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Satellite Fuel


Absolutely I'll either post a link or photos in this thread. I also have a pack of Galadriel from Rez to comb through once I've selected from the F2s. Do you have any pics of the Galadriel male? One of the three that I have really seems to have the Sour Diesel leaf structure....I'd like to keep one for some F3s. Any input in the male selection would be greatly appreciated.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Pick the male by the best smell and smallest distance between nodes for a more sour male. If you want a more diesel it will have longer branches, strong smell, with weaker stems (I doubt you will find this). You have to be careful here though because cindy is involved and if the smell isn't there for the long ones and it has stronger branches, it is more cindy dominant from my experience (it will be more bottle necked). Helps if you know the structure of both strains and I was lucky enough to have grown them. Wish you luck smell is the number one key with this one :D

IMO the male rez used for that cross was his Omega Diesel male (the sour one) so you are much more likely to end up with a sour male and the right one will be very dominant in crosses.

For females go the for the bottlenecked stretcher that gets real tall and smells of hints of grapefruit, pineapple, and sour while growing...You can smoke it 24 hours a day and always get high...amazing plant and my favorite so far. The short stout one will be completely sour with some having hints of floral or fruit. If you are a sour lover you will love those, but I personally preferred the stretcher with very sativa buds. The short stout one grow buds just like it's compact size and you would think it was a pure indica rather than a sativa.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I am so stoked to have perfect looking plants again. I can finally show you guys what I have been up to :D

I put the White Berry Kush in flowering yesterday so here is a picture of day one flowering. They are in about 3/4 gal of CoCo and normally I would veg them bigger, but I wanted to get the show on the road and stretch should be good enough. They stink like OGK pretty bad when you rub the stems.

Note: These are still unsexed so we may be really disappointed, but all we should need is 1-2 females (40 isn't dickin around, heh) :D


And here is your Satellite Fuel beans dad appears to have been timed right so I should be able to get these out to you guys by the middle or end of March.


I think I should have made more because when you see how White Berry Kush looks you will most likely be interested in everything I hit up with my Bluebonic mom (or the galad male) heh.
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I would love to be able to set some testers up for everyone that was willing, but I am not sure how that would work or if Sbay would even want to deal with it given I am just now entering the scene. Let me ask the admin and maybe I can make a test list for the fresh satellite fuel beans.


I would love to test the Satellite Fuel. Galadriels are going into flower tomorrow. I should be able to get some pics up soon. Did you send in any Sat. Fuels for the server fund? I've been waiting to snag a pack or two of those.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I've got fresh S. Fuel beans @ 30 some days flowering now that I will send in when done and I also have sent in 3 varieties that should get there any time now, but they will still need to be posted on the bay.

I'd love for some people to test some of the White Berry Kush as well. I will be starting 15 in a week or two to show what you can expect to find out of a whole pack. I have one 1 female and 3 confirmed males in flowering right now. Going to keep one of the males cuz of the smell and look, very sticky stem that reeks of ogk.

If it is allowed I will pick 5 people to test the White Berry Kush I just sent in.
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Just a teaser.

This is one of my SSSDH moms. This was the perfect pheno for me to find. As far as smell it leaned very fruity with the creamy sour smell absolutely 0 spice or diesel which is exactly what I was looking for. The pistils don't normally turn brown so early, but the bottom of this plant is seeded so this may be the cause.

This is around day 23~ (give or take a couple of days) I will do a whole grow.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Ok, awesome news! Both packages arrived today :jump:

And more good news! I can have 5 testers test my WOGBerry so let me know who is willing, please be able to do a respectable grow and photos. I would also like you to be able to start them upon arrival or at minimum a month later to give some sort of window.

PM me or post here.

Other news:

I have been informed it would be wise to change the name of one of my offerings (--------) name by admin. Heh, I did not take into consideration people may not entail White as The White (the cut) which most seem to think it is a white widow as a racial reference, White Original Gangster...I wasn't too big on the name either so changing it doesn't really bother me so I suggested White Berry Kush instead...(yes, I have heard both arguments that OG stands for just original and not original gangster but all pot lore aside I don't care whatever it is it is good weed and mean no harm)

I was not told exactly why it was considered offensive, but after a bit of thought it is the only thing I could drum up. So, if I am wrong as to the reason why when I get a reply, I will edit this section, but do know the name is being changed and I am sorry for any confusion concerning the name. I am thinking pot, not some racial intonation when naming my strain. Do know the name you receive on the package will be WOGBerry but when they are posted for sale it will probably be White Berry Kush and if they are ever sold again it will be WBK.
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Active member
me me me pick me.

i like to think i do a pretty respectable grow. i germ the seeds then i plant them and i grow them out. my cab is only 70w not 600 or 1000+ like everyone else. but a lot of people grow in small little tiny cabs with small bulbs or cfl. they wanna know how weed grows in their setups too and not just large plants under big lights in a big room.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
You would be a good grower to have involved skill level, grow style, etc so you are in :D Always need a cab person to show wares. I will announce when to pm Clarence your safe addy.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
And just so you know you guys will receive a whole 15 seed pack and I don't expect everyone to pop all of them so 10 is preferred but obviously some may have to pop few less.


Active member
I am finally 100% dialed in with my setup and would be more than happy to immediately do a full run and document it thoroughly. I would pop 10 seeds and keep the rest for my Personal Seed Stash.

I would run Coco with Organics and HID lighting indoors similar to my current grow found in my signature.

Expect many photos and details of Every Pheno found.

I am on a perpetual rotation for every 3 weeks, so I'm confidant I could start very soon.

Thanks for Keeping me in mind, and either way I'll be purchasing some Satellite Fuel or Berry Creme... For whatever reason you're genetics and photo's have caught my attention.



Active member
sweet! thank you for letting me test. i can pop all 15 if you would like but i can only reasonably fit like 6 in my cab so some hard line cuts will have to be made. it will be a good learning experience. im usually the type to keep everything and try and shove it in there somewhere. i find myself keeping clones i should really toss since i have the moms but its so hard killing them off.
Other news:

I have been informed it would be wise to change the name of one of my offerings (WOGBerry) name by admin. Heh, I did not take into consideration people may not entail White as The White (the cut) which most seem to think it is a white widow as a racial reference, White Original Gangster...I wasn't too big on the name either so changing it doesn't really bother me so I suggested White Berry Kush instead...(yes, I have heard both arguments that OG stands for just original and not original gangster but all pot lore aside I don't care whatever it is it is good weed and mean no harm)

I was not told exactly why it was considered offensive, but after a bit of thought it is the only thing I could drum up. So, if I am wrong as to the reason why when I get a reply, I will edit this section, but do know the name is being changed and I am sorry for any confusion concerning the name. I am thinking pot, not some racial intonation when naming my strain. Do know the name you receive on the package will be WOGBerry but when they are posted for sale it will probably be White Berry Kush and if they are ever sold again it will be WBK.

According to urban dictionary:
{ /wäg/ (n.) offensive slang. 1925-30, from 'Golliwogg': a 19th century blackface doll; or alternately, an acronym of '(W)orthy (O)riental (G)entleman' }

I can see how some UK folk might take offense...but to the rest of us,pretty obscure I'd say.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Ok, I take it that is 100% more likely to be the reason than what I thought ^ I had mentioned in my reply I realized it was international thing and I may be just incredibly ignorant so that really sounds like the case thanks a ton man!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I am finally 100% dialed in with my setup and would be more than happy to immediately do a full run and document it thoroughly. I would pop 10 seeds and keep the rest for my Personal Seed Stash.

I would run Coco with Organics and HID lighting indoors similar to my current grow found in my signature.

Expect many photos and details of Every Pheno found.

I am on a perpetual rotation for every 3 weeks, so I'm confidant I could start very soon.

Thanks for Keeping me in mind, and either way I'll be purchasing some Satellite Fuel or Berry Creme... For whatever reason you're genetics and photo's have caught my attention.


Can't wait sounds fantastic I am glad you are willing :thank you: