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Sammet's Sensational Sensimilla Shindig

Hey Sammet!

Sammet said:
Wow Zeus - nice dog mate, and the photos of Alaska too - it looks beautiful. :yes:

I was just pissing around in the website support forum and posted this, so thought I'd chuck it in here too whilst showing off the pets:

Lack of photo upload getting you down?

"I'm sad" :badday:

Then you need Cannabis!

Introducing, Cannabis! All natural, organic, and just as mother nature intended. Tastes good too!

"Mmmm tastes like Chicken" :canabis:

One dose is guaranteed to improve mood and cut waiting times or your money back!

"Now I'm happy! Thanks Cannabis!" :yes:

So call now and turn that frown upside down!

** Warning, excessive consumption may lead to extreme sleepiness **


But wait, what's this!

In a limited one time offer, the makers of Cannabis, are giving away a free box of Preparation C with every order of Cannabis.

Preparation C - Relief from the stress caused by hermaphroditism.

Cannabis and Preparation C - allowing you to live life, just how you want to..

Cannabis and Preparation C are trademarks of 'Sammet Organics Subsiduaries' and may or may not work as intended. Side effects include, floating, soaring, flying, dry mouth, relaxation, and the giggles. Please use Cannabis and Preparation C responsibly, dont drive drugged.
OMG I Laughed my ass off! CLassic!Wanted to rep ya for it but wont'let me:badday:
:D, :wave:, Low


LOL@ Sammet.
good one yo.
nice biko shots hazy,i have some of those in the vault too bro.placed a nice ass order last night too.light weight did the seedbay go off ;)
once i start orderin im like "might as well get 4 its covered" LOL gotta get my nursery rebuilt so i can get to poppin some of my arsenal.
peace all-Y-


pure dynamite
hermie stress ... :muahaha:
As Sammet says: "Preparation C - Relief from the stress caused by hermaphroditism."


Registered Medical Patient
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
That is some funny - ass shit Sammet...good work mate, very good work!!!!Shit dude, I havent laughed that hard in weeks!!!Thank you soo much, I needed a great laugh!!! :jump: :jump: :jump: Peace bro, glad u like my bear of a dog!!!!

- Z :joint:


Dr Dog said:
classic stuff man, just what does preperation C fix?
:muahaha: :laughing: :laughing: :muahaha:

If Rais was around, he would prolly say something to the effect of Preparation Cellard.!!!
:muahaha: :muahaha: :muahaha: :muahaha:

Im doin fine Sammet, Thanks for askin.


Med grower
ICMag Donor
woohoo B+ :D

edit: just adding a general note. Chopped the Black Jack today. Also transferred another Williams Wonder and Chem D beta into the flowering tent.

Also potted up started seedlings, still waiting on 2 ch9 flower, 1 ch9 jack and 1 c4c99. Also trying some UKCheese cloning straight to soil.

Last edited:


Sammet said:
Also trying some UKCheese cloning straight to soil.
Ill say now, putting full my faith in the genetic's of Sk#1, that they'l root well given good, maybe even not so good conditions....(having witnessed first hand 3 cheese clones rooted in cubes, in a tray of perlite on a south-facing windowsill for a week with no water apart from the cube, not only survive but grow to the top of the propagator dome...they are now in my back garden, because i couldnt bare to throw them away..):D

Sorry for the long story with lots of ,,,,'s..:rasta:

Looking forward to harvest pics.. :joint:

Hey man things are still rockin! Very glad to see it:)

I have another question? In the past 5 grows that I have done I have had questionnable to ok genetics. I was gifted with some bad seeds from a stain called Dynamite. It looks awesome (big fat leaves, killer smell still in veg etc etc) I mentioned before that I was worried about the high PH tap water that I have. Well I think it was just lack of N plus who knows what else. I was wondering with a "good" strain how much more do I need to fertilize these babies???

I think I always er on the side of low nutes soooo thoughts?

btw I am using Foxfarm big veg, Calmag, and superthrive add on

thanks brother! :bow:


Med grower
ICMag Donor
C4C99 harvest shots from the 14th of July - she's now dried and jarred - nice tropical/pineapply smell, nice uplifting high

And these two unsexed plants are going outdoors as a little experiment - if they're female it'll be good to have some extra bud, if they're male I'll use them to make some seeds :D

here's the spot - the camera is currently pointing east(ish) so south is to the right of the photo.

And one Williams Wonder and one ChemDog

More photos tomorrow :wave:


pure dynamite
Sammet said:

Photos are working, woohoo!!!!

I'l smoke a joint to mark this moment! Nice seedling Sammet!
And that C4C99 looks pretty packed! Congrats! Now we wait for tommorow pictures!! Peace!


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Think I'll join ya exloziv :joint: The C4C99 was nice but I didn't give her much attention and the yield was pretty low, that above came to about 2.5 ounces after a weeks drying. I also got lazy with the trimming as it was so frosty and leaves don't matter in the vape, it's all good :D

I'll get the CH9flower harvest shots up tomorrow :wave:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Those shots are great I love the natural quality of them, beautys bro


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Thanks DD, it's good to be able to trim outdoors - not having to worry about making a mess. It also makes a nice background :yes:

Here's some more shots:

CH9 Jack another week or two of vegging and she'll be ready to go

CH9 Flower harvest shots (day 52ish I think)

macros with ring flash

Outdoor trim shots with no flash

drying shot with regular flash

So far she has a nice light skunky smell, nothing special - I'll see how it develops in the jars. Definitely a good yielder, and frosty too. She's come in at almost 5 oz with a weeks drying. :wave:


Registered Medical Patient
fuckin beautiful girls and harvest shots bro...!!!That Flower looks soo yummy, whats the smell like??Im def gonna get me some of those seeds...Looks great man, its so good to have the pics back, I missed everyones gardens...Peace mate

- Z

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