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San Diegos Finest Cuts #2

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Vacuum? Not like your Hoover, but like no pressure atmosphere...?

ding ding we have a winner winner chicken dinner

heavy duty vaccum pump. with a custom lid.

be warned the 1st one he made was not strong enough for the pressure and imploded

Tropical Rain

Haze, Kush & Grey Goose
there she blows again; tripletechnology

How does that blower brush work? (Same principal as any other brush, just blowing air through the bristles?)

Glad your making S1's!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
LA Chargers - 2014 :dance013:

In before that white guy who mixes Jamacain and South african slang and spanish in his senteces gives me neg rep.

lol just pulling this one dudes leg who frequents this thread, its all in fun. All the local radio sport honks are claiming SD to LA. But I always thought you guys had a sweet stadium? Or is it diff from Padres?
Not that I give a Fuck...cuz I can't wait to see the worst fans in pro sports (in general) lose their franchise...but aren't your posts the definition of trolling? And trolling someone who has been contributing to this thread for years...whereas you've contributed......what? To it...we already have a resident bht hater...he at least contributes....somewhere...sometime....I think...

Shan Diego

ding ding we have a winner winner chicken dinner

heavy duty vaccum pump. with a custom lid.

be warned the 1st one he made was not strong enough for the pressure and imploded

Thank you very much... The only thing is that if you are not an HVAC tech then the mere possession of a vacuum pump is practically a conspiracy case of some sort...

Tropical Rain

Haze, Kush & Grey Goose
Thank you very much... The only thing is that if you are not an HVAC tech then the mere possession of a vacuum pump is practically a conspiracy case of some sort...

Why is this? Isn't that merely an larger pump, yet the same as what one would use to vacuum seal?



How does that blower brush work? (Same principal as any other brush, just blowing air through the bristles?)

Glad your making S1's!

correct, better pollen distribution. s1's here we come!!

For real dubtecks gonna create huge waves around here

shit, the way this girl is drinking from my reservoir there won't be any waves to make. Swelling out nice.... can't wait to drop some pics on Monday.


Just looked up vacuum purge BHO on youtube and tons of people are doing it right now a days, seems we are a bit behind, shit! I'm gonna have to make some BHO soon ;)

Check out this shit, it's dank!!!



Remember those White Ox heart tomatoes??? Well here's my "preeeecious" I don't have a scale that can weigh over 500 grams, I think this bitch is somewhere around 800g!!!



You can use manual vaccum pumps but if you want the dry you have to purge a ton of times and you will be hella tired by then.

A good setup can save a ton of time and energy


hello friends. perfect pic and read here on ic.
enjoy the sunshine and the surf if you are in..
:thank you:


Active member
That pole cat cross how does it smell ???
Earthy skunk like in a lush part of the woods where skunk plant grows plus Dark spicey, musky, sour sweet. The high has great punch,long staying power but is functional. the best all around high I have come across though Lambsbread is a close second.

MITO- I remember those beans to have been polecat x toxic lemon...the polecat was a cross of four gene pools...skunks and jack herer ....toxic lemon was a motarebel strain...rainman did the polecat cross as well as this cross...never heard anyone else growing these..don't know how many he made or gave out...I suppose you can name the cut whatever you please..just gotta remember the lineage...can't wait to try more...that smell was awesome..I gotta run this bitch...might have some seeds you prob be interested in..hit me up

Sub these beans were :
Super jack (super skunk X Jack Herera) X Polecat ( UK cheese X super skunk) I think these are supposed to be called rainman cause thatis written on the beans with 09 next to it. Love this plant!! Its like 53 day finisher. above average yeild and outshines everything thus far in the res profile department. I am putting it up a bunch of OGs as we speak. so we shall see.

On the BHO question for vacuum, would something like this work???


It creates a vacuum inside and also has a tube attachment where you could suck air out of a separate jar. I want to make BHO like that!!!!

Beans anyone? Just some random beans made from a hermie fuckin some of my ladies! Cool Macros though eh?



The hermie was the Trainwrek cross correct? yes thatmacro is pretty sic, you can see the hairs on the seeds. dope ass camera!

Some Oreo:

Have a good week Sd!!



pit wisper/ rare strain collector
hey quick question guys. are they shutin down all the clubs in sd? did they shut all there doors? havent tooken a trip down in a quick sec.
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