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San Diego's Finest Cuts


if you call and ask him he will tell you everything he knows about it, he is very honest about that stuff, i think the gdp might be unconfirmed but if its in his rotation that means he flowers it and keeps it cuz he likes it.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
..that was at 4 in the morning...i forgot we may have a source in norcal....i gave him a cut and he is still runnin it...but i dont know if it was a cut i had or if i got it back from APE...we will see...
gt-good to know...lets hope


Active member
I think Grandaddy resembles the taste of grape ape but less sativa influenced. Probably more true to say GA resembles Grandaddy, anyway yeah I remeber when the clubs in LA first started going and it was all about GDP for some reason. I forget the Erkle lineage but that always tasted more floral less grape.

What is the "purple" that they run up north in the greenies for years?

I too scraped a GDP from an LA club that was not the GDP I remeber. Too leafy like you said and not much thunk.

Hey Spicoli is the "Royal" cut Royal Kush?


Greetings All,
I Hope everyone id doing good. I was far away from home for the last week+ hanging with in-laws. Very Glad to be back home! I think I've got caught up with all your posts :smoker:

Sub...Thats interesting about the whole GDP / Madness / "whatever" thing. I really really thought a cut I received from APE as GDP was the same as the cut of Madness I received that you verified as legit Madness. I had taken pics of both late in flower but I cant find the pics now. Whatever the case, I kept the verified Madness so I know it's still in my nursery.

It seems that we could have a case of multiple mix-ups going on here.

i have spoke to Grow Tech in PM and this is solve-able. i have the gdp he has the madness....


Grow Tech

I've got a stalk of sinsemilla growing in my back
Some good news-

Not guilty verdict reached in medical marijuana trial

Posted: Dec 01, 2009 11:08 AM PST Updated: Dec 01, 2009 2:09 PM PST

SAN DIEGO (CNS) - The manager of a San Diego medical marijuana collective was acquitted Tuesday of possessing marijuana and selling the drug for profit.

The jury, however, convicted 31-year-old Jovan Jackson of possession of ecstasy and Xanax. Jackson cried when he heard the not guilty verdicts being read.

"I was very thankful," Jackson said outside court. "This has been a long road. It hasn't been easy. I felt like a lot of weight was on my shoulders."

Jackson's case was the first to go to trial in the wake of law enforcement raids in September which resulted in 31 arrests and the shutting down of 14 medical marijuana storefronts in San Diego.

Jurors who spoke to reporters after the verdicts said the laws on medical marijuana sales from collectives were vague, prompting them to find the defendant innocent.

"On a personal level, if you're going to hold somebody to a law, you have to define that law," said juror Perry Wright.

Deputy District Attorney Chris Lindberg said he was disappointed with the verdicts, but applauded jurors for the job they did.

"They were interested in deciding whether or not these actions violated the law," the prosecutor said.

Lindberg told jurors in his opening statement that the case against Jackson was not about medical marijuana.

"This case is about making money, plain and simple," the prosecutor said.

During the raids in June and July of 2008, officers found credit card receipts for more than $150,000 in sales at Answerdam Alternative Care Collective, Lindberg said.

The prosecutor said the case was not about marijuana patients but was "about profits."

"He (Jackson) was running a business," the prosecutor told the jury.

Lindberg said an undercover San Diego police officer was able to get a medical marijuana recommendation from a doctor and then bought marijuana on two occasions at Answerdam, which, according to its records, had 1,649 members.

The prosecutor said the undercover officer paid $20 to join Answerdam and immediately was able to buy the drugs.

A raid on Aug. 5, 2008, at Answerdam turned up 5-to-6 pounds of marijuana and a receipt in Jackson's name for a $100,000 transaction to an investment company, Lindberg said.

Agents also searched the defendant's home and found some marijuana by his bed and 17 ecstasy tablets, according to the prosecutor.

Lindberg told the jury that Jackson took advantage of a law that allows medical marijuana patients to legally buy the drug from a collective that grows marijuana to meet those needs.

But defense attorney K. Lance Rogers told the jury in his opening statement that the undercover officer signed up for the medical marijuana collective under false pretenses, using a fake name and getting a false medical recommendation.

Rogers said Lindberg wouldn't be able to prove that Jackson "stood out" from other members in the collective.

"This is about Answerdam. This is not about Mr. Jackson," the defense attorney told the jury.

Jackson, an eight-year Navy veteran, faces similar drug charges from an undercover buy at the collective this year. He faces more than three years in prison when sentenced next week on current charges, but will probably get probation, Lindberg said.

The number of medical marijuana dispensaries rose recently, in the wake of San Diego County's failed attempt to overturn the state's 1996 medical marijuana law and U.S. Attorney Eric Holder's directive that federal agents will only target medical marijuana storefronts when operators violate both state and federal laws.

Shan Diego

i have spoke to Grow Tech in PM and this is solve-able. i have the gdp he has the madness....


You know, we've all heard about the theories of redundancy...how it can ultimately save your ass, like if a computer server crashes and you didn't back it up...but you, sir, are the application of said theory! Bravo. I gotta admit, I felt more than a little relief to see your post. Thank you, from all of us. If I smile any bigger, my cheeks are gonna burst. Oh wait, maybe that's my teeth...


I pick up some clones the other day from a shop off the 805and they had some P-91 clones they aid came from PNC. They were in 1" rockwool cubes. Well here they are after being transplanted into Coco today. They already have a stink too em.

Do they sound real deal? as soon as I can pull some clones off em I am gonna sneak one into my flower room so I can find out for sure.


You know, we've all heard about the theories of redundancy...how it can ultimately save your ass, like if a computer server crashes and you didn't back it up...but you, sir, are the application of said theory! Bravo. I gotta admit, I felt more than a little relief to see your post. Thank you, from all of us. If I smile any bigger, my cheeks are gonna burst. Oh wait, maybe that's my teeth...

Shan no worries, i wouldn't give anyone, on earth, the credit but sub. if the brother hadn't, well you know.......verklempt.

let's take a looksee:

first i must go back and edit my original post on the subject i was given the mom and sub took cuts duh! i know this is GDP and i'm glad i had the blessing to get her.

next a cut i took so i could flower. look, at first i though i needed to LST but you will see later on, below, as i had money and time and had set the alcohol and pills down i started to kill it again.

i was really depressed at the time (daughter/cancer) and was so preoccupado w/ drinking, fighting, crying, praying, that i forgot to log the time on a few of these including GDP and got the aw fuckets. yanked it and moved on when i told my landlady to get fuct.

here's how she's doing now. 10 days before flowering. i'll try to come back and add the veg time on her w/ edit.

day 37 flower. dark green

up close day 39 flower.

well fellas?


Last edited:


so i couldnt really tell by looking at my chem d but it had hundreds of good seeds inside of the nugs, the first few i broke open were from the bottom of the plant and were bunk. I really want to know if the supposed joe brand chem d from pnc is legit cuz i can forgive the girl for being bunk cuz she totally focused her energy on her seeds and thats why i thought it was crap cuz it barely grew and frosted in almost 2 months, i've seeded other plants but i've never had one get so stunted and only focus on its seeds to this extent before, if anyone has a link to a thread on the joe brand chem d i wanna check it out, please post a pic of yours when its done spicolli, if the d is legit then these beans will be worth planting cuz the male was beautiful.


DonkDBZ - The P91 PNC had was indeed legit P91... So if the club you got those at got it from PNC, then it should be legit... Hard to tell from your pics, cause they are so young... But it looks a lot different than the P91 i currently have in a beer cup vegging.

yibidy - ill for sure keep everyone updated on the Chem D... I received it from APE a long long time before he ever opened PNC... But i have never had the time to flower her, as ive had other strains ahead of her.
I have heard that APE supplied Chem D cuts from another vendor, while at PNC... So its gonna be hard to say if your Chem D was from another vendor, or from APE's mom.

Regardless, it is common knowledge that the 'west coast' / 'Joe Brand' Chem D cut doesnt show signs of "the virus".. Whereas the 'east coast'/ 'chemdog' Chem D cut, has the Virus pretty severely.
There are a couple different threads on IC about the Chem D....


:thanks: for the info and fast reply spicoli, i hope it was from ape, it came in the non name brand rapid rooters so hopefully. it was when they first opened i dunno if he even had other vendors back then. it didnt show tmv but it had one desperate attempt at a bannana cluster which might or might not have matured if i didnt notice it. it really pissed me off but i cant blame her, she's probably tired and i got her knocked up and let the bugs eat the crap outta her. i was so surprised to find brown striped seeds in the top nugs, it looks like the most premature plant ever but it was 12 12 for forever so it makes sense, it just focused on the seeds so i couldnt see what it was all about.


'Black Cherry'

"In San Diego for a limited time only"



whats in the black cherry. it would be bomb if someone took cherry ak and blackberry kush and crossed them...mmmm that almost looks like what it could be but im sure its not.


whats in the black cherry. it would be bomb if someone took cherry ak and blackberry kush and crossed them...mmmm that almost looks like what it could be but im sure its not.

Black Cherry is (G13xC99)(CherryAK47xBlackBerry) bred by SunyCheba, TGA seed co. 2006

you almost nailed it Yibidy.

SpaceQueen x BlackBerry Kush will be on the Menu by Spring. This should be an improvement over the Black Cherry.