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You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to BiG H3rB Tr3E again.

Keep the thread clear BHT!!!

Anyways on another note, Spicoli...are you talking about the carmel valley near us???? Cuz I think they are talking about the carmel valley near SF, funny either way though


My buddy is not at work today so I'll have to get the 411 on those cuts tommorow.
Hey Cali - could be Carmel down south... I picked it up near San Clemente.


Resident pissy old man
I have no problem with more delivery services starting up but, as H3rb stated, this is probably not the thread to discuss it.

I have discussed matters with some delivery services. I asked them which strains they were looking for. Most said that they wanted Chem. O.G. Kush and GDP. Most know absolutely nothing about the medical values of cannabis. What they want is the flavor of the month that will sell well and bring in a huge profit, just like the med clubs. It makes me wonder how dedicated they are to medical marijuana or if they are just dedicated to profits(especially at 60-70 an eighth.) ( Patients should be donating $25-30 an eighth)

If the truth be known, ruderalis probably has more medical value than Chem, O.G. Kush or GDP. Most doctors state that small amounts of THC help pain, but large amounts tend to intensify pain. Neither Chem, GDP or Kush contain any CBD, but Ruderalis usually does. As I have ranted on and on in many posts, CBD has more medical value than THC and compliments THC in any medical strain.

Many of us claim that we grow for medical purposes, but that is not always true. If we truly are, we would be researching all the cannabinoids and trying to develop strains that are custom fitted to specific conditions. That is tough work for a bunch of stoners without sophisticated equipment, but if we don't do it, no one else will.

I will believe that we are medical growers when I see the first strains coming out that are not promoted for taste,stone and yield, but for the content of the various cannabinoids. Rant over...please return to your regularly scheduled bud porn!


Active member
Thing about delivery services is they have NO overhead yet charge what the dispensaries are charging.

Did these people take buisness 101 or what?


Resident pissy old man
I realize that the delivery services still have to put up with growers who charge $4,000-$5,000 for "elite" bud. That alone takes the cost to $31-40 per eighth. Adding their time and profit to it takes it up to over $60. Some of the patients need to realize that the "elites" are no better than many standard strains, as none of them are nearly as "medical" as they have been led to believe.

Sorry to be so negative, but it has been a bad day. At least I am earning my nickname of Pissy Old Man. Maybe tomorrow will be better.


Active member
I will believe that we are medical growers when I see the first strains coming out that are not promoted for taste,stone and yield, but for the content of the various cannabinoids. Rant over...please return to your regularly scheduled bud porn!

Sometimes i'm torn but deep down I know your right. I just want my medicine to taste like grape cough syrup..SOOOOO :biglaugh: JK.

..we should have some sort of database that provides index to strain, effect, and cannabinoid profile (i am sure someone will post the link cuz it's ALREADY FRIGGIN THERE.lol) I think it was you Pops that was mentioning only one of the seed producing labs was focused on this and terpenes, no?

Props Pops


Resident pissy old man
Inflorescence, if you divide $4,000 a pound by 128 eighths in a pound, you get $31.25. If it is $5,000 a pound, the cost per eighth goes to $39.06. Simple math that any 4th grader could do(at least back when our kids were still educated). Most businesses work on a profit motive and add all costs and try to make a profit. Wal-mart operates at a profit. The biggest drug dealers in the world, big Pharma, have a tremendous profit margin, larger than most drug kingpins. I realize that there are a ton of folks like you who figure that med patients should get free pot, but I am sorry to inform you that socialism has not yet reached the cannabis business.

I am not pissed at delivery services or med clubs, though I believe most of them are just in it for the profits. I am pissed that we, as medical patients, know so little about something that could help us so much. There simply needs to be more open research about the true medical benefits so that people can make informed choices about which strains would help them, and breeders could breed for those needs. Unfortunately, this won't happen as we are to scared to raise our voices and make our needs known, and our politicians cater to the folks on the other side who actually vote and contribute to their campaign coffers and keep them in power.

Damn, I thought my rant was over. Seems like I had some left!
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Active member
Take any business 101 at any community college or univ and they will tell you the rule of thumb for any legit, legal business is to buy at wholesale and double it to arrive at the retail price (ie. account for ALL costs of DBA) (BTW that is for business with overhead like rent, employees, etc.)

When did this apply to medical MJ (and explicitly to delivery services with NO rent), cause I musta missed that hour?
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inflorescence you are a twat go away
go back to whatever butthole state you live in and stay there


Active member
Pops said:
but I am sorry to inform you that socialism has not yet reached the cannabis business.

Why are you sorry to inform me of anything.
The state gov told me a long time ago that only reasonable profit was allowed.
Big pharma doesn't play by MMJ rules.


Active member
Greyskull said:
inflorescence you are a twat go away
go back to whatever butthole state you live in and stay there

I live in SD (30+ years asshole) you ignoramus. That's why I'M posting here.
Still trying to figure out why YOUR in this thread.
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I'd rather be an asshole than a twat, twat.

You think you are so smart and you know all the answers you don't know shit smart guy. you are a troll. a twatty litle troll.

take your shit elsewhere puto (not very good spanish lol)


inflorescence I, as well as the other patrons of this thread, do not appreciate negative and hostile comments that denigrate our mission and beliefs. It usually takes more than one person to have a discussion, in your case it usually ends with people trying to snuff your fire so to speak. Just listen and don't act like you know everything, you might learn a thing or two.. I have a lot of respect for everybody that has come through this forum and have formed some dear friendships here, but people like you break up our coherence and we don't want strangers that are not going to be friendly and accepting of others' opinions. That's all I wanted to say cause I hate coming in here and cringing at the thought of another argument, thanks for the cooperation.


sory the lakers are down by 3 and its killing me. and I miss chick still, too....


Pops - wouldn't you say that the euphoria induced by THC is medicine in and of itself? I am a believer that laughter is medicine and a smile is the most contagious thing among humans :) without some uppity sativa in my medicine it wouldn't be the same treatment, no? maybe CBD/ruder does it by itself too? another thing I've heard is the feelgood from cannabinoids stimulate natural production of endorphins, which maintains a highly active immune system among their many other functions; any thoughts?

subrob - congrats on your initial results from breeding! exciting! now that I have smelled and smoked your HTC skunk ibl harvests, and the J1 plenty more, I can say that will be a citrus explosion man, unripe sour orange combined with sweet lemons, healthy kinda stank! should fill out the J1 structure more and probably increase overall yields I predict.. you know, ever since I smoked the D you harvested, I personally can't get my mind off of her either, I feel the same great satisfaction from her as you do, a high that's almost like a haze, but way more focused stoned, all heady and very minimal physical drag, I would call it a very "refined" and unadulterated type of stonedom lol ;) gotten me even more attracted to the Chem family and their unique highs ranging over the entire indica-sativa spectrum - long live the ChemDawg legend!

... and now back to celebrating another Laker win!
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Resident pissy old man
inflorescence said:
Take any business 101 at any community college or univ and they will tell you the rule of thumb for any legit, legal business is to buy at wholesale and double it to arrive at the retail price (ie. account for ALL costs of DBA) (BTW that is for business with overhead like rent, employees, etc.)

When did this apply to medical MJ (and explicitly to delivery services with NO rent), cause I musta missed that hour?

Business 101 doesn't really cover the risks of selling a product that the Federal Government has declared illegal. The state has set up a shitty program, but it is better than no program at all. Business 101 says that in order to be able to use a product, there has to be a producer of that product and prices are a matter of supply and demand. (yes, I took Business 101, as a matter of fact I worked on a MBA). You love to bitch, but you never seem to come up with any solutions, just a bunch of problems. I am one of those growers who supply med patients. My bank account is $30,000 poorer over the last 3 years because I didn't follow business 101 and charge what the demand dictated. Instead of bitching about high prices and profits, why don't you STFU and start growing and giving it to sick people yourself, instead of expecting everyone else to do it?


thanks and big props to my man Pops.
and hell yeah dragor LAKE SHOW LAKE SHOW LAKE SHOW
see it? see it? eat it! yeah!

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