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Satellite Fuel


Active member
I'm sure you've already discussed this, but I just tried to purchase the Sour Berry Creme and there is nowhere that I can Click the Purchase Button or make a bid.

I want them NOW!


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ICMag Donor
Ohhh, ok, he may be holding them until the weekend when he originally announced they would be up for sale in the seedbay thread...This is what I wanted anyways because I did not want people to get angry they were released today when told this weekend and I wanted the description up so people know not to expect perfect germ rates. When I saw them up early I thought, "oh shoot some may miss out". I had not given him the description and pictures but he got it this afternoon. Thanks for lettin us know MileHigh.


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ICMag Donor
Here's another structure shot of White Berry Kush. This is typical of almost all pheno's when topped. Some slightly bushier but most like this.

Day 10 Flowering @ 39 inches tall.


Pheno 1
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Active member

I just scored a pack of the Sour Berry Creme at the bay.

Thanks for all your hard work 40. I've been waiting for these since I spotted this thread.



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ICMag Donor
Alright good news :D I like how they are staggering drops now so people who aren't around on a certain don't miss out entirely. Be sure to let me know how they treat you. :tiphat:


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ICMag Donor
Alright in the next few posts I will show the other 3 WBK females current in flower. I believe I got 6 total from the pack but 2 others are still vegging cuz they were started at different times. So I should have 6 phenos total to show but currently just 4 confirmed.

These were taken today on day 12 flowering and they have just been absolutely exploding. Superb vigor so far can't wait to show some buds. This one reeks. I bent down to water today and literally followed the smell emanating from its stem.

Pheno 2

This is a 6 inch vortex on a 6 inch phat filter I put next to it to give you an idea of how big these girls are getting.

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Active member
That's my new organic mix Stihg I stopped using coco this round because I found it impossible to contain and control the pest I was having. When you take away the natural beneficials the bad pests seem to get even worse especially if they are root munchers.

40, i found the same for me in the coco/soil vs aphids. thanks for sharing your experience and mix.

i take it that the nematodes are working as they should now? if so, could you give us a run down on how you dose them (5million / x gallons of water/ x gallons of soil?) either in this here or in the aphid thread? thanks man!


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ICMag Donor
No use nematodes mainly for fungus gnat control. I use 10 million per 48 3 gallon pots. For the absolute BEST fungus gnat control I have ever had use the nematode Steinernema feltiae a long with the predator mite Hypoaspis miles. This knocks out a bad infestation in about 3 days.

What actually works on aphids:

Aphid wasps. Research them and buy them for any aphid infestation. Lacewings and lady bugs are dope too but the aphid wasps are foot soldiers from hell and get places sometimes the big guys can't. Combinations are knockout punches.

Recommend this company:


I will not fear another pest again now that I know which predators to buy for just about everything and they really work. I'd like to start a forum on icmag called fight nights and hold it once a month with videos of pests killing the bugs we hate on our crops heh :p Just jokin but it is kind of neat to watch these things literally kill each other in wars.

Be warned though shipping can be expensive but man do they work :D


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ICMag Donor
All the LOK's are in flowering since the 10th and the WBK's are rockin it. Little buds and some nice initial frost to test smell. Smell is awesome the mom comes through perfect and yield will be very nice I highly recommend topping :D These will be some very impressive plants in 15 days.


Active member
so in anticipation of the Satellite fuel arriving soon i popped 6 WBK along with 3 of my Mikusha into some dirt to sprout. what do you think i did? just guess. thats fucking right. i didn't label the goddamn cells in the tray. should be easy enough to tell once they get growing. but...what a n00b mistake. i went and got everything i needed, color coded toothpicks, seeds, dirt, cloning/seedling tray. put it all together, takes notes of what is in what hole. then before i put the toothpicks in i fucking water it and sit it on the windowsill and sit down. then i see the toothpicks on the desk in the bag still. lol.


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ICMag Donor
Hey no big deal man you will be able to tell all of them apart easy. Lights out kush is the same way. Very distinct stem smells, look, and growth pattern. They are very homogenous for what they are. I was extremely surprised and elated upon growing them out for the first time. WBK will have some pretty dark leaves you will be able to tell by looking at my pictures and smelling every stem. They will all smell distinct and similar. ESPECIALLY in flower...My bluebonic mom passes off the same smell on almost every cross I have tested and grown out that I made. Can't wait to see what you pull up. Mine are going to be frosty as shit I am very happy :D I expect big ass yield from these girls. I had many plants this time and while I did label everything I have not once ever needed to even look at them yet from first 2 weeks on they just look and smell alike.

Whatever you do top the WBK's at the 4th node and you will be extremely happy with yield and branching. I expect a lot of people are going to love this once they grow it and word gets around.


how'd it take me so long to come across this thread.

fine job. thanks for taking the time to share with us.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
how'd it take me so long to come across this thread.

fine job. thanks for taking the time to share with us.


Thanks hub things are finally almost back to full steam again had a little trouble learning a new states bug population, but all is good now. I am real busy setting up a new grow spot and working on getting some more stock in. Should be an awesome coming 2 years have a lot to unveil :D I got a cash croppers dream coming down the pipeline and some fun hazes lots of improvements and work to do on every strain, but getting organized and have many years to go :tiphat:


Hi 40Amps', interested to see what else you come up with. :)

I thought you should match your SFV x Chemdog female with the Galadriel Male too.

They all sound like fatties. lol