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seedlings not growing..

rasta man

ph of soil has been 6.8.. just distilled water ...the rust thing and the high humidity and such just makes sense... not just a little humid... I had humidity all over the place..and never ran the vent...never ran a fan..
its really the only thing that makes sense...


Remember that 80% of all moisture taken in by the plant occurs in the leaves, when you start spraying "stuff" on them the PH imbalance can cause serious problems....normally mix your foliage spray, then check the PH...Most rust issues I've ever encountered came from water PH issues...just saying Rasta :)

I had rusty leaves years ago from high ph. Water needs to be around 6.4


Well-known member
ph of soil has been 6.8.. just distilled water ...the rust thing and the high humidity and such just makes sense... not just a little humid... I had humidity all over the place..and never ran the vent...never ran a fan..
its really the only thing that makes sense...

The best way to learn is from a mistake after all man ;)


Well-known member
First time I've ever tried growing some breeder seeds. I got so paranoid about it I, I started overthinking it all and killing them off via over watering. Simple mistake and now I know hhahahahaha.


Active member
I had rusty leaves years ago from high ph. Water needs to be around 6.4

Exactly, same here.

Rasta have you checked the PH of the distilled water ?, it has a variable range based on brand, and goes up considerably after opening the bottle(and leaving it sit)....I've had DW range from 5.6-8.2 straight from the jug.

rasta man

Exactly, same here.

Rasta have you checked the PH of the distilled water ?, it has a variable range based on brand, and goes up considerably after opening the bottle(and leaving it sit)....I've had DW range from 5.6-8.2 straight from the jug.
right close to seven but just have strips..it was just too dang wet in there bwana im sure.. I had water drippin down the walls at times..not a stream im sayin but you could see trails...I have fab. buckets in there with soil that Im still tryin to get to dry ..im lowerin the humidity and puttin little domes on the seedlings till they grow a bit..things are finally stating to dry out some...soil finally starting to pull away from outside edges...after weeks...as I say , there are still a few sitting around waiting for there turn that wont dry out..they are finally starting after measures I have taken..


Active member
I use a chop-stick to lightly loosen the soil/media to about 2"-3" in depth, to help dry and add air to the soil...poke deep holes too,,,a hard crust on top isn't good...seals the moisture in. Water by weight of pot is the best way.

rasta man

I use a chop-stick to lightly loosen the soil/media to about 2"-3" in depth, to help dry and add air to the soil...poke deep holes too,,,a hard crust on top isn't good...seals the moisture in. Water by weight of pot is the best way.
I had loosened the soil once before as per your suggestion a while back..but I used the probe on my soil ph meter.. dual probes... they work pretty good and not too big...but the soil needed it again as I just finished...loose now... it did have a crust ...they might not amount to much but I sure am learnin a lot...


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
I despise crust.

An inch of coir works pretty well as a passive solution.

rasta man

Roots..oxygen..but not air?

Roots..oxygen..but not air?

A little confused ..roots need oxygen..loosen soil so it can breathe so roots can get oxygen from air... but air is bad for roots or is it..speaking for a soil grow.. but have seen where roots in hydro are not in water all the time..
could you water soil in a circle , for instance two inches from the plant, leaving the outside layer still dry to keep getting oxygen.. and then next watering do the outside area while letting the inside area dry more for more air.. that way always keeping part of root ball dryish while the other part moist... or is this just crazy...and if you let roots grow thru bottom to a holding dish underneath with water, would you want to let that dry out every so often or keep level up for constant drinking..or is that too wet..


Active member
Rasta you may be mixing apples with oranges.

I loosen/poke the soil to eliminate a crust, and help dry out a wet plant. Roots love/need oxygen, but hate light. When you want to increase the flush/nute cycles to nurse a plant back to health, then loosen the soil, poke holes, poke bottom of pot, etc..

But the main oxygen content come from your water, always keep your water in a rez with air stones for at least 24hrs before using. It's the saturated mud with no oxygen, that stops the roots from doing their job.


Wishing you lots of luck with these. I know the frustration of trying to fix'em instead of sitting by and watching them die. For a "weed", they sure are finicky :)


Active member
Actually they are tough bastages, just keep the moisture right, keep the PH right, make the root zone happy, and,,,yea maybe they are finicky :)

Like a baby, give em what they need, and quit spoiling them or you'll be up all fuckin night.


Well-known member
A little confused ..roots need oxygen..loosen soil so it can breathe so roots can get oxygen from air... but air is bad for roots or is it..speaking for a soil grow.
What you can do is use mulch. Also always use a perlite or grow rock drainage layer, and pour off water every time you water/feed.

Basically weed has (at least) three kinds of roots. Water roots, feeding roots, and air roots. In nature, that would be vertically grown into topsoil and subsoil, and the water table.

By growing in a pot with a water reservoir that roots can grow into, grow rocks to separate the water/grill and the supersoil, light soil and mulch. Combined with a high P/K nutrient solution that stimulates root growth, his lets the plant grow roots and drink, eat and breathe at the same time. And separates the nutrients from the water, so the plant can drink without feeding on warm days, a huge de-stressor.

This setup takes all these headaches out of the picture. No more worrying about over or underfeeding, over or underwatering, etc. All you do is top up the reservoirs.

rasta man

Actually they are tough bastages, just keep the moisture right, keep the PH right, make the root zone happy, and,,,yea maybe they are finicky :)

Like a baby, give em what they need, and quit spoiling them or you'll be up all fuckin night.

ok.. was readin this on the wrong side..I was readin left to right but the scale goes the other way after I get to lookin closer..dang eyeballs..but am including a pic of ph meter...so how does one go about getting goil ph down with out just putting vinegar in the water every time or is that about it...
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I find 6.5 perfect for me and would use pH down from aquarium shop if was you.

Read up on dolomite lime, brilliant stuff

I also wouldn't put any faith in that meter either and if I couldn't get a good pH pen I'd prefer the fish aquarium pH test kits over that one

I also think other factors, humidity heat etc can also play part in pH balance.

Quite often still get great weed with bit messed up pH but can also wreck a grow quite quickly, I'm lucky that don't need to check mine often but its the 1st thing I check if see a problem starting

rasta man

I find 6.5 perfect for me and would use pH down from aquarium shop if was you.

Read up on dolomite lime, brilliant stuff

I also wouldn't put any faith in that meter either and if I couldn't get a good pH pen I'd prefer the fish aquarium pH test kits over that one

I also think other factors, humidity heat etc can also play part in pH balance.

Quite often still get great weed with bit messed up pH but can also wreck a grow quite quickly, I'm lucky that don't need to check mine often but its the 1st thing I check if see a problem starting
I hear ya on the meter.. but confused now.. thought that lime raised ph of an acid soil...if mine is 7 , it needs to come down with the ph down you mentioned but why the dolomitic limestone.. thought that would make doil more alkaline..where I need to go acidic... or where is my thinkin messed up..guess Im confused on what is acid and alkaline maybe..


Well-known member
Hey man with your ph tester, I recomend to test, test and then test again. At least you can rule out all the variables except the quality of the tester it's self. With the lime, you are right about it raising the ph levels aswell. I had a quick read and sawdust sounds alright to use as a lowering agent. I suggest you have a further read up for your plants wellbeings hahaha, here's the link hope it helps: http://www.kindgreenbuds.com/marijuana-grow-guide/raising-or-lowering-the-ph-in-the-soil-mix/

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