red writing), is nasty stuff.

Yeah, there's dozens of products these days with ingredients that sound alike. I've had a bout or two with the thrips myself. Spinosad seems to knock em out for me pretty quick.


rasta man

read up on the spinosad... that looks like the way to go.. thanks...girls 2nd set of 5 on couple of them.. whoo ooo

2 Legal Co

Active member
Keep in mind that your mileage can, and probably Will, vary.

Lights; watch for too much stretch, if necessary, lower the light fixture.
Food; when the new leaves some in pale yellowish,,,, they want/need food.
Water; when I was in dirt, the girls seemed to 'like' a bit of a wet/dry cycle. Seems to encourage air uptake.

Gardeners need to be observers!

I got tired of bugs (fungus flies) in my house, so I've gone to a 'No Dirt' policy. DWC it is. Just food in the water, with a good stream of bubbles from an airstone.

I've found that there is a great deal of 'myth' regarding 'how to grow', (and I'm sure that the constraints work for the people that grow that way). Not looking to start an argument, just say'n. Heck I've got a couple of friends that said 'you'll be sorry' for going Hydro, it blows up too easily. That said, I've been soil-less for a couple of years now, and have not had any major disasters. (knock on wood lol)

I have gone to the 'dark side'; using only ChemGro, Epsom Salt, and Calcium Nitrate. NO pesticides, or herbicides, needed or wanted. I only flower under one light, and another for veg, so I can break it down and sterilize if needed.
Still have a gnat or two, no organics for them to live on,,,, I guess.

rasta man

For future reference, leave them in the small cups until you see roots showing...or can "feel" them with a chopstick..don't use clear cups, roots don't like light. I wouldn't switch into a larger pot size, until the roots have gotten established. Remember vermiculite holds water, and you want the best drainage possible....be very careful with any nutrients you give babies, usually 1/4 strength every 3/4 waterings...let the plant tell you what she wants....don't over love them.

It looks like nute burn, or over watering issues right now,,,,the leaf is burned/brown...good luck
Part of reason or the main one was because I thought they were waterlogged and thought the drier mix would help wick some of the moisture away from the main stem area and I think it turned out ok...they have well developed 2nd set of leaves with the 5 finger...and the little one with the curled leaves is starting to straighten also...just gave them maybe a couple ounces of water and lookin decent...not good but better...

rasta man

Brought super soil in that has been ripening in the garage in a garbage can...sealed...put it in my 3 gal grow pots in prep for future use...been couple days... went in this morning and was some kind of gnat I believe ... from the first mix it has always been sealed...guessin they were in either the pro mix or the worm castings....should I do something about this ...only seen one so far...would I use the spinosad that we had mentioned earlier.. possibly sand...or is that my problem...workin on room 3 weeks or so and never had any gnats..

rasta man

I was going to start a new post or thread on the gnat thing but cant figure out how... don`t see a new post or new thread button...

rasta man

Keep in mind that your mileage can, and probably Will, vary.

Lights; watch for too much stretch, if necessary, lower the light fixture.
Food; when the new leaves some in pale yellowish,,,, they want/need food.
Water; when I was in dirt, the girls seemed to 'like' a bit of a wet/dry cycle. Seems to encourage air uptake.

Gardeners need to be observers!

I got tired of bugs (fungus flies) in my house, so I've gone to a 'No Dirt' policy. DWC it is. Just food in the water, with a good stream of bubbles from an airstone.

I've found that there is a great deal of 'myth' regarding 'how to grow', (and I'm sure that the constraints work for the people that grow that way). Not looking to start an argument, just say'n. Heck I've got a couple of friends that said 'you'll be sorry' for going Hydro, it blows up too easily. That said, I've been soil-less for a couple of years now, and have not had any major disasters. (knock on wood lol)

I have gone to the 'dark side'; using only ChemGro, Epsom Salt, and Calcium Nitrate. NO pesticides, or herbicides, needed or wanted. I only flower under one light, and another for veg, so I can break it down and sterilize if needed.
Still have a gnat or two, no organics for them to live on,,,, I guess.
I finally got them to dry out , as per the dry cycle you were referring to...have had some super soil drying out in fabric pots where I had just brought it in from outside , working...this morning I had gnats that you had mentioned the night before... I think you jinxed me......hahaa.. just kiddin...but there it was.. only one that I seen... to myself I said, crap.....


Active member
Sticky traps, and Monterey spray will take care of the gnats,,,or you can put a 1/2" layer of Diatomaceous Earth on top of PM, it's like jagged glass to bugs...cuts & shreds them to pieces when they climb to the top.

rasta man

Sticky traps, and Monterey spray will take care of the gnats,,,or you can put a 1/2" layer of Diatomaceous Earth on top of PM, it's like jagged glass to bugs...cuts & shreds them to pieces when they climb to the top.
traps it is.. thnx.... diatomaceous earth next tie I come across some... long way from nearest store..but local hardware should have the traps...


Active member
Get the ones that stand in the soil on a stick, when they come up they go to the color...stuck till death, and no breeding.

rasta man

and just seen where that monterey spray has the spinosad in it... cool...would local walmart have the ones that stand on a stick..


Active member
The Monterey can be bought at Lowes/Home Depot, much cheaper than Azamax/Azatrol...but not as effective.

Stickys (usually yellow) come in flat packs, may have little pop-sickle sticks with them,,,you'll have to look. I buy all my stuff in bulk online, free shipping & best prices...keep inventory for crisis situations, can't wait for it to hit the fan,,,sooner or later it will :)

Mike Myers

Fungus gnats blow, more of a nuisance than anything. Not sure if they do damage other than possibly spreading other crap. Ive tried mosquito dunks, sticky's and diatomaceous and they always seem to come back after time. A friend told me he "suffocated" the pot by wrapping plastic bags around it as airtight as possible, and using a layer of DE on top. Makes sense I guess, would just suck to have to go through the process of unwrapping/wrapping everytime you water.
Your lucky man, my thermoter says 64.9 F near my babies, my house is cold asf in winter. They are growing though, they look like yours after about 7 days.

The cotyledons on one of my seedlings turned purple. lol But there still growing. There popping out the next set of leaves. :laughing:

rasta man

Still growing is a good thing JK..got some diatomaceous earth and some sticky tapes for my gnats..mine are on their 3rd set of leaves...making a little progress..

2 Legal Co

Active member
When I had TONS of gnats, the girls seemed healthy and continued to do well.

It was my choice to change styles of growing,,, not the plants. I just didn't enjoy doing the traps, neem, etc..... I just don't like living with the bugs. Outdoor, in the shed/greenhouse for the summer I don't care (not sleeping there).

I keep strains over the winter Moms and flowering.

The strains that I've grown (AK47, W. Russian, Bubble Gum, Vortex, Jilly Beans, Sour Diesel), have NOT seemed to mind the 'normal seasonal', temperature changes. I've seen plants outdoors, that got frosted several times in the fall and seemed to thrive. Additional coloring being the the most obvious difference.

That said... I suppose that if I paid closer attention they might produce more.

The shed produced a bit over 2lb. last summer/fall, it is only 25-30 sf..... the last two summers have been DWC, with the buckets sitting on the dirt (60*F??) or so. 8' plants in 2014, after the addition of a dripper system to circulate the water/food.

Don't know if any of this is helpful, but I hope so.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
DE only works when dry, top dressing is not ideal. 1/2" is way too farkin much.

Pyrethrin drenches or a Bti product are proven effective.

Fungus gnat larvae can and will climb into a seed shell and hollow it out if present in high numbers.

Sticky traps are not for when shit hits the fan, they are best used to monitor. Always keep them hanging and check frequently. They work best exposed to bright light.

I'd love to see non anecdotal information regarding 24/7 light cycle. There are no mainstream studies but the majority of crops grown show diminishing returns re: waste.

The majority of people do what they feel like. There is no consensus on light cycle for veg, just a whole lot of people that swear up and down that what they do is the best.

There's a disturbing level of bro-science here, that is to say, no science at all.


Active member
DE only works when dry, top dressing is not ideal. 1/2" is way too farkin much.

Pyrethrin drenches or a Bti product are proven effective.

Fungus gnat larvae can and will climb into a seed shell and hollow it out if present in high numbers.

Sticky traps are not for when shit hits the fan, they are best used to monitor. Always keep them hanging and check frequently. They work best exposed to bright light.

I'd love to see non anecdotal information regarding 24/7 light cycle. There are no mainstream studies but the majority of crops grown show diminishing returns re: waste.

The majority of people do what they feel like. There is no consensus on light cycle for veg, just a whole lot of people that swear up and down that what they do is the best.

There's a disturbing level of bro-science here, that is to say, no science at all.

Well there you have it, I'll have to reconstruct my entire grow operation based on that statement :woohoo:

Tell me: If you induce 25% more dark period to a vegging plant = 6 hours, does the plant stretch and does photosynthesis cease ?

rasta man

I got the DE but not going to use it now..ive only seen the one gnat...might have killed it..hehehh.. not sure.. anyway, i put the tape up in the light and will keep monitoring...