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Round 2 White Widow...Blue Widow


White Widow.


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Good to see you back making a charge buddy!!! Looks like everything is going pretty well. I would say you have or had a bit of a PH problem but i think you will be big pimpin! In soil its also easy to over water a bit and the same thing could happen. Make sure you let your soil dry out between waterings and only feed every other watering!! This will help you from having weird problems with lock out. Remember less is more! Good luck and grow on bother!


Good to see you back making a charge buddy!!! Looks like everything is going pretty well. I would say you have or had a bit of a PH problem but i think you will be big pimpin! In soil its also easy to over water a bit and the same thing could happen. Make sure you let your soil dry out between waterings and only feed every other watering!! This will help you from having weird problems with lock out. Remember less is more! Good luck and grow on bother!

Hey dude thanks for stopping by. I know it's not over watering cause that's one thing I don't do. I usually go anywhere from 5 to 6 days without watering. Soil seems pretty dry and the containers are light everytime. It may be from PH. But like I said in one of my posts above, the runoff wasn't bad. So IDK. Maybe it's just in the genetics of that particular seed. It's dropped quite a few leaves and I am not sure how much longer it's going to make it. But I'm going to let it go as long as it can go. I do know that they are farther along in flowering than my first WW grow. This may be the last time I do the Nirvana WW. I kind of think it's in their genetics with some of those seeds. Plus after I get a few more grows under my belt I will be able to tell better and have other strains and breeders to compare to.

But yeah man they are coming along. This Friday will be 3 weeks of flower. So I figure about another 5 to 6 weeks and I should be harvesting. If everything goes okay.

Thanks for the tips bro. I appreciate your willingness to help out. Have a good one. Peace.


Temps with light on are between 80 - 82. Dark period temp is between 74 -76. They are in a bedroom closet. I keep the closet door open when the light is on. There is an a/c register on the ceiling almost in front of the door that keeps the air circulated. I was using a fan but I discovered that it didn't do a thing for lowering the temp. It was just moving the air around. Not cooling it. I don't believe I have heat stress.


Looking Great Mad Dawg, i had a strange smell was it coming from your soil, or the forming buds? Everything looks great, cant wait to see those flowers fatten up! We look to be around the same time into 12/12


Looking Great Mad Dawg, i had a strange smell was it coming from your soil, or the forming buds? Everything looks great, cant wait to see those flowers fatten up! We look to be around the same time into 12/12

Not sure where it was coming from. It wasn't a very pleasant smell. It don't smell quite as strong now like it's going away. Sure didn't smell nice like buds normally do. At first I thought it was coming from the one white widow bit I'm not sure. Like I said it's not as strong now. Yeah I can't wait for them to fatten up either. Hairs are still all white. There are some crystals starting to form.

Thanks for sliding by bro. Peace.
i've been having a similar curl in veg plants. using sunshine mix and realized it was way more acidic than usual. my run off is coming out at 5.8 with 7.4 going in! really frustrated.

did a little research on ph and such, and have come across conflicting advice. was always under the impression 6.0-6.5 ph was ideal. though some say to keep ph between 6.5-7.0 during flower as nutrients for this stage are more easily available at those levels. they also say 5.5-6.5 is works during veg because the nutrients in that stage are absorbed fine within that range.

maybe you are getting nute lock out because of slightly lower ph? perhaps that particular ww wants a higher ph to eat during flower. just a thought. they look great otherwise! looking forward to seeing them fatten up!!


i've been having a similar curl in veg plants. using sunshine mix and realized it was way more acidic than usual. my run off is coming out at 5.8 with 7.4 going in! really frustrated.

did a little research on ph and such, and have come across conflicting advice. was always under the impression 6.0-6.5 ph was ideal. though some say to keep ph between 6.5-7.0 during flower as nutrients for this stage are more easily available at those levels. they also say 5.5-6.5 is works during veg because the nutrients in that stage are absorbed fine within that range.

maybe you are getting nute lock out because of slightly lower ph? perhaps that particular ww wants a higher ph to eat during flower. just a thought. they look great otherwise! looking forward to seeing them fatten up!!

What's up man? Yeah i suppose it could be lockout due to low PH. I waterd with molasses/CaMg+ today and PH'd them out to between 6.7 - 6.8. Runoff was 6.3 on the Blue Widow and 6.2 on the two White Widow's. A little low.

What I have seen a lot and go by is 6.3 - 6.8 in soil. However, in organics PH is not nearly as big of an issue because they don't need EC (electrical conductivity) Like the synthetic nutes do. Proper PH is very important for them. Having said that you could be right about the lockout So I'm a little confused. I got a reply from a rep at Humbolt saying that 5.5 - 7.0 is fine in an organic grow. If that's the case then I souldn't have a PH problem. Which would mean it's something else. So IDK. You're right man, seems like you hear something different everywhere. But anyway I go by 6.3 - 6.8. With 6.5 being the target point. So I should have got my water tonight up to at least 7.0.

How many times have you watered with 7.4? I haven't had to flush. But from what I have read, if you flush with water of a PH of 7.0 or more, it should bring you're runoff up to or near that same level. Something to think about.

Thanks for stopping by bro. Peace.


Here we are going on week 4 of flower. They seem to be doing okay. The two white widow seem to have what I think is a nitrogen deficiency. Whether that's from not enough N in the soil, nutrients, or low PH I don't know. I really don't think it's from PH. It hasn't been that far off and besides, PH isn't as big a deal when using organic nutes. My medium this time was a mix of around 40% Sunshine LC8 and 60% FFOF. I wonder if that has/had anything to do with it? My last ww grow, it didn't yellow on me nearly as quick. I was in 100% FFOF for that one. So maybe there is a connection there. I fed them some grow yesterday instead of bloom or deuce deuce. I know yellowing is normal in flower but for it to start in week 2 or 3 and spread so rapidly is not normal. So thought I would give them a little N to try and slow the yellowing down, and keep the new growth and bud sites from yellowing.

Starting to see more orange hairs everyday. Buds are starting to fatten up some. Don't see any crystals on the blue widow. It's not going to yeild much but it is getting some nice little buds. Just kind of surprised that their aint no crystals. Guess maybe that strain don't show crystals like the ww. Or maybe it will later into flower.

Here are the most recent pics.

Blue Widow


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Well today makes it 4 weeks of flower. They are 8 week strains and looks like I am going to be pretty close to that. Starting to see some crystals on the Blue Widow now. Looking forward to trying it. I hope it has a good taste to it. My last grow, the WW, didn't have no taste at all. I have no idea why or if I did something. I know these are much farther along in development at this same time frame as that WW in my first grow was. Maybe it was all just that particular seed. Guess I'll be finding out here soon. The Pineapple Chunk is coming along fine now. That sucker just would not grow but now it sure is.

Also still germinating the DNA Rocklock, Lemon Skunk and Barnys Farm Pineapple Chunk. The Rocklock and PC are showing their tap root but the Lemon Skunk stil has yet to crack open. Beginning to wonder about it since it's been 7 days. This will be my first one that has not cracked open if it remains that way. And that's the one I was looking forward to the most. I've had it in a paper towel. Maybe I will put it in a glass of water and try that way and see what happens. I'm thinking it's a dud though.

Blue Widow


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White Widow


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Hope your using a Pk booster buddy! If not start!

No not using a PK booster. I was looking at Nirvana by Advanced Nutrients. Since I am organic I have to use an organic booster. Right now all I am using is Humbolt Natural Bloom (0-10-0) and Deuce Deuce (0-0-22). I may pick something up if not for the rest of this run, then the next run.