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Satellite Fuel

vStagger Leev

What is the lineage of the Sat. Fuel? I know it was somewere else in the thread but I cnt seem to find it. I did however get my order the other day, and I gotta say 40... those are some big healthy beans!! and 15 packs, that's what's up! Thanks for hookin it up bro :joint: Cant wait to pop'em for the next round. SL


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I'm almost settled again with a new place and gearing up to get my grows back in order. soon i'll finally be able to join in the fun of growing the WBK and S.F.


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Yo guys, 40A et al, :tiphat: I've been off the forum for a while but I am still growing out this SF (aka BSC) and WBK, and things are moving along. Ended up with three SF phenos and two WBKs which survived various torture tests, and 2-3 good looking males of each strain as well. I have been cloning them out, setting up moms, and vegging out plants in 3 gallon buckets. The first WBK pheno will finally be going in the flower room soon as I open up space in the next few days, so I'll be sure to take some pics. It'll take a good 4-6 months probably to get all the phenos ran through there and tested with how they're staggered out. It's a slow, tedious process but I am definitely looking forward to smoking many, many blunts of each pheno and giving each strain a full evaluation. :yummy:

Did you ever post a lineage for the WBK? Curious to know what the pedigree is on that.


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ICMag Donor
WBK = Bluebonic x Karma's White OG

The BSC pack had three different moms in it, but the predominant one (2/3rd of the seeds) were from the blueberry muffin pheno pictured below. These seeds are more cylindrical and narrow at the tips. The S. Fuel seeds are much fatter and round, very heavy seeds. More compacted buds with smaller calyxes are the result of the BSC as well as less sweet and little more skunky type smell than the mom used in the official Satellite Fuel line. The high is top notch sativa on most phenos. Everyone comments on this and no one is getting the same pheno yet as far as who sees the end product. It all looks very similar though so the high is consistent in both varieties and the ease of visually telling the difference between the two is nice. Much more golfball like and stretchy sativa for the BSC. S. Fuel is a little more compact and buds are like much more compact cinderella 99 buds with big calyxes. The S. Fuel is sweeter and the mom crossed over true for her sweetness and funk better than the BSC. I like both version for their own reasons, but there will be no more BSC just S. Fuel as it fits my particular taste pallet better so enjoy and keep us informed.

Good luck going through the beans and hope you find something of value. Let us know how your crosses work out as well.

This was the main mom for BSC. It is a very stretchy blueberry muffin smelling sativa pheno. Very stretchy loves to be topped. Compare it to the picture of the Satellite Fuel mom in the beginning of this thread to see what I describe a bit better. This mom of the BSC bred very true for her structure very easy to see moms influence on bud shape as well.



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Nice......very helpful info. My BSC #1 pheno looks a lot like the plant in your first post. It has really wide indica looking leaves, much thicker than the plant above, with excellent rooting, fairly stocky structure but slightly stretchy, growth a bit on the slow side. It has taken forever to stop spitting out single leaflets since I cloned it off the sexed mom, and the WBK #1 caught up and outgrew it. One of the BSC males looks a lot like the mom you posted above, with very narrow leaves, extensive branching, overall really Haze looking plant structure. I'll get some pics taken and uploaded of all phenos within a week or so; I wanted to give em a chance to get all vegged out to a certain size so it can be clearly seen what is what.


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
When I pull the photos off my camera, I'll post em, but for the moment, I'm impressed, my BSC/SF couldn't stay straight under her own weight, unfortunately she was so dense, I ended up with a touch of mold..

Can't wait to see what I get out of the rest of the seeds, the smell is wonderful, lots of resin, and the high has a lot of c99 in it (or at least the finger hash seems to)..


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OK I took some pics two days ago. First a few pics of the flower room so you can get an idea of my setup.


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A few days ago I made a very interesting discovery in the garden. I had a plant a while back in a solo cup whose label had been rubbed away. I compared it to other plants and finally concluded it must be a Fraggle Rock. So I transplanted it to a 3 gallon, vegged it out, and put it in the flower room. Well, a couple weeks into flower and I start noticing, wait a minute, that does NOT smell like a Fraggle Rock, and it sure does have a lot of frosting too. What the hell...

After some time thinking about it I realized what happened. I had one BSC seed which I dropped and lost, but swept up off the floor and it ended up sprouting in the soil bin. I potted it up in a solo cup and I think I just stuck a blank label in it, and of course ended up forgetting about it and getting it mixed up. So if I'm right this mystery plant would be BSC pheno #4. I guess we can call this one "Lucky." It skipped the whole sexing, revegging, etc process which slowed down the others so much, and went directly into flower. I took three cuts off it and they have been in the cloner for almost a week now with no sign of mold or decay, so my fingers are crossed they will root.

The plant is smelling really good. It's like a tangy, sweet flowery scent with a hint of sour cream. When I smell it I think of chips and dip. Mmmm. It doesn't look like it's going to be a huge yielder but then again it's still early in flower. There is lots of resin and the overall plant structure is nice. So far, so good. :dance013: 40: Can you confirm this is a BSC?

Also pictured: WBK #1 which has been in flower 5 days as of this pic. It's not a heavy feeder and as you can see some of the earlier leafs were curling up a bit, but now that it's larger is doing well. Optimum nutes for this strain seems to be around 500-550 ppm veg and 900-950 ppm flower. BSC likes more.


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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Hell yea I love logging on and seeing stuff like that ^

From here that does indeed look very much like BSC. I would say 100%. You should be able to confirm 100% when drying and curing or most likely later in flwoer in comparison to its siblings. As you can tell the blueberry in them makes them need a little less N. Especially the WBK's. Your doing a hell of a job and props on your garden that is some serious density of plants there! Thank you very much to all my testers for giving honest and well grown reports.


Active member
Excellent, I'll label it as such. Thanks for the kind words and the great seeds. I can't stress enough how good this plant smells. Once I realized this was BSC I swapped around and put it in the middle where all the light is, so I should be able to give a good indication of nominal yield. Unfortunately I didn't write down when I put the BSC in flower, but my guess is around 4-5 weeks ago. WBK is in there a week now. I'll post another update in a few weeks, should be some great progress by then.


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Don't have any new pics but just wanted to make a quick update. I think I was wrong in my last estimate and this BSC#4 must have been about 3-4 weeks in flower when those last pics were taken. It has been filling out nicely, adding a good deal of weight and a lot of trichs, and now seems to be about 2-2.5 weeks out from finish. It is a heavy feeder and likes the N. The buds are of medium to medium-low density, moderate yield, and have the tendency to foxtail in heat and light. I guess the closest way I can describe the smell is sweet paint thinner, reminiscent of sour cream. All three cuttings I took successfully rooted and are revegging in solo cups now.

WBK#1 is coming along as well, having blown up in size considerably, and now has reached the stage where it's just starting to push out a lot of pistils. The plant has a really nice structure, heavy branching with large internode spacing, strong woody stems, and just the right stretch. It does great in my setup and would likely work really well when topped in a scrog type arrangement.

Another surprise.....I didn't mention it last time but I think there might have been a WBK plant which also came up missing along the same lines as that BSC#4. I don't remember the exact details of what went down, but I remember there was some confusion at the time with trying to keep track of all the plants I had going in solo cups and all the clones. I remember counting the WBK and BSC a few times back when there were like 24 of them, or supposed to be, and scratching my head cause it was a bit short.

So now after discovering the BSC#4 pheno and being all excited about that, little did I know that this "Fraggle Rock" right beside it (in a 5 gallon bucket) would soon begin flowering and showing its true colors as NOT being a Fraggle Rock. I still don't know yet but I'm 89% sure it's the lost WBK. It looks quite a bit different than the BSC, more indica-like with thick stalks and leaves similar to WBK#1, much bushier though, and is also sensitive to N etc. So if that's what it is, I'm really happy and it will leave me with 4 BSC phenos and 3 WBK.

WBK#3 is about ready to go in flower soon as I make a spot for it. At this point I am not sure I'm gonna like this one, cause it seems to have more of a sativa influence in some ways with limp-wristed stems that flop around even in veg, and maybe a hair more stretchiness than I like. We'll see how it does in flower. I may need to give it a dose of silica or something.

I will take pics of it here in another week when all plants are far enough along to really see something. :tiphat:
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OK time for another update w/ pics. I am now almost certain the second unknown/unlabelled plant is indeed a WBK, and I labelled it WBK#2. It's nice and healthy and all but I don't like this pheno much. The foliage is way, way too thick and leafy and I don't like the bud structure. So far frost coverage and smell is minimal on this one. I will finish it out and see how it does and everything cause I only judge by the finished product, but so far I'm thinking this isn't the keeper. All six clones of this plant rooted just fine BTW as did the ones from the unidentified BSC.

Now that plant (BSC#4) is a much different story and it is looking fabulous. I guess it's about 10 days out now and is finishing quickly. I don't know if this is the keeper, but it is a keeper for sure based on what I've seen. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

Since the last update I've also put BSC#1 in the garden as well as WBK#3. That last one is the one with overly floppy stems. I gave it a dose of silica and that seems to have improved things a good deal.



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....and this is WBK #1 which I really like the looks of so far. It's coming up on 5 weeks now.


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