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Satellite Fuel


Active member
shit im in the market for a jetski....i dont know about tats maybe i can sneak one in the corner of a bigger tat. whats the name of the company anyways, i like the name 40amps2freedom.

haha real resin for the speckles now you're just pullin our leg..


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ICMag Donor
The Kief Coat which has kief thrown at it n patterns by the famous abstract artist Picasso when he was still a live will be auctioned at the next cannabis cup. It is a bit itchy but you are sure to strike up some flames in any room you walk in at a party.

Resin speckles on the shirt can be taken off and smoked with over 500 strains of resin speckles you could smoke for a year before they were all picked off.



Hell yes 40. Again let me know when you are accepting pre orders. Or if you need any testers :D Cant wait to hear what the genes are, grow, and taste this one.


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ICMag Donor
I will definitely want people to do grow shows when/if I get a forum right now I don't know how I could organize it. When I do get a forum you can expect some big tester lists like Rez used to do. I want people to try what I offer because I think they will enjoy as much as I am currently. Right now I think the best thing I can do is just put them out there cheap and keep them cheap permanently and hope people post results. In 2-3 weeks my seeded OGK x the blue mom I used in Satellite Fuel will be shipped off and I will probably ask that they be sold for 20-30$. There will be some sick kushy/berry flavors. I will also be growing them out for a photo op as soon as they dry and are rdy to be germ tested so people can see what that cross is all about as well.

My next grow will be pretty much all my gear to show people as well as looking for a suitable blueberry line from DJ to cross out to Sour Diesel. Right now Grape Krush is looking like the most likely mother. I will hit it up with the blue mom I already have but she leans more sativa and I want a more indica influence for the SD cross.


When will the Satellite Fuel beans be ready for the bay/boo? I'm germinating some of your Galadriel F2s right now and can't wait to try the sat fuels. I'm guessing Bluebonic is the mom, Galadriel papa. Is the OGK dad for your new variety from Karma?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
When will the Satellite Fuel beans be ready for the bay/boo? I'm germinating some of your Galadriel F2s right now and can't wait to try the sat fuels. I'm guessing Bluebonic is the mom, Galadriel papa. Is the OGK dad for your new variety from Karma?

Someone is paying attention heh :tiphat:

Yes from Karma and most likely the OGK male I permanently stick with will be sourced from Karma's, as I said I may want to tinker with the formula, so I will put a v 1.0 on it. I currently have 2 males that crossed out beautifully from him and I trust his gear and breeding enough to use it in my projects that I will work on over the years. Expect me to be very vocal about the breeders I used in my own projects because I found them to be the real deal and would much like to advertise as much for them as for my self through my offerings. I see a lot of smaller private breeders doing actual breeding rather than the larger companies pawning hay that is 10-15 years old news for ridiculous prices.

I will be using my Galadriel male A LOT...Passes off an amazing flowering time with rock hard nugs and you can cross it with almost anything because the smell blends so damn good...It out smells the majority of females I have grown...

I got the best two plants I have ever found growing, out of a single gifted pack of Galadriel from Rez :2cents:

Rez, Chimera, and Karma are my favorite breeders so far hands down.


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ICMag Donor
My female mom will with constant light leak, but nothing that would make you tear it down or hurt yield. I had 9 females out of my pack of seeds and none of those or the f2's I have popped have given me problems. It took mites, aphids, and thrips like a champ as well with no herm or real weakness to them (when I moved states I got all three in a row the aphids were the worse by far). I had a timer malfunction for several days that caused no problems, but in one room with 2 green lights one was a pulsing fire alarm and another was my powerbox light controller that was on constant, made many plants in my room that run herm slightly that were near it.

*The green light doesn't cause hermi's mantra is BS....

Anything with sour diesel is going to herm in a bad environment that is just the way of the beast /shrug I have never had anything full on herm though like I did some mothership fem beans a long time ago. That was insane and had to chuck it immediately. Sour Diesel and its crosses in general will pitch 5-10 in stress that are easily pickable, pretty much everyone has agreed to this about her. It's particularly sensitive to light.

Now my Satellite fuel went through all the same shit and didn't whence but I also did not have any females from Gala bred into it, just my males because I did not want the sweetness my mom has to clash with the berry. I also started breeding much like neville and shanti (1:1) although my mango haze project will probably be more similar to DJ and Chimera (Progressively breeding f1+ as well as preserving genes) unless 1:1 works out better. Felt the awesome sour smell + tighter buds from the dad to to be much more suitable for the SF line.


Active member
Thanks for this info. I only ask because I have grown many Sour D mixes and never had a hermi "outdoors." Indoor yes. This year I got some hermi's on my outdoor Gala's, but she was the star of my harvest. Take and give I guess.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Thanks for this info. I only ask because I have grown many Sour D mixes and never had a hermi "outdoors." Indoor yes. This year I got some hermi's on my outdoor Gala's, but she was the star of my harvest. Take and give I guess.

No problem man as neville and shanti say when it comes to breeding the herm, "why throw the baby out with the bath water?" Some of their lines have the same issue, but like you say give and take when it comes to our elite's and their offspring it seems. I figure breeding SD and Chemdog out more will help very much with this issue which is why I chose to make my main stuff based of galadriel instead of straight up Sour D. I am trying to improve as well as put my own spin on things for originality hopefully it all pans out.


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ICMag Donor
Yea I have to completely throw everything away and it is really hard to do ;\

I didn't want dramatize anything so I haven't been posting lately, but my aphids came back after a month+ of disappearing again and I have had to throw everything away. I still have all of my moms and breeding projects sitting in a rubbermaid, because it is really hard for me to chuck everything I worked very hard on over the past couple of years, but I have lost 4 crops in a row now, even had to move locations.

I've used every pesticide possible:

Merit 75
Met 52 (fungus)

List could go on, but I can't remember the others...

Nothing works. I have turned what was a completely organic environment where plants were grown to perfection with ease, to a chemical plant for a grow room. I even switched medium to CoCo which seems to have exacerbated the bug issue after completely moving locations and sanitizing everything, only brought clones of my moms and dads to new location that were all pretreated with azamax and merit.

Long story short, I am going to try one more grow coming up and if it doesn't work I will have to go get a normal job again and save up to restart as all of my fund have been drained with my move to a new state and 4 subsequent failed grows. I really thought I had eliminated them this time or I would have never started this thread, but they just never seem to go away. When I found 3 flying ones shortly after I posted the veg pic I decided to run my plants until Christmas to see if I could recover but they are completely stalled and all have the aphid symptoms. After I trash the rest of my plants tomorrow I will be bombing the house and applying 10 million nematodes of various types that all kill aphids around the house. I will be switching back to organics and will be eliminating every grow product besides lights and ballasts in case there are eggs on them.

We will see if the nematodes work. If they don't I have no answers and it seems no one else does either for these pests. There is thread after thread filled with chemicals that do not work no matter how often you apply and a whole lot of people that echo my experience. They don't die and don't go away.

I hope this thread is allowed to stay open because in a couple of months if my problem is cured by going back to organics and using beneficial insects by the millions, I would love to do this grow organically and complete the thread. There is a HUGE difference between the two different breeders products. Large enough to make me interested enough to come back and finish this thread. When I tore my plants down today they were 20-25 inches vegged and the difference between them was undeniable. They were just too sick to go on, but this is definitely a thread that needs to be done by more than just me.

I hope I can come back and finish this thread in 3 months we will see though I now no longer have any faith in a cure other than completely restarting in a new location from absolute scratch. I can definitely see how these things took out the entire wine industry in France in the 1800's. They are absolutely brutal and unrelenting. Hope none of you ever run into the ones that are chemical resistant ; \ I will for now on always pretreat my mediums with beneficial nematodes cuz once you see them it is too late your roots will just rot out.

I haven't thrown out my parental stock yet I may have to have someone else do it ;\ I just don't think I can risk keeping it I don't know how the aphids keep surviving and coming back. After 4 grow in a row now I just don't know what to do and no one else does either cuz no one else can kill them. I hear lots of claims and lots of people coming back after trying them just like me, and nothing works.

I've straight up moved my entire grow and these fuckin things are still wrecking shit...

I've read thread after thread on every MJ site with a ton of people recently getting these aphids within the last year but many more new cases and they all end up saying what I am right now and that is that nothing kills them it seems ;\

throwing everything out and pretreating with millions of Nematodes is my last resort and only thing I have not tried. It took me a long time to find stock I thought was worth breeding and spending years on it is going to be hard to pitch these.

I got a shit load of beans at least, but no where near as good as having my parents.

To this date I have never seen a crawler only flyers and roots that die and go brown with plants that have a whole litany of phantom lock outs specifically N and Magnesium which is the number one signs of these guys. Flyers have hard shiny shell bodies look exactly like the ones in the aphid thread on here that is huge which has no answers that work...
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Active member
damn! fuckin root aphids..been hearing lot about these fuckers. just when you get spider mites and fungas gnats under control these fuckers pop up....

what is their life cycle...do they need to break the surface to breed? i added an inch of diotomaceus earth to all my plants, it rips apart their bodies as they surface...

also ive been hearing good things about merit and met52 so maybe do a double dosing..

you can always just take clones of your mothers and throw them into a quarantined cab of some sort.....

also you can switch grow styles to DWC and have your roots enclosed in those buckets...

dont give up man you got some good skills and genetics!


Active member
well i just checked my sticky traps and i found some root aphids...at the start of an infestation so hopefully i can get this under control, but damn after hearing your story about how nothing worked...has me pretty worried.

did you try the evergreen 60-6...its 340 bucks a gallon but apparently people been having success with it in the RA thread...

my grow shop sells small 80 dollar bottles of merit...might take a gamble on that and then layer everything with DE tough...


Active member
well i just checked my sticky traps and i found some root aphids...at the start of an infestation so hopefully i can get this under control, but damn after hearing your story about how nothing worked...has me pretty worried.

did you try the evergreen 60-6...its 340 bucks a gallon but apparently people been having success with it in the RA thread...

my grow shop sells small 80 dollar bottles of merit...might take a gamble on that and then layer everything with DE tough...
how thick do u layer ur DE on top the soil ...?...


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ICMag Donor
It's just a strong version of pyrethrin higher % and it will kill them off and keep numbers low but you will always lose a 1/3 of your crop and have yield damage. Evergreen has oil in it as well and anything with oil, well why even try? I used many different brands of less strength and don't like the oil that is usually in them. Try for powder based and no oils.

It still won't work though /shrug

I have completely given up now this was the straw that broke them camel's back.

I have some botanigard coming monday but all I hear with this is the same thing as all the others a couple of "it worked for me" and a ton of "it did not work for me". Every so far has not worked for me.

If they are killed off they come back a month later. I wouldn't waste your money on ever green if you are in mid flower you can ride it out and hope you get enough harvest to pay the electric. I pulled that off twice and lost every twice now...

I would scrap everything completely, pyrethrum fog every room, use botanigard, and 5 million nematodes every week or two for a 4k watt~ grow and pray...a lot...

Nothing that I listed in my chemicals list worked for me and I applied every thing 3-5 days apart more than 4 times on many different occasions. I spent money on the name brand shit as well.

If you have not seen this thread feel free to participate, none of us have any remedies but we sure are trying and could use more heads to fix this issue:


I really want to clone my parental stock it is irreplaceable I may just cave and hope my new method works but I no longer have faith in anything working ;\


Bum luck, have you tried AzaMax? I have no experience with it but I see it's organic. I would think you could take cuts of your P1's and root them somewhere else? So you wouldn't lose them completely then nuke the place and start over.

AzaMax is a natural product with a broad spectrum of pest control and broad plant applications. AzaMax is made from special Azadirachtin Technical extracted using patented extraction technology from Neem, a tree known for it’s innumerable benefits. AzaMax contains Azadirachtin A&B as active ingredients and more than 100 limonoids from it’s special technology. The special feature of AzaMax is that it does not use hard chemical solvents and uses food grade formulation ingredients. AzaMax is licensed in all 50 states.

AzaMax is an antifeedant and insect growth regulator and controls pests through starvation and growth disruption. AzaMax effectively controls spider mites, thrips, fungus gnats, aphids, whiteflies, leaf miners, worms, beetles, leafhoppers, scales, mealy bugs, nematodes and other soil borne pests. Best of all, AzaMax can be applied up to the time or day of harvest. The product is exempted from residue tolerance, thus there is no harmful residue on veggies, fruits, herbs and flowers etc. Truly, AzaMax is a product of Nature in tune with Technology


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ICMag Donor
Yea Azamax= azadacthin I spent 100+ on it already still have some didn't work this time either.

Chimera firmly recommended Malathion so I will be adding this chemical to my next grow if this doesn't work I give up until I can move to a completely different place (again) and start from scratch.

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