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Scott Family Farms 2023 releases . . .


Well-known member
Be very hesitant to buy breeder cuts unless they have proof of lineage pictures and test results
Or very cheap and then 🤷‍♂️ why not, people pass alot phony cuts... buyer beware try one

No one has posted a single received pack???
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Billy Hill

New member


Active member
I do hope you're right. I don't believe any of us are at fault for being cautious here.

Personally, the website going down was the big red flag that spooked me. Part of the reason for making a smaller order was to confirm seeds were received. I also figured I'd be able to just pop on the website and order more once the initial order was received.

I've had several people ask me where I managed to order love potion from. So confirmation of people receiving their orders, is valuable on both sides of this sale. Not only will i buy more, I'll be able to direct others to purchase more as well.

If my seeds arrive I'll be Dan's best friend for life and even apologize to Charles for being so skeptical.
Would be nice. Nothing yet here- except I did get my package from Katsu seeds in the mail today. Ordered
a pack of OG Mango x Pre98 Bubba direct from his website during his 4/20 sale. Got three freebies as well. US to Canada took just under 3 weeks.

And yes- the website going down was a big red flag. Didn’t help that Charles said it was just a small issue with Shopify (?) and that it would be back up later that day. 🤷‍♂️


New member
Order was $440 CAD on March 13, I was given a resolution date of May 5th. "The max date for Jamaica post timelines is May 5th, after that we need to assume they are gone and sort out a solution that is fair with you as well as any other impacted customer."

Presumably I will hear back from them during business hours. I will update if package arrives or a resolution is settled on.


Active member
Order was $440 CAD on March 13, I was given a resolution date of May 5th. "The max date for Jamaica post timelines is May 5th, after that we need to assume they are gone and sort out a solution that is fair with you as well as any other impacted customer."

Presumably I will hear back from them during business hours. I will update if package arrives or a resolution is settled on.
My guess is if you live in Canada, they will make you wait an extra 2 weeks because of the strike


Active member
Hello again,

I wanted to follow up with you regarding these delayed shipments, and what we have learned. It appears the delay is caused by job action within the PSAC Union who controls the border and customs processes. They have been operating at a reduced capacity, called "work to rule" over the last several weeks, which escalated into a full strike, but now appears to have been resolved.


In speaking with other vendors, I have heard the border delays are 3-4 weeks to process through customs at the Canadian border, which should now start to be reduced as workers return to full operations.

I do expect the majority of these packages to arrive over the next 2 weeks based on what we learned. We have landed all packages into Canada successfully before this. While this delay may not be directly in our control, we know getting seeds in your gardens as quickly as possible is important to you, and are working on more direct distribution models that we hope to offer soon.

This is a group email to all those impacted. Feel free to reach out to me directly with any questions or concerns regarding your specific order.

Have a great week!

Dan Anderson
Director of Operations
Jamaica Mobile. +1 (876) 530-9898

---- On Fri, 21 Apr 2023 09:40:20 -0500 Dan Anderson <[email protected]> wrote ---
Yep. Got that e-mail as well. All I can say is that another international order I made a month after this one got to me without any delay at all. And that shipped during the job action. To reiterate - Canada Post nor any sorting facility was in any job action. The strike predominately affected Canada Revenue Agency, plus some other admin staff. In the interest of optimism- if there was indeed a backlog, we should see an influx of orders this week to the people on this thread. If not... 🤷‍♂️


Active member
I'm so sorry to Charles for being skeptical. I don't feel I'm entirely wrong to be cautious. But I just had a friend recieve their seeds.

Mine went out later than anyone else's. So I'll likely be waiting longer. But if we have a means to order more, I'll be one of the people ordering again.
I’m happy this all worked out- I really would like to see SFF have success. We need more Canadian breeders to represent. And there’s a niche to be filled with these throwback lines etc. it would be a nice addition to brands like Crickets and Cicadas and AK Bean Brains etc who are still working backcrosses of the classics.

I know there’s been drama in the past, and this rollout is/was somewhat unorthodox, so that all fed into it.

I wish Charles and Dan all the best going forward.


Active member
I’m happy this all worked out- I really would like to see SFF have success. We need more Canadian breeders to represent. And there’s a niche to be filled with these throwback lines etc. it would be a nice addition to brands like Crickets and Cicadas and AK Bean Brains etc who are still working backcrosses of the classics.

I know there’s been drama in the past, and this rollout is/was somewhat unorthodox, so that all fed into it.

I wish Charles and Dan all the best going forward.
My only concern at this point is, can we get some more?


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