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~~!!Rollable aeroponic 840Watt Megawattatron blueberry grow!!~~


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ya you're right about the yellow tops,.. the bottom one is ok with the top black tub on it but i got a plan for the top one here tonight,.. man i love working on my setup at night while high :) anywho...
im also insulating the tubs so they hold cold better, and ran more tubing into the res cooler,.. trying to get my res temps down to mid 60's ;-)


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After reading over the sick plant guide (and this time further down it) for the 100th time ive come to the conclusion the problem must have been pH.
Here is a quote from it that sold me:
One of the first signs of having a slight ph problem is, your plant having part of the leaves kind of twisty, spotty with brown, yellowish, red spots within each other.
Sometimes they don’t have to have all the colors, they could just be spots that have yellowish brown, or just reddish brown and can happen anywhere on the plant. Mainly starts on big fan leaves then goes to little leaves.


I don't know if the nutes im using are a "hard water nute formula" but below is a pic of the back of the bottle so you can see what i see, and what type of nutes im using,.. Pure Blend. As of now im following exactly what it tells me for 'mid size veg' and like i said im running around 950ppm and water was around 475ppm to start. I've been eyeballing them and they don't seem to be getting any worse.

I was thinking of switching nutes because i don't like how these don't seem to disolve very well. It's been 24 hours since i drained/cleaned my res and added new nutes, and there are still clumps sliming around,.. also some of the roots are really dirty looking now, more so right where the sprayers are too. I don't really know what's normal as ive only ever used 2 different types of nutes but i dont remember having this problem with the other type.
As for h202 i added some 3% reg drug store h202 yesterday, prob more then most people would too, i found a site that said 1/2 cup per gallon and went with it, then read a lot of other sites all saying less then that, knock on wood it doesn't seem to be causing a problem.
Oh and temps in my aero system are fine,.. pushing the high range of acceptable but nothing too high, roots looked fine till they got so dirty from adding new nutes. pH is holding steady at 5.77 and seems to be slowly climbing. Hopefully i get a nice slow movement.

I'd pretty much agree with everything your doing/trying/saying. Here's a quote from BigTokes's Basic water chemistry thread which i found interesting, thought you might too.
  1. The Best Solution by far is to use a specific formulation which is usually based on more acidic components. Hard water General Hydroponics Flora Range was formulated in response to demand from growers in various areas of the United Kingdom such as London, Thames Valley and other arias with very hard water. It was formulated to correct the (pH) of alkaline water and minimize the amounts of Phosphoric Acid that are required to maintain it at correct levels. It also takes account of the other minerals to be found in Hard water use of this product will ensure the best possible results in Hard water areas.(just match this product for your country of residence)

You see, i think that if you switch to a more specific hard water nute formula some/most of your problems will dissapear-Hopefully, I just keep thinking about the composition of your water/solution, (Kh) etc. I'd be investing in some G.H Flora(HW) or Canna(HW-A very clean nutrient range) if i were you, but hey it's up to you bro. The way i see it is if you are using the correct nute formula to match your water, you are going to end up with a very stable and balanced mix/solution. In doing this you can take solution imbalances out of the equasion. Any futher solution problems should be easier to identify/dismiss.
Good luck with it Fella!!................Scrogerman' :joint:


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Ok well its been a while but i finally have an update for those of you following along. Had some over feeding issues but finally got to the bottom of it (among other things) and my ladies are looking a LOT better now!

I insulated the tubs with some reflective insulation from home de'pot, as well as the lid surface to cut down on light getting to the roots (cost about $20 and i have a lot left over). I did away with the water cooler because not only was it a bit top heavy when rolling this whole unit around, but the freon in it is running out so it wasn't cooling my res as much as it use to last DWC grow i did. I still have the float installed so if i go on vaca i can always just set a tub filled with water ontop of the mini fridge and top of that way if i want. I always wanted a mini fridge anyways so i finally got myself a place or my beer :friends: and im using it as a res chiller too. I've got 100ft of 1/4" line ($6 at home de'pot) run into the freezer section of it and it's working a little better then the water cooler was. Wish i knew a way to get the temps even lower but 73F seems to be ok as roots looks good. Maybe it being aero and the roots not full on sitting in that temp water its cooler to them, like water on out skin with air hitting it. I'm going to paint the mini black with this chalk board paint in a can to not only match my black tubs but make it a writable surface all over, that way i can jot down readings and shit and it'll be write there for me :headbange
Yes i have way too much time on my hands :smoker:

Alright,.. on to the pics!


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here are 3 more pics... that root shot is from the smallest of the 5, lol


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"Nice Work"

"Nice Work"

Hey DIYer, Dude,
There looking very cool indeed man'. Loving the internodal spacing, there nice and compact, yet not too much. Yeah very nice indeed Bro'. I'm MAD for auto's fella, as i see great potential outdoor here. Loving the 'Lowlife Co, They are gathering quite a selection of what look to be Top-Notch little beuties. Cant wait to get my hands on some next year. Looking at 'Speed Devil from Sweetseeds(spain) at the moment too, Looks lovely & a 7wker-(total grow time), likes 18/6 light cyc' and reports some pretty heavy yields for an auto/indoor number- like 350-450 gpm2(indoor) - 50grms P/P (outdoor), a very promising cross indeed.
Anyway cant wait for the smoke report on your 'LL-Blueberry' MMmmm.
'Be-Lucky' fella <<<<<<<<<<<<< Scroger'
PS, Glad you sorted your baby's out, they are looking Sexy & Fine',Nice Work!!!!!! :smoker:
'I'd be L.S.T ing right now too, are you going to?.......& are you tucking the Fan leaves to expose the secondary shoots, The Fan's look look like they need a good Tuck!


Very nice set-up and grow Diyer, don't know how I missed it. Good pick on those tubs I've been using them for a while now.


New member
Nice setup m8 iv been thinking about making a hydroponics like that
as i have 8 net pots a pump and a bin for a rez but can make up my mind


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So its kinda nice having a grow finishing up as i got one going, that way i can get advice on the oh so important final stage before i fck it up twice, lol
I've NEVER had luck getting my herb to not smoke harsh and smell like grass. I think my problem in the past was drying too fast so after reading THIS, im taking it real slooooooooow this time around :joint:
I'm in a real dry part of the country so if im to do what that write up says i have to control the loss of moisture around the bud. So i took a box and added a real small fan to the center of one side, and 2 small holes on the opposite side. Now even though the fan is small it still lowers the humidity in the box below 40%, so i keep the box in a cabinet and regulate how much fresh air the fan can pump in/out of the box by cracking the cabinet door. So far its been 2 days and im keeping the humidity around 50% and everything seems to be drying real slow and evenly.

Now with this current grow i hope to get even more bud with my 4 fems then i did with my previous 5


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Hey DIYer, Dude,
'I'd be L.S.T ing right now too, are you going to?.......& are you tucking the Fan leaves to expose the secondary shoots, The Fan's look look like they need a good Tuck!

I was just wondering if you use tucking on you plants??. I do bloody loads of it in SCROG', it is standard procedure! &- in my opinion L.S.T' is similar to Scrog in some respects and is bound to increase yield.
'Looking Great buddy, loving the dryer box-'Good Design, should get a patent,lol''.....'Peace'.........Scroger' :smoker:


Active member
ya its one of my more low brow inventions ill give ya that, but i think it'll do the job till i build a ceder/hemp humidity controlled and air purified so never a mold spore could enter drying box,.. hey that actually sound like a good idea,.. hell now i got two patents to buy,.. better grow some more herb to pay for it all! :yoinks:


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getting fuller! :woohoo:..like me on turkey day!

Happy T day all!


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Hated to mess with anything since everything is looking so good but i know these 4 ladies need bloom nutes now so i dumped and cleaned out the res real good and mixed a fresh batch, this time with bloom nutes, a little cal/mag, and then a little grow nutes since i am kinda in transition. I set total ppms around 100+ higher then before (so im at like 650ish now) and im setting pH to 5.8. We'll see where things move from here. Again with no res refiller so can i tell where things are going as they drink.

See my roots in the pic/post above? I was thinking, what's really the point of aero if the nutes all lump together like this in one big thick cable like strand? Nothing i can do about it now but maybe next grow a sorta of upside down snow cone shaped device hanging off the bottom of the net pot would be beneficial, something to spread the roots out so they can all get more air,.. maybe a disk on the bottom of the pots they the roots grow out left to right first, then down. What do ya think?


In search of Genetics
Nevermind i see you light proofed them!

Nice job, i have those totes as well.
Gonna drop em and go vert.
Take care


Active member
Ill tell ya from experience before you get a big mass of roots, take off the lids and paint them now, they are not light proof!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Already taken care of, if you look at the post i made on 11-23-2009, 02:11 PM you'll see i have a light proof insolation covering the top of the lid.


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Pic's from right to left are 6 days ago,.. 3 days ago,.. and today.

This time of a grow always reminds me why they call it WEED! :tree:


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Hey Dude,
Yeah they FLY'in now, & lovin you for it ah'. 'Good On Ya'!!
What a difference in 3 days - 'Fk-Me! Nice..Work!!
Everything settled down n stable now, its nice to see. Stretcchhyyyy Stretchhyy!!!
'What is total grow time to date? & When do you think they gonna touch down dude?

Ps-'You sure thats 6 days dude-'Outstanding'!!!!!


Active member
'What is total grow time to date? & When do you think they gonna touch down dude?

Ps-'You sure that's 6 days dude-'Outstanding'!!!!!

Scroll up, i got those pic's from previous posts , that's only 6 days alright :)
11-1-09 is when i started this thread (and seeds germin) so it's been a month to date. These LL's are suppose to take 8 weeks from seed to harvest but i know i gave the last batch in the moonshineman mix longer. I figure sometime after new years ill have sticky fingers and even stickier scissor, for now though its just :watchplant:

I just checked my ppm's/pH again today and just for the proverbial record these are my readings since the 26th when i cleaned out the res and switched to bloom nutes.

11-26-09 pH5.67 ppm649
11-27-09 pH5.52 ppm620
11-28-09 pH5.62 ppm631
11-30-09 ph5.43 ppm647

I'm not going to read anything into the slight movement of the readings above because i think the res was settling after adding fresh tap water and nutes, and honestly i don't know how much i trust my Hanna meter anymore. The probe is like a year old and i know there only suppose to last 6 months or so. I think the part that reads ppms is different and lasts longer but ya whatever things aren't moving fast at all and the plants are looking good. I bought a Bluelab Truncheon Meter and a bunch of pH test strips recently cuz of my lack of faith in my Hanna, but they've only proven it to not be as off as i feared it was. Something i never thought about before i bought the Truncheon was that those led lights on the side only show you your ppm's in chunks of 50. If my Hanna says the ppms are exactly 515 lets say, the Truncheon will show 500, if there really 550 the Truncheon will flash tween the 500 and 600 led's on the side which i assume means it's saying, 'somewhere tween here dummy'. So it's not nearly as accurate as the Hanna tries to be, so what i take from this is maybe i don't gotta try to be so nuts on accurate either. :smokeit:


Active member
Yeah dude,
I Own the exact same EC Truncheon, they are pretty approximate, and i always tend to double work things out by using mls per litre also, in the end you kind of get real used to double working the math. I will say they are bloody good for the money as they seem to last forever as long as you clean the two metal probe circle/bit thingies, LOL whatever you call'em. I use the Scentless 'Cif/Jif' dude and that always does a proper job.
Same i always check my AQUA-PAL P.H meter with a full spectrum manual litmus test kit, just to make sure the meter is A-OK', Always when or if my solution is at P.H-6.0 for one reason or another, seems to be the most accurate way to tell because P.H-6.0 = 'Yellow' on the colour test, 6.2 for instance it starts to turn colour slightly with a hint of green as it nears neutral. The Aqua PAL is a very accurate and simple P.H Pen & i Swear by them, simple to use with no conversions or shit'. Does not read 100'ths though, but its well good enough.
Great to hear every thing is cooking for you dude, i can see the home straight for you now bro, Yeahhh Dude looking forward to the next Pics..!!!!!!!.
'Be-Lucky'....................Scroger :eggnog:
(Ps- I'm a bit Pissed & Stoned tonight on some lovely 'Indian Charas', which we dont get the pleasure of all to often. MMmmmmm Always reminds me of eating sticky Fudge, n someone standing behind me hitting me over the head with a baseball bat after 5 mins as its such a wicked creeper.LOL)


Active member
what in the donky fuck be goin on round here!

what in the donky fuck be goin on round here!

Ok i need someone to talk to my plants,.. cuz i keep telling them there just little lowlife autoflower blueberries and THEY AIN'T F-IN LISTENING!
There like :pointlaug haha you don't have guts to top us now!..and there right its too late for that, but im thinking i should have :drum:
I think i might LST some of those taller branches down a bit to keep the canopy all the same height though.

Oh well it's all good :smoker:


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