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~~!!Rollable aeroponic 840Watt Megawattatron blueberry grow!!~~


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3 days ago,..

3 mins ago...

notice the lack of slack in my lights power cord now vs before. Im really getting good use out of the adjustable height aspect of my megawattatron light, lol


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Think i may have to invest in a few o them 'LL'BB's, Jesus they really are going for it. nNot a flower in sight 3 days ago then POW' their everywhere-LOL, That stretch is pretty nuts LOL- Keep talking to'em!
Nice Work...,..Be-Lucky...............Scroger'
Awsome setup. Never saw the lowlife blueberry look like that. lol. Their trees compared ta most autos, or maybe better term would be giant bushes. Keep up the good work. K+


What nutrients, PBP?

What nutrients, PBP?

Scroll up, i got those pic's from previous posts , that's only 6 days alright :)
11-1-09 is when i started this thread (and seeds germin) so it's been a month to date. These LL's are suppose to take 8 weeks from seed to harvest but i know i gave the last batch in the moonshineman mix longer. I figure sometime after new years ill have sticky fingers and even stickier scissor, for now though its just :watchplant:

I just checked my ppm's/pH again today and just for the proverbial record these are my readings since the 26th when i cleaned out the res and switched to bloom nutes.

11-26-09 pH5.67 ppm649
11-27-09 pH5.52 ppm620
11-28-09 pH5.62 ppm631
11-30-09 ph5.43 ppm647

I'm not going to read anything into the slight movement of the readings above because i think the res was settling after adding fresh tap water and nutes, and honestly i don't know how much i trust my Hanna meter anymore. The probe is like a year old and i know there only suppose to last 6 months or so. I think the part that reads ppms is different and lasts longer but ya whatever things aren't moving fast at all and the plants are looking good. I bought a Bluelab Truncheon Meter and a bunch of pH test strips recently cuz of my lack of faith in my Hanna, but they've only proven it to not be as off as i feared it was. Something i never thought about before i bought the Truncheon was that those led lights on the side only show you your ppm's in chunks of 50. If my Hanna says the ppms are exactly 515 lets say, the Truncheon will show 500, if there really 550 the Truncheon will flash tween the 500 and 600 led's on the side which i assume means it's saying, 'somewhere tween here dummy'. So it's not nearly as accurate as the Hanna tries to be, so what i take from this is maybe i don't gotta try to be so nuts on accurate either. :smokeit:

Looking great DiYer. I've read on the first page you were using PBP grow during veg. You still using the PBP line up during bloom? People in the R/O vs. tap hydro thread going to want to know how you keep your pH stable. http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=146547. Also is that a vise grip I see, gave me a quick laugh. Fix anything with duct tape, zip ties, bungy cords and vise grips, sometimes jb weld.


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ICMag Donor
Very Creative!

Did I miss your spray set up?

This double tote stack would lend itself well to an idea I haven't yet tried...

Pump the nutes to a 1/2" manifold that runs parallel near the top of the top tote. Every 4-6 inches put a hole in the tote to accept a 't'. The open end of the 't' is inside the tote. As the nutes travel though the manifold they exist via each 't'. This should create a waterfall that creates a lot of DO, as well as create a fog inside the root chamber. (You may need to make more holes between the two totes, to allow the fog/mist to rise.

Another way would be to have the entire tube inside the top tote, but as a troff. This would be very tricky and dangerous without jigs to hold the pipe securely while you slice it open.

Keep us posted if you try it.


Active member
Looking great DiYer. I've read on the first page you were using PBP grow during veg. You still using the PBP line up during bloom? People in the R/O vs. tap hydro thread going to want to know how you keep your pH stable. http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=146547. Also is that a vise grip I see, gave me a quick laugh. Fix anything with duct tape, zip ties, bungy cords and vise grips, sometimes jb weld.

Yep still using the Pure Blend Pro, whitched over to bloom a week or so ago. pH is staying stable just by my level of nutes so there drinking and eating relativly the same amount. Id say for anyone else growing LLBB 600ppm is a good safe range during this time.
Hell ya that's a pair of vise grips! Shit im only sitting as high in my computer chair right now because i have another pair under the seat holding it up and together! lol


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Hey Buddy'

Hows them beutifull LL'BB's coming along, lets have some pics up my friend. Looking forward to seeing progress, keep us posted!

'Peace & Respect'.........Scroger' :eggnog:


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You want porn, i give you porn!! :)

You want porn, i give you porn!! :)

So things are still progressing nicely,.. nicer then ive ever grown before that's for sure. I got the ppm's down to around 500 again, pH within range and everything moves pretty slow,.. all be it not in any one direction,.. that could be my meter though,.. it's ok i know im within range. Prior to this grow i never dumped and mixed a fresh 20 gallons of res solution every few weeks before,.. just added back as they drank, never knew it was what was suppose to be done but i definitely think its helped, for sure to at least to keep things fresh and clean. Also im keeping my ppms low so as not to burn like ive done so often in the past. Yep things are looking good. There finally done stretching and buds are looking better everyday.

Last time i mixed a fresh batch roots had grown down into the bottom tub! It's like half aero half DWC now, lol

I was surprised to see brown hairs on the one plant when i took these pic's. One of 4 total plants mind you,.. the one closest to me in the full shot pics is the one. It wont be long till that ones ready to smoke! The other 3 are taking a little longer and there not as dark green as the one finishing fast. The other 3 are taller though and seem more sitiva like. Weird how seeds from the same mom can be so different under the exact same conditions.

More pics to come....


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and more....


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and this is it for now :)


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Ok i lied, here's one more pic :)

Just an idea for anyone venting the heat from there grow out of there house,.. i was doing that as well till last week,.. but now that winter is really on me and im paying to heat my house (and also because i watch a lot of that planet green channel and they give you good recycling ideas like this) i had the idea to just take the duct off and pipe it into my hallway. I mean why the hell throw away hot 20/4 blowing air then pay to make hot air right? :ying:


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Active member
Looking good dude, bit o tip burn but looking fine.
Keep up the good work buddy, Plasma Sulfur are the future- 'Fk, 'LED's.


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BuMpeTy BumP!!!!!

BuMpeTy BumP!!!!!

Bumpety Bump Bro'
Hows things dude, hope your cool. Found anything more on the SP's buddy or you busy desiging your own?
Anyway how the LL'BB's doing, when the next pics up buddy???



Active member
things be good,.. same old same old,.. started to notice the three lighter green plants have a lot of yellow in the leaves,.. i looked it up on the sick plant sticky here: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=11688 and i was thinking nitrogen defic but it says and i quote,.. "This is completely normal for mid to late flowering; as you would want your plant to naturally yellow at the end. DO NOT add nitrogen supplement to fix the problem; just let the plant yellow as cannabis does towards the end of flowering".. so im not going to worry about it :)

as for the sulphur plasma lamps i finally got a price out of the guy,.. are you sitting down,.. we were talking about affordable for the hobbyist and i asked him what that was and he said somewhere in the 3 grand range, lol ..so its back to trying to find out what exact leds NASA used i guess.

I'll get some new pics up in then ext few days, too busy playing with my new macbook pro :)


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DUDE!3 - f'in WHAT!!! Gulp, shakes head!

DUDE!3 - f'in WHAT!!! Gulp, shakes head!

Fk me Sideways i was sitting down but fell off my throne !!!
3 fkin Large, dam buddy. My friend who told me about them said more like 7-800 per lamp or bulb. I'm now wondering as he never mentioned weather that price included the whole unit or if there was a ballast, so is that where the extra £££'s came from. oh and the lamps dont need changing for 7 years, thats all he mentioned. i'll have to get hold of that paticular buddy as hes been following these things since they came onto the market.
Talking of LED's i found some wand type, well they look exactly like a standard batton flouro but with dual rows of led's from top to tip, look very cool dude, you seen these, i think they would make a great add-on to a vert grow or sog for that.(hung vert 4 per/ '2)
A bit of yellowing now ah, this late on in your grow it does sound normal to me, any chance of a pic so i can take a look, as i'm very interested in that strain & she is on my AF to Grow list. I love the way she branches out dude-Very Scrogable indeed'imo'!!
Till next Time Peace & Be-Lucky.......................Scroger'!!:eggnog:

Ps-whats your take on using lenses with LED's to amplify intensity, would that give LED's the penetration they lack?????!!! MMMmmm Clip-on Lenses for the ones already on the market-now theres an idea!! They dont get HOT so would it be viable? Like you couldent do it with other types of lamp because of the heat.
btw Sylvania have some very interesting info on LED's very interesting! cant see you getting any joy out of NASA so maybe check what the actual manafacturers are specing'

One day my friend there will be SP's everywhere as they get more into the horticultural market they will some day soon be made available to the hobbyist market too, of that i'm sure & its worth keeping an eye on it.


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new pics ;-)
lot of yellow,.. which is weird,.. but i love the purple in the leaves,.. hope it gets even more. pH keeps dropping real low, like in the 4.8 range, i think these ladies are totally just drinking now, ppm is only 600 but down goes the water, up the ppm's slowly, and ya that's what i think but my tap water is higher then 500 so i cant much lower it any lower. not sure if that's why im getting the yellow but oh well it wont be long now till im chopping them down.


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Ok i lied, here's one more pic :)

Just an idea for anyone venting the heat from there grow out of there house,.. i was doing that as well till last week,.. but now that winter is really on me and im paying to heat my house (and also because i watch a lot of that planet green channel and they give you good recycling ideas like this) i had the idea to just take the duct off and pipe it into my hallway. I mean why the hell throw away hot 20/4 blowing air then pay to make hot air right? :ying:

i do the same thing! it has helped out bigtime on the gas bill

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