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Roe v Wade overturned.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
So, when do you think they'll indict Hunter Biden for having his illegal firearm (plus hookers and drugs)?

That's not illegal nutter butter. We all got hookers and drugs on speed dial LMAO. I got a closet full of guns.. Why ask when you don't care about the truth.. We ain't gonna look for ya. Do your own reading


Well-known member
I could care less about abortion one way or another. But Im very happy with the Supreme Court ruling regarding guns. This is one of the biggest reasons why I voted for Trump. Guns and taxes are the main reasons I vote. Next step, legalize fully automatics.
they ARE legal. still gotta pass that background check, but it's no worse than the one i underwent to work making explosives for the US military. if I can pass it, WTF are you worrying about? get your FFL etc, and you can buy new weapons. otherwise, that $1K or $2K M-16 is gonna be over 30 years old, and cost about 15,000 dollars...reality sucks, huh ? got a buddy with his class 3, shoots Uzis in his basement range.


Well-known member
The Supreme Court makes it final and that's when I can breathe a sigh of relief. Who knows what would happen if Democrats gained a super majority in congress. Now it doesn't matter, unconstitutional gun laws will get overturned. Thank you Trump. 😊
the Supreme Court made Roe V Wade. was it final? you are like the dimwit "genius" in "Princess Bride" who kept saying "inconceivable!" until Andre the Giant tells him "that word. i do not think it means what you think it does..." :ROFLMAO:


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Wrong again^
LMAO, Comming from the q dude. You might as well use a mirror for your discussions :D.

The California State Legislature was the first to enact a red flag law allowing family members to petition state courts to remove weapons from persons deemed a threat after Elliot Rodger committed a mass shooting in Isla Vista. If your family thinks your so fucked up to do this you prob are.


Well-known member
Thank you 😊

Im not just against gun bans, im against all anti gun reform.
good thing you're just a vocal extreme minority and we have stats to prove it. there's majority support for each of these issues.



Well-known member
just because a numerical majority thinks it is a good idea does not make it so, nor does it make it morally or constitutionally correct. nor is it legally defensible in a fair court of law unlike the stacked Supreme Court we have to deal with now.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Don't be so attached to Roe V Wade. Did you listen to the guns and butter podcast featuring Barbara Honegger (We the men V We the People), yet? It makes a pretty solid argument for abortion rights under the 13th Amendment.

Just because I am for the repeal of Roe V Wade does not mean that I don't believe in a persons right to make their own decisions about their bodies.

I have a feeling in the end abortion rights will be upheld under the thirteenth amendment as is most appropriate.

Don't confuse Roe V wade with abortion rights.

St. Phatty

Active member
You know how people use "willow juice" as a clone compound ?

Are there any natural plant chemicals that have an effect like MisoProstol or the other medications that are used to End Pregnancies, i.e. to kill human fetuses ?