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Roe v Wade overturned.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
You know how people use "willow juice" as a clone compound ?

Are there any natural plant chemicals that have an effect like MisoProstol or the other medications that are used to End Pregnancies, i.e. to kill human fetuses ?
I've heard of Pennyroyal being used for that purpose.



The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Don't be so attached to Roe V Wade. Did you listen to the guns and butter podcast featuring Barbara Honegger (We the men V We the People), yet? It makes a pretty solid argument for abortion rights under the 13th Amendment.

Just because I am for the repeal of Roe V Wade does not mean that I don't believe in a persons right to make their own decisions about their bodies.

I have a feeling in the end abortion rights will be upheld under the thirteenth amendment as is most appropriate.

Don't confuse Roe V wade with abortion rights.
I actually brought your attention to this because of the religious zealots you seem to adore. (e'g' Flynn, Q)


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
I know for the last several months folks have been yelling about the upcoming Dempocolypse and how it's almost assured the GOP is going to retake both houses of Congress. And the Biden's ratings sure do support that notion. But I'm thinking now the GOP is the dog that caught the car. The more the Supreme Court attacks our rights to bodily autonomy, the more energized young people are becoming. And it's not the establishment Dems that are going to get the windfall from this, but their progressive challengers. I think Fetterman doing as well as he is, not discounting his clown of an opponent, is a sign of things to come. Sure, some corporate Dems are going to win their primary races. But an overall trending uptick in Progressives slowly taking over the DNC the same way the Tea Party hijacked the GOP.

I'd be interested to know how far Fetterman's ambition reaches...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor


Well-known member
i love that we've come full circle once again on the false comparison of pregnancy and vaccines. it's why this section ultimately sucks. nobody is changing their minds, nobody is debating. it's all conspiracies and copy pasting.

wasting bandwidth that the ICMAG Donor/Supporters who mostly don't even post in here are probably paying for.

St. Phatty

Active member
Maybe I can get an Obamacare Grant, to count up the amount of energy (not people energy - energy measured in barrels of oil, watt hours, etc.)

that the US wastes FIGHTING EACH OTHER.

What people will eventually find - you did not have that energy to waste.

Wasting energy dis-agreeing about women's health care today, means people don't get to take hot baths tomorrow. OR there's no energy to run the AC, so another 15,000 people die during the next European heat wave (like in 2003.)


Active member
Trump, Bernie , Biden...

Don't follow leaders , pay the parking meters.
They'll save us. Not. Try thinking for yourself. Doing for yourself. These are mere mortals. Lust for those in power. Fanboys.


Active member
It's interesting how all the hate is directed at Thomas when Alito was the one who wrote the opinion. And Kavanaugh was the seat that switched. These were always 5-4 cases. Thomas has had the same legal position his entire career

Ginsberg wanted to give Hillary the replacement pick instead of Obama apparently. Something about having a vagina IDK

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Sounds made up to me, but what do I know...

"On Monday three days after the Supreme Court issued its groundbreaking decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, Dr. Caitlin Bernard, an Indianapolis obstetrician-gynecologist, took a call from a colleague, a child abuse doctor in Ohio.

Hours after the Supreme Court action, the Buckeye state had outlawed any abortion after six weeks. Now this doctor had a 10-year-old patient in the office who was six weeks and three days pregnant.

Could Bernard help?

Indiana lawmakers are poised to further restrict or ban abortion in mere weeks. The Indiana General Assembly will convene in a special session July 25 when it will discuss restrictions to abortion policy along with inflation relief."


Well-known member
Yes. The second part of rape this girl must deal with is over.
the memories won't go away, nor the part where the state wanted to force her to carry a child by her rapist to term...a TEN YEAR OLD! grown women die giving birth for fucks sake...


Well-known member
Trump, Bernie , Biden...

Don't follow leaders , pay the parking meters.
They'll save us. Not. Try thinking for yourself. Doing for yourself. These are mere mortals. Lust for those in power.
Boomer who would probably vote for Hillary Clinton in 2024 says some vague ass irrelevant shit.

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