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The Locks of Love Foundation

Hey people,

After growing my hair without cutting it for almost 10 years, I thought it would be a good time to make MY donation, to give back a little to the 'little people' that bring many of us so much joy. Although my own kids are grown and gone off on their own, I have a son when young was diagnosed with Leukemia and I saw first hand the devastating effect that losing hair could have on most young girls.

After giving it some thought, I figured they could use the hair far more than me, and donated 2 feet of my hair. It made me feel very good to do so. Although it DID take some getting use to have short hair again, I knew mine would grow back. Many young ladies don't have that luxury, as most donations sent to Locks of Love go to those with a disorder called alopecia areata, which the cause or cure for is unknown and prevents them from being able to grow hair. Aside from a really worthy cause, how many men really NEED hair to their bums??

If you have long hair, take the time and give it some serious thought. You'll be so glad you did when you see what good the not-for-profit organization does for young people. They have a video on their website that details how to donate, and I have a link in my sig to get you there quickly.
Check it out, the minimum donation is 10 inches. If you have it to give, they are the ones to give to.

Thanks for taking the time to consider donating!

All the best,

SrPlantManager :D


Active member
good idea

i would give blood too but you can get a disease because of the fools taking the blood

I have type 0 negative too

G. Sensi

Much Respect PlantManager...

Thats a very good organization... So many women and girls are stripped of their identity bc of cancer... Thanks for the link and spreadin the awareness...

I hope all is well with your son... I've seen and known some kids who werent able to make it thru cancer... such a terrible thing...

Jah Bless

whiterabbit9, thanks for droppin' by!

BroG, he's in and has been in remission since diagnosis. Unfortunately many that have/had accute lymphocytic leukemia don't. I DO feel blessed. The hemotologists didn't give him much chance, and we became well aware of it when all the kids that had the same leukemia that roomed with my son sadly didn't make it. It was a long and tough fight for the little guy, but he managed to make it thru. Chemo was rough, spinal taps were hard to watch, and bone marrow extractions were even harder, and I'll admit, at first I just couldn't stay in the room during the bone marrow tests. His mom was the strength there. He turned out to be one heck of a kid though. Hard workin man now. In high school he ended up getting into Jr ROTC and a year or so after he graduated, I had the pleasure of burnin' down with him. He's sure made ME proud. Doesn't drink, and isn't a regular toker, laid back and easy going too.

Thanks for the really kind words, Bro G... I DO appreciate it.

I think if ANYONE with long hair is getting 10 or so inches cut off, LoL is the place to send it. If you know of anyone thinking about it, encourage them to donate!

Peace, brothers and sisters



Registered Med User
My hair is about at my shoulder blades, I been thinkin bout donaten ta locks of love for a minute now.. I think Ill let it get a lil longer first then chop it all off and give it to um, maybe then I can get a job too...


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Nice Thread

Nice Thread

I have grown my locks to my shoulders 6 times in the past 12 years, I'm 54 years old now, and donated to this program. It may not be nice, but I enjoy, when getting confronted by a cowboy at a bar about my poney tail, telling them in front of a large crowd "I shave it off each year for the kids with cancer...do you have a problem with that?"...you should see the looks and glares they get from their gals and freinds. A great program and recommended by DoobieDuck.
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LG, That's awesome, bro... I love hearing things like that... I use to get asked all the time "how long did it take you to grow it that long?" Tell the little woman I said "way to go!" and Thanks!

Doobieduck, I wish MINE grew that fast and I'm younger lol And what you do is quite nice actually... plus it puts them cowboys right in their place doesn't it! :D The folks @ Locks-o-Love is a wonderful organization, and I'm glad I can be of help to them. I'm sure a near 24" donation was quite a good one. Two hairpieces in one donation. :D

They need it far more than I do. I'm sure once it does get grown out again, I'll be sending them more! Anyhting good to take that'll speed hair growth??? lol

Thanks a ton guys!

You know what really sucks?

I couldn't donate my hair, i looked everywhere, but nowhere to donate it locally :-(

hair down to my arse too! silky smooth and black, although the sun had started to lighten it up.

I really regret just leaving it on the barbershop floor...

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
That is already my plan

I have a thread here somewhere, I plan on cutting mine sometime in the summer, it has been over a year since I have cut it, now, if it only stays in my head long enough


Trying-to-blend - You should have called around to some places that do female hair. The girlfriends mom runs one and she actually strongly encourages any one getting enough cut off to donate. She is very persuasive and she usually ends up getting a few donations a month.
i did call around... Around here it's the typical high school drop outs... i did find out afterwards about a gay stylist that did it, but, get this, you had to get styled by him...

and i'm sorry my "donation" is NOT going to cost me 80 bucks... anyways, i'd already cut it


Active member

That's really great what you did!
Unfortunately, too many years have removed too much of mine....only need a few hair cuts a year now.
Dr Dog, that's a noble thing to do! If you haven't already, check out the vid on the www.locksoflove.com website. It'll help to get things in order. It's really simple actually.

TryingtoBlend, around here I just went to a place for a cut, the gal only charged me $8, I gave her a $20 and told her to keep it. She put several hair ties in my pony tail and SNIP! Then into a large ziplock with an index card with my name and addy so they can send you a 'commendation' for your donation. At work they Fed-Ex'd my hair for me for free. Many in the office donate, and they thought it was a great thing for me to do and offered to send it for me to the address supplied in the info on their website. (Link in my sig) At the post office I'm sure it wouldn't be more than $4-$5 to ship it to their addy in Florida. On their website they tell you everything you need to know to make a donation. Not all stylists unfortunately work with Locks-o-Love,... SHAME ON THEM! Maybe the person that cut your hair and left it on the floor would have done a little different if it had been one of HIS/HER kids that needed a hairpiece. If THE STYLIST wont send it in, YOU can! They supply all the needed preparation info and address to send to on their website. (Clean hair, minimum of 10" tied with a few ponytail holders, etc)

Thank you 1G12 for the kind words!

Thanks to all of you for the responses and kindness.




Active member
they wouldent want my hair.

tho its clean, when i let it get any bit of long its dreads.

glad u have a way to help tho.
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Thanks DocDog for spreading awareness. While to some it's not a big thing, to those young ones, it IS. I encourage everyone that has or knows someone with long hair, be it friends or family members, to help out in this wonderful cause. Locks of Love is GOOD organization, that does noble work for young children with certain medical conditions preventing hair growth.

Many years ago, I saw first hand how devastating the effect can be on young girls to lose all their hair. I feel drawn to try and bring more and more awareness to light of this 'Mission of Compassion.' While boys aren't affect quite as much, girls on the other hand, are much different. It may not seem fair, but when girls are young, a big part of their identity comes from outward appearance. When they have no hair, it has a dramatic impact on their self-esteem. No girls wants to be the ridicule of classmates because of a medical condition rendering them without hair.

I just want to try to bring as much awareness to the cause as I can. Our children deserve it, and WE have the key to selflessly give them back a sense of normalcy. Gracious thanks to all those who have helped in this mission, while to some a small one, it makes a huge difference.

Spread the word to all you know!

Again, my sincerest Thank You.


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